Do you deny the existence of women? You may say now: "Why should I deny the existence of women? I am a woman myself!" Or: "I am married to a woman - why should I deny her existence?" But things are not so easy as all that, at least not in Germany and in France. Time was when one could say: "Teachers and students". In German: "Lehrer und Studenten." But if you say so now, you "deny the existence of women" - as the saying goes. You must always use the double form: "Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Studentinnen und Studenten, etc etc etc". = "Female teachers and male teachers, female students and male students etc etc etc". And there is no end to it. So - what do you do? Do you alway use the double forms, so as not to deny the existence of women? Or do you use the simple form, because any child knows, that there are two sorts of humans, or even more?
By rights you should always use this form: " "Female teachers and male teachers and non-binary teachers, female students and male students and non-binary students etc etc etc". And there is no end to it.
Life is full of strange things. Maybe satire is just a bit too difficult for you. No sense of humour. A pity. Over.
It's hard enough living in a world of male and female pronouns let's not parse nouns and adjectives as well.
Maybe us English speakers are getting a break to just being badgered about pronouns. Gendered words like "actor" and "actress" have already been purged from the lexicon, so if you refer to a female actress these days, you would call her an "actor."
That's one of the reasons I like playing English we don't have this weird feminine masculine components. What I understand you did until all of the English royalty or French and spoke French and so English became the language of the commoners, and they had no use for that
Where's the answer no? You have something that has ovaries, produces eggs, has babies, crashes cars and make sandwiches. You have the opposite that produces sperm, drives well, can comprehend complicated things, and falls asleep after ejaculation. The former is female and the latter male.
If someone is a woman, nature gave them ovaries, a womb, breasts for milk, and a pelvis shape for child bearing. Then once they start periods, they then start visiting the doctor for routine cervical cancer screening tests. Nature gave the opposite testicles, a different bone and muscle structure, and testosterone. If anyone's brain is unsure what's going on, look in their underwear. Also, once archeologists dig their bones up, they can confirm if that person was male or female, archeology can't determine mental illnesses.