I'd like to introduce this very recent summary of finding regarding WTC7 by a group of physicists, chemists, engineers, commercial pilots, and lawyers who concluded WTC7 was indeed demolished intentionally. Some of the 'funny business' going on between NIST and their claims of not recovering any steel from WTC7 (despite photographs of a NIST investigator pointing out what they say they didn't recover). The link here: http://www.911truth.org/press-relea...e-witness-testimonies-architectural-drawings/ Then, an excerpt from the article: The first Panel study deals with the NIST computer simulations, which purported to show that fire-induced thermal expansion caused a girder to be pushed off its seat at Column 79, thereby initiating a global collapse of the entire 47-storey building at 5:21 in the afternoon. However, a recent FOIA request has produced WTC 7 architectural drawings showing that the NIST simulations omitted basic structural supports that would have made this girder failure impossible. Does anyone think it's a bit strange that NIST chose to completely omit parts of the building's structure in their supposed 'simulations'? I certainly. do. Further, the point raised here multiple times concerning comments ranging from 'everybody knew' WTC7 was going to fall, to 'nobody knew' seem to be confirmed here as well. It appears indeed that 'everybody knew', and, in my opinion, and the opinions of many other professionals (far more qualified than me) seem to think so as well, that this indicates foreknowledge of the building's upcoming controlled demolition. How does anybody still believe that (at the very least) WTC7 WASN'T some sort of controlled demolition, when there were obvious signs that it was, and obvious funny business going on with NIST? How anyone can keep defending the Kean commission's version and endorse it as some kind of redemption FOR the legitimacy of this whole sham is beyond me. Thoughts please.
commercial pilots, lawyers, and a nuclear physicist???? wtf do they know about building demolitions????????????
These guys are nothing to sneeze at. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=architects+and+engineers+for+911+truth More here. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=348380&p=1063729867#post1063729867
commercial pilots, lawyers, and cold-fusion physicists don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about building demolitions. what's next, Foot Surgeons for 9-11 Truth???
Just trying to expose the fact that the attack of 9/11/2001 was not as advertised by the mainstream media. It was an excuse to go to war in the middle east, and other things that directly benefit the military industrial complex.
and with that you provide your own excuse for not recognizing criminal corruption within the very institutions that are supposed to be working for US, that is the voters & taxpayers, but instead work exclusively for the very factions that would seek to oppress US.
Tried to delete the thread due to the misspelling. I figured the mods would take care of it. I guess they didn't. More ridicule, is the only response though, huh? How very predictable. It appears that there's much more going on here than an honest exchange of information. No comments on the actual pertinent points though, I presume?
Some people spend too much time complaining about "trolling", but can't be bothered to answer the questions they were asked. I too would like to see Stndown's analysis and calculations.
So much weight is placed on the "calculations" when in fact the NIST when describing the fall of WTC7 mentions the 2.25 sec of free fall acceleration, however provides so little data as to how it happened and the infamous column 79 data isn't even reliable, the description of how column 79 was connected to the structure was falsified in the NIST report. you can have your voluminous pages of numbers, I'll take common sense any time.
One does not need any special education to see the FRAUD that is involved in the official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001