I follow the evidence and use logic to analyze it. You follow whatever authority tells you, like the obedient slave that you are.
I've been supporting my position with facts, evidence, and logic. You haven't supported your position with anything.
You haven't put up one fact that would indicate LBJ had anything to do with the Kennedy assassination. Not one.
lol The evidence is overwhelming. Just because you're ignorant of it or in denial of it doesn't mean it isn't there.
For anyone who is interested in the truth, they should read JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. It lays out all the evidence against LBJ and his co-conspirators in a logical, detailed fashion, leaving no doubt as to the role he played in JFK's assassination.
I already did. E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed that LBJ directed Cord Meyer (a CIA agent) to have JFK assassinated. But it's not one piece of evidence that implicates LBJ. It is the totality of the evidence, when viewed as a whole, that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that LBJ was a party to the conspiracy to assassinate JFK. And the only way to get a picture of that whole is to read entire books piecing all the seemingly disparate facts and evidence together. Something which cannot be done adequately on a political forum.
LBJ was a repugnant individual, who craved his own power at any expense. If you look at the opening screen shot in this video, you can see his menacing glare as he looks at JFK. You can read a lot in a person's glare, and this was a treacherous one. Unfortunately, history will never prove what role LBJ had in it all, if any, but there are a lot of nuances and circumstances that suggest LBJ could have been one of the culprits behind it all.
That made me laugh. It started to skyrocket in 1960, then leveled off somewhat starting in 1994. https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/...ce-to-investigate-planned-parenthood-funding/
Oh look... another fan of censorship and silencing dissent. Why are you people so terrified of having this discussion out in the open? Afraid that the truth might get out and your USA NUMBER ONE religion might come into question?
I gave you exactly what you asked for, one piece of evidence indicating that LBJ had JFK assassinated. Now you're attempting to move the goalposts.
Most people believe it was Allen Dulles who had him killed. The guy was the longest serving chief of the CIA and Kennedy basically strung him out there and then fired him. Dulles, with his years as boss of the CIA, certainly had the means to do what happened and to get away with it, which he did. Robert Kennedy may have just been cover to throw anybody off of Dulles trail if they were even onto it.