Lets try again since you must have missed the post. Wow...see, when you go off script and can't just cite a link, you step in it; big time. I force you to write your garbage scenarios down. So when there is a plane crash, there are always light poles involved? Oh my goodness. All the plotters would have to say is that the plane didn't fly at a low enough angle to hit the poles so you don't have those potential loose ends of people: Planting poles on the road Planting poles on the grass off the street Damaging a cab on purpose to say it was hit with light poles (why add that into the mix...you certainly didn't need to have a damaged car ON TOP OF having poles that didn't need to be hit You said the car "maybe" was towed to the scene. So now if you don't add in the taxi (which you don't need) and don't add in the light poles (which you don't need), you don't need to add in the towing truck, the guys to unload the truck (which you don't need either). You said there "could have been" plants on the highway as well. You never quite explained why there would have to be these plants but...hell, its your fantasy. You don't need to include them either. You said that if they had reported--the plants which you wouldn't need if you didn't involve the poles, the taxi, and the tow truck which they didn't need--you wouldn't have to buy off the press either since the stories wouldn't have ever been told to start with Remember, all of the above is what you alleged to have happened. You painted yourself into the corner by saying the stuff was planted. Nobody did that to you; just you and your own hand. My question is why involve the light poles at all when you can just change the angle of the aircraft. So that was your explanation for the poles being involved, to make people think that there was a plane wreck; as if the radar tracking (which you haven't explained in your own words) wasn't enough, as if the multiple eye witnesses from twoofer sites (which you haven't explained in your own words) wasn't enough, as if the aircraft wreckage that you say was planted, get this, before or after the explosion at the Pentagon wasn't enough...now you're adding in light poles for some reason, a cab for some reason, a tow truck to take the cab there for some reason, guys to plant the poles, for some reason...okay. Before we go further, please confirm that this is where you stand; Someone fired a missile at the Pentagon, staged the light poles, the cab, and the wreckage to make us think the country was under attack and to make us think that AA77 hit the pentagon. That is your stance; is it not? I have some follow ups but I want to force you to stand by the mountain of bizarre garbage scenarios you have formulated. The above writing in red; does that accurately depict what you say happened on that day (we haven't gotten to the tracking, the witnesses and a few other zingers)? Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
Here's the link to the info about the light poles that candycorn is trying to bury. http://www.politicalforum.com/9-11/193865-disinformation-shills-35.html#post4791390
Funny how much time and energy he spends on a movement he claims is dead, has gone no where, and is going no where!
And here are the questions that Scott will not answer...the questions he raised himself...which is really odd.
It is fun to see what you guys will come up with next. It started with planted parts and DNA faking. Then it went to phantom planes, mysterious orbs, and missiles being fired during flyovers. Now we're talking about faking phone calls and knock-out gas being injected into the planes themselves. Have I left anything out? The disgusting thing is this; you're smart enough to know that I have...mini nukes and space beams. The movement is funny. Most jokes are.
So funny you can't debunk my Flight 93 thread? That one should be the EASIEST to debunk with the amount of wreckage that was supposedly buried in the Shanksville field!!!
It was debunked all seven times you've posted it. DNA proves it crashed. The witnesses prove it crashed The personal effects prove it crashed The radar tracking prove it crashed We went over this in May I think. Somehow, you just keep bringing it up. It is amusing.
Don't need to. Anyone who reads the drivel you posted can see the magnitude of the crap in your claims. I already posted what was wrong with your post. Instead of addressing the errors, you ran away like a little girl. Now run along and play in traffic while the adults discuss the real issues.
Flight 93 is very easy to debunk when it comes to truthtard claims. Their claims are completely based on bull(*)(*)(*)(*) opinions while not one thing they present actually refutes what happened at Shanksville. Who are we to believe? Proven liars or the people who were actually there?
Well debunk away!... http://www.politicalforum.com/9-11/...ly-lacking-flight-93-mostly-buried-claim.html
Its been all debunked before. You've brought nothing new to the table and have zero evidence to back up your bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
Funny how all the deniers act as if conspiracy is a unheard of phenomenon. Ever hear of Rome, Spain, or Mussolini? JFK? The October Suprise? Watergate? False terror as a political reality in todays America can be found on numerous websites, some of the are former soldiers. So labelling everyone crackpots who study beneath the surface of such events has become the blatant tactic of the shill and the oppressor, much more obvous than the more common practice of the corp. media of the 1%, (and the govmnt), which is, denial by ommision of fact and detail. Two examples: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/12/clinton-turns-to-naked-corporate.html http://willylomanwordpress.com/category/fake-war-on-terror/
I see you have discovered that as well. whats really hysterical is there are some shills who actually still defend the fairy tale that oswald killed kennedy even though the house select committee on assassinations in the 70's by congress which was a much more SERIOUS investigation,concluded that the warren commissionwas wrong,that his death was the result of a probable conspiracy.
'His death was the result of a probable conspiracy', and troofers wonder why we think they're full of it....
Have you skimmed this "Which Path to Persia?" war planning paper by the CFR and Brookings from 2009? Its absolutely evil and mirrors the U.S. Obama war in Syria exactly. It describes involving Israel, creating pre-texts, sanctions, airstrikes, (allowing "Bibi" to bomb alone) funding/fomenting terror, its ******m outrageous ...and also "Supporting An Insurgency". As well as a bunch of NeoCons still making war under Obama, NeoCons fund the opposition groups like in Syria, Libya wars, Obama is a "Liberal" and "democratic " in name only! Notice the CFR connected types all play a role in the war plan ... "Which Path to Persia?" "The Brookings Institution itself is a creation of the notorious globalist funding arms including the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation, all who recently had been involved in the fake "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy. Today, Brookings boasts a full complement of support and funding from America's biggest corporations. Upon the Brookings Institution's board of trustees one will find a collection of corporate leaders from Goldman Sachs, the Carlyle Group, the insurance industry, Pepsi (CFR), Alcoa (CFR), and various CFR affiliated consulting firms like McKinsey & Company." http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/02/brookings-which-path-to-persia.html "NED & Freedom House are run by Warmongering Imperialists " http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/ned-freedom-house-are-run-by.html MEANWHILE - FOUNDATION FUNDED PHONY "PROGRESSIVES" DEMOCRACY NOW STILL PROVIDE LEFT COVER FOR OBAMA, HILLARY, BERNIE SANDERS AND THE CIA WHILE THE MASS SYRIA AND LIBYA CASUALTIES MOUNT (THEY PREFER TO TALK ABOUT THE BOGUS GLOBAL WARMING DEBATE, 'SOCIAL ISSUES' - KEYSTONE PIPELINE, AND LGBT, OR HAVE ON U.S. GOVMNT CONNECTED TYPES LIKE JUAN COLE WHITEWASH FOREIGN POLICY OBAMA WAR CRIMES ALTOGETHER LIKE RADIO HOST SAM SEDER HAD JUAN COLE ON, OR THE DIM BULB ABBY MARTIN HAD NOAM CHOMSKY AND RALPH NADER ON TO COVER UP OBAMA AND HILLARYS SUPPORT OF AL NUSRA AND ISIS FOR THE LEFT GATE KEEPERS HERDING THEIR AUDIENCE OF SHEEPLE! some worthwhile reads: Pacifica Radio Gatekeepers Sponsored by Ford (CIA) Foundation http://educate-yourself.org/cn/fordfoundationciaandgatekeepers11oct05.shtml Meet Professor Juan Cole, Consultant to the CIA http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/08/30/meet-professor-juan-cole-consultant-to-the-cia/ The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/2014/01/20/the-gatekeepers-of-the-so-called-left/ Ford Foundation, The CIA and U.S. Establishment Conspiracy--Conclusion http://wherechangeobama.blogspot.com/2012/08/ford-foundation-cia-and-us_1971.html The Left Gatekeepers Phenomenon http://911review.com/denial/gatekeepers.html Regulated Resistance: Part 2, by Charles Shaw http://www.williambowles.info/media/2005/gatekeepers.html
Many protest groups and activists are and can be co-opted or even supported by financiers from the top-down ruling class network of spies, foundations, law firms and millionaire / billionaire class with connections from the top-down of political machinery billionaire corporate class or big oil / big defense contractor industry stock portfolio financed foundation machinery funds ... (you know - the 1% Occupy Wall Street is supposedly fighting) Author John Perkins - a former CIA agent who wrote the 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' book (promoted heavily by Democracy Now who is funded by CIAs Ford Foundation and Soros/Tides funded Pacifca Radio and dozens of other 'progressive' groups Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, Doctors and Reporters Without Borders groups paid to lie for the war machine by printing false Syria 'Assad is a Butcher of his Own People' themed fabrications, and are paid to promote the 'regime change' war on Syria news articles and TV news reports for the oil industry bribing the Dems/GOP) is a supposed expose on CIA methods of starting Central and South American coup attempts in the 1970's and economically destabilizing foreign govmnts - John Perkins confessed he accepted $500,000 in a bribe by the agency to delay his books release, but took the money, but then released the book anyways, years later. Perkins is a highly unethical, co-opted author and reporter like Amy Goodman. https://damijan.org/2012/12/29/john-perkins-izpoved-ekonomskega-morilca/ By contrast 'activist' Glenn Greenwald practised 'checkbook journalism' according to Sibel Edmonds for accepting millions in book/film profits for access to Ed Snowdens flash drive of NSA documents. Sibel accurately stated how Greenwald 'spoon-fed' little by little the worlds MSM for maximum exposure and profit for essentially hyped but worthless data. Could Ed Snowden and Wikileaks be doing the same modus operandi? Where did Julian Assange - like Snowden - get money for expensive hotels, lawyers, PR firms, and travel? How do they eat, do banking, use credit cards, virtually undetected while supposedly being 'on the run' from law enforcement authorities? Again - here is a fifth so called astroturf 'activist' or 'group' - (like Amy Goodman, Greenwald, Snowden, Perkins, Assange) -a strucural analysis of BLM- "He continues on and notes that the Justice Together board has no Black scholars or activists who had dedicated their lives to racial justice before BLM and that there is no representation from young, ground-level, militant Black Lives Matter activists like Tef Poe, Ashley Yates and Tory Russell or from victims of police brutality or their families. Apart from Benjamin Crump, a lawyer known for high visibility pro bono cases with civil rights implications, and the celebrities on the board, he notes that the rest of the boards orientation is toward Silicon Valley and neoliberal volunteerism, pointing out the specific people on the board working for organizations ranging from the Rockefeller Foundation and Humint to REVOLT Media & TV." https://bhermannview.wordpress.com/...left-and-the-co-option-of-black-lives-matter/
Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? By Paul Craig Roberts Excerpts... Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11? If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge. The term "conspiracy theory" was invented and put into public discourse by the CIA in 1964 in order to discredit the many skeptics who challenged the Warren Commission's conclusion that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald, who himself was assassinated while in police custody before he could be questioned. The CIA used its friends in the media to launch a campaign to make suspicion of the Warren Commission report a target of ridicule and hostility. This campaign was "one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time." ... The success that the CIA has had in stigmatizing skepticism of government explanations has made it difficult to investigate State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) such as 9/11. With the public mind programmed to ridicule "conspiracy kooks," even in the case of suspicious events such as 9/11, the government can destroy evidence, ignore prescribed procedures, delay an investigation, and then form a political committee to put its imprimatur on the official story. Professor deHaven-Smith notes that in such events as Kennedy's assassination and 9/11, official police and prosecutorial investigations are never employed. The event is handed off to a political commission. Professor deHaven-Smith's book supports what I have told my readers: the government controls the story from the beginning by having the official explanation ready the moment a SCAD occurs. This makes any other explanation a "conspiracy theory." http://www.opednews.com/articles/Ar...ing_CIA_Conspiracy_Propaganda-160831-915.html Any of this sound familiar? If not just read through some of the many posts in this section of the forum and you can easily pick out who is and who isn't a "Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge".
The same tired falsehoods as ever. The CIA did not invent the term conspiracy theory at all it was in use as a common term long before JFK. There was never any evidence of such a campaign to make suspicion or questions about the WC look ridiculous either. These claims have been around for a while and have never been supported by evidence. Which is the common failing of all conspiracy theorists in that they have NO evidence. You are of course the perfect example it is irrefutable absolute fact that you have never posted a single fact supported by any evidence what so ever. All of your posts are absolute opinion and assertions without evidence and that has been proven and you know it. This is much like the left wings never ending use of PC: if one disagrees label them misogynist, islamophobic, homophobic or racist or whatever. Your mind set is the same. When someone disagrees of questions you or worse yet proves you wrong with facts you retreat to labeling them as a paid government shill or brainwashed paid plant. This is absolute intellectual cowardice and weakness as your arguments have no merit so all you can do is attack those who are proving your argument wrong. Many conspiracy theorists do this on this very forum. 911wasaninsidejob, scott, 7forever and many others have been crushed decimated and destroyed by evidence and can only retreat to " paid shill " " paid shill " " paid shill ". You are now doing the same thing because you have never been able to offer a speck of evidence for any of your claims. Sorry but your effort is a proven failure
Thanks for proving Professor deHaven-Smith's point so perfectly. But then again, the above is just one example, this forum is littered with many of your examples.
I should have added that you proved deHaven-Smith's point regardless that you didn't even understand it.