Makedde claimed it wouldn't be accepted over in your country. That was a bald faced lie. Our discrimination ended much sooner than yours. Deal with it Aussie. I want to see the racial breakdown of those figures.
You want the information, go look for it. Did you always get someone to do your homework? Actually it's 26.8% of the population is born overseas, but 27% (from memory is near enough). Chinese community is the third largest, Indian is the fourth and Vietnamese is the fifth largest community. Look it up,, you may educate yourself.
Your homework. I'm not here taking assignments from the likes of you. You made the claim you do the work. Calling a smattering of Chinese a community doesn't make them one. ditto Indians, ditto Vietnamese. Educate yourself. I already have.
If white American Christians were doing what the radical Muslims are doing world wide, and if the White Christians could be ID’ed by looking at them, I would agree with racial profiling. However the profiling would be severely limited. No physical intrusion, no violating civil rights etc. In other-words Muslims etc could only be watched more closely and watched legally and covertly at that. reva
If your biggest wish is to be considered a globally sensitive person as you sit in seat 27A on a flight headed vertically then I can see your point. If you believe that 'racial profiling' is a contrived buzz word used to confuse a simple issue then I agree with you.
Thank you Captain Obvious, your astonishing insight on the extremely evident never ceases to amaze me. Yes, the person who made the poll should have said middle eastern people or Arabs instead of the word Muslim, but im sure people understand what he meant.
A racial profiling of Muslims, I support this idea, it is better if dumb and stupid TSA put down Muslims instead of other passengers. Thanks this idiots I stayed in Atlanta last time two hours longer as necessary..
Not racial profiling but religious nut profiling. They should have people walking around with samples of bacon and other foods that Muslims will go to hell if they eat, just in case they are vegetarians who are awful awful people in and of themselves but aren't blowing (*)(*)(*)(*) up all over the place, they should have some non meat foods passed around as well. If anyone refuses the delicious samples then immediately hold them for questioning. Strip and full cavity body searches by homosexuals so that they will still go to hell for having gay relations because they didn't eat the food. Even if they technically aren't having sex having a gay guy fondle your balls and spreading your ass cheeks to see up your butthole comes close enough. If they claim to be Jewish (they can't eat certain foods either) then simply give them a test by having them look over someones tax returns that has a known error in it. If they spot the error then they are telling the truth. To test for the Timothy McVeigh types simply have some friendly black FBI agents or at least people dressed like them walking around cracking jokes about Waco and how they played field hockey with McVeigh's head and ping pong with his balls after he was executed. If anyone appears to be annoyed by the friendly black agents making fun of Waco, Oklahoma or Ruby Ridge then have them scrutinized as well. Anyone who is a ginger should automatically taken in for extra question unless it is Amy Pond........she is hot so we can trust her.
Wow. 39 people (as of this posting) think Islam is a race? Really? But I'll play along and point out that since so many people can't seem to tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs, how will they know who to profile? Are religions put on passports? I'm only asking because I've never had a passport so I don't know.
No, I do not believe in racially profiling Muslims at airports. The reason is because not all Arabs are Muslim. There are quite a few Christians who are Arab.
pretty sick imo...i think the problem is that cons just dont get what racism is, they really dont know why it is racist to do this..the only way to solve this issue is discourse i think, but being a member of this forum and knowing of the concervatives ignorance towards arguments, i suspect that´ll be a big hill to climb
not an issue of race. People (or in this case, mainly conservatives) appear okay with everyone else being thought a criminal, until they themselves are made the target... one member (here, in this thread) even saying "it's just unfortunate that the innocent ones have to go through this" lol. Shame.
Exactly and this right here is the problem, discriminating against certain groups of people only makes things much much worse. Being openly racist against Arabs as you just blatantly admitted is only going to give them more good reasons to blow us up on top of the hundreds of logical reasons they already have. How the hell do we have the moral high ground now to tell them not to discriminate against their women now that we are discriminating against their entire race? Seriously what the (*)(*)(*)(*)? If we are going to be the only Empire left in the world we better get our (*)(*)(*)(*) together and stop pissing everyone off or this Empire will not last very long at all. So tell me, is targeting a organization for taxes that is named after a tax revolt logical profiling? Of course it is, so why than is that unacceptable? Its obviously because the Tea Party is white, and discrimination against white people is unacceptable but discrimination against anyone other than white males is entirely fine. Oh and dont get me wrong, im extremely Anti-theist and I hate religion, but im not willing to discriminate against Arabs over that I would rather try to be nice and show them our secular culture in hopes that they join and leave religious dogma behind.
Yes just like the conservative I quoted im sure he was all pissed off about the Tea Party, a organization named after a tax revolt, when they were targeted by the IRS for taxes. That is clear cut logical profiling, but since the Tea Party is full of white people that type of profiling is totally unacceptable and Obama is racist for doing it (even though he didnt do it personally they still blame him), but when the Tea Party discriminates against Muslims and even "B. Hussein" for being a "Muslim" when he really isnt its completely fine.
Racially no. Thats just silly. But if some guy is walking around in traditional Muslim garb or is carrying a Khoran you bet I am keeping an eye on him. There is also a difference between a Muslim who was born or naturalized in the US compared to some inbred goat (*)(*)(*)(*)er over in Afghanistan who wipes his ass with his left hand and beat his wife and kids with his other hand.
So I was desperately looking for that last ride at the end of the day. There were no cabs at the entrance to the Miracle Mile shops at Planet Hollywood, so I zoomed in. This thin and kinda' small guy is coming down the stairs, and heads straight for me. I got us through the worst traffic snarls, and settled down to looking him over. He had that fine chiseled appearance of the mid Eastern man, with the well tended facial hair and a bit of a sophisticated bearing. I took a little chance, and said "Uh-oh! A scary looking middle Eastern guy". He took it the right way. Laughing a little, he asked me why I said "scary looking". I explained a little bit to him about the Western media profiling that we're exposed to in America. He listened with interest. I asked him where he was from. He said "Kuwait". I asked him what he does there. He's a cop. Ha ha ha.
Since the T.S.A. is screening potential flyers before they even arrive at the airport, if a red flag, like, say, Islam being your religion: extra scrutiny is needed.