Note that in the Emperor's new Clothes it was a kid, without any special claim to any station in life, who was the one pointing out the lack of clothes. all of the people who had a professional position to protect, were singing praises to a "tailor" who was actually a crook. Danger Will Robinson Danger ............ Doctor Smith is actually a priest!
I ask you for documentation of the PhD holder's findings. You whine to the mods that I'm trolling and then give an account from a fiction story. You have no evidence, do you?
There are all sorts of judgements to be made about what constitutes evidence, and when I see comments published on a forum such as this that allege there is NO evidence what-so-ever to support the 9/11 was an inside job position, well then, that is that, for people who are really truth-seekers, there is an abundance of INFORMATION, and for people who really don't want to know ...... well they can have it their way, but that doesn't have to impose upon the rest of the world. The TRUTH will set you free .......
The story "Emperor's new Clothes" is an illustration of the human nature aspect of this issue. the fact is that its a matter of psychological warfare, the war going on is truly one of attempts to win the hearts & minds of the people. and its positively satanic that one side is attempting to win hearts & minds using lies.
More incredulity, fiction stories and veiled insults. 'Satanic'? Really? How about some support or citation for your claims?
I have already made my citations ( etc .... ) and its just one of those things ..... if you really can not accept real evidence when its presented ..... so be it. I tried .......
You provided no citations, proof, evidence, math, physics or anything, save incredulity. If you consider that 'trying', if that's the best you can do ....
I have brought real facts such as the 2.25 sec of free fall acceleration by WTC7 and you attempt to make it go away, but it will not this is a fact and if you can not accept it as fact, that is YOUR business.
You claimed it, but you didn't provide evidence for it. (Making a claim is not evidence of the claim.)
we have been over this, everybody knows were the official citations of the 2.25 sec of free fall are both on the AE911truth side and the NIST side there are adequate references on both sides of the issue, the fact that the NIST and AE911TRUTH agree upon this point should make it rock solid as a bit of evidence, but there is no satisfying some people. oh well ......
We've been completely over this: the FFA was an average, and it was not for the entire building. No proof of CD, still. Oh, well.
So, with the North & West faces of the building descending as was documented on Video, you see nothing even the slightest bit suspicious about that?
This is equivalent to asking for "math" to prove that an orange is indeed the color orange..... There are some things that are so obvious......
No, you're wrong. Outside appearances can be deceiving. Ignoring science will not make it go away. Speaking of which: Oranges only turn orange when exposed to cold. In warmer climates, oranges are green.
Lets put this a different way if you were shown video of an accident where a train struck a car stalled on the tracks and the car was reduced to tiny little bits, nothing bigger than a golf ball, and you wouldn't question how did that happen, or would you simply accept the explanation on the "news" about how the car was struck by a speeding train?
I don't get my information form the news. In the case of the physics and engineering questions I had regarding 9/11, I personally sought out experts in physics and engineering.
and so experts do your thinking for you....... The problem here is that there are experts in their fields Jeff King, the late Dr. Bowman, David Ray Griffin .... (etc ... ) who will tell you that 9/11/2001 must have been an inside job. however, its simply your choice of experts that you choose that makes a difference here. My bit on the subject is that on the very day it happened, looking at the news coverage of the twin towers "collapsing" I KNEW that there was something VERY wrong with this picture. Like with the analogy with the destroyed car having been hit by a train, people all have some sort of limit to what they will simply buy, or not and that is the crux of the argument. what does Joe average citizen believe is plausible or even possible? & for that matter, what can TV sell you as the idea that is allegedly the TRUTH when in fact the TV is selling FRAUD.
Yes it was as covered by the media even if it was exploited to justify a war. That fact is no one especially the self proclaimed experts on this website has evern proven or confirmed that it was controlled demoltion. In fact you have consistently ran from evaded and avoided providing any evidence at all
Here is how it has gone: I present EVIDENCE such as the 2.25 sec of free fall acceleration of WTC7 and the opposition sez "That isn't EVIDENCE!" and away we go........ The fact that the opposition insists that there is NO evidence at all that points to controlled demolition speaks volumes, the problem is that in the case of any topic that is being debated, there are bits of evidence that point all sorts of directions, the alleged total absence of divergent evidence in this case is an anomaly.
There is no evidence of controlled demolition either in bits or in bulk. You have never presented evidence of any kind including the claim that WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration because IT DID NOT. You have been proven false and debunked everytime you made that claim. You cited the 911 and NIST report yet they absolutely and conclusively do not say what you claim they said GET IT? You have nothign except your uninformed and uneducated opinion.
wow, there is NO evidence at all ........... really now? Think about that for a moment, in a multitude of cases the evidence doesn't ONLY point to one conclusion, there is all sorts of evidence pointing all sorts of directions, however in the case of 9/11/2001, the claim is being made that there is NO evidence pointing to any sort of inside job. isn't that special!