including the Palestinians who have been forced from their own land? or the Palestinians who want to return to the homeland their grandparents were expelled from?
Because God does exist, the question is all important. The fact is that God has specifically set His attention and affections upon this piece of land. Which is really why there is such turmoil always over this land. And the land does not belong to anyone but God. And He gives it to whoever He wants to. Thus He has promised and given it to Israel, and so to Israel it will go. When you deal with that land you deal with God. And Israel will never ever be driven again from that land. Lev. 25:23 "The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine: " Quantrill
Empires give and Empires take away .. The Persians gave ... the Romans took away. The idea that any of us ( suppose we are Turkish for example) could go into a country that is no longer occupied by the Turks, and claim land on the basis that .. Turks occupied this land 2000 years ago.. is just silly.
so you support the Palestinian right of return?
I support the right of Palestinians to live anywhere in Israel without any kind of prejudice towards them. If you are asking if I support Jews being kicked out of homes for them, then no I do not. Two wrongs don't make a right. I do not support though, the Zionist take of wanting to keep a "Jewish Majority" which is what scares them. I think Israel needs to come up with a constitution that guarantees the rights of Jews, Christians and Muslims, and safeguards a government for all three. Not just one. Sort of like the American constitution.
Truth is always one of TWO things Truth is either a interpretation of facts (and far more often than not, an incorrect interpretation), or it is just a stupid belief of ignorant people. The TRUTH is, Allah is god The TRUTH is Jesus is god The TRUTH is Shiva is god The TRUTH is Zeus is god The TRUTH is Baal is god The TRUTH is Jehovah is god As the above shows, even the truthful interpretation of fact is most often pure nonsense. Truth is on persons opinion, that is all.
you are wrong. there is only one important god, and that is the rainbow serpent. the rainbow serpent is definitely the oldest of Gods, and is found in australian aboriginal culture dating back over 40,000 years - which is a long time before Jahweh/God turned up 6000 years ago ... rainbow serpent paintings are found not only in Australia, but in other parts of the world as well (there are rock paintings in the US that date back thousands of years). so it is pretty clear, that without the advantages of more advanced modes of travel and modern technology s/he managed to get around and get a lot of people in very different parts of the world to believe in him/her. only a real god could do that. these other more recent ones are fakes.
I don't care. The land of Israel belongs to God. And He gave it to Israel. Jews can live anywhere they want. Israel is their homeland. Given to them by God, because it is His to give. Quantrill
not according to the map it wasn't - and that has more authority when it comes to determining historical land borders and nations than a 2000 year old religious text
Maps change. The Word of God stays the same. In 1948 maps were really outdated. The they changed again in 67. There is no end to it. Quantrill