This post asks for speculation as to the motives & intentions of the perpetrators. NO CAN DO, I have no crystal ball!
All you've done here is speculate, including your disgusting speculations about the FDNY being 'in on it'.
Did you even read the quotes? That's not what they reported. There was no "consulting with the experts". The fire chiefs themselves stated that they personally surveyed the damage and collectively made a unanimous decision. Take another look: FDNY Officers' Testimonies to the Condition of WTC7 on 9/11
So you would rather trade hard facts about how WTC1, 2 & 7 "collapsed" for incredulity about how many people were involved. I for one, refuse to speculate about exactly how many people were involved. You can have whatever incredulity & speculation you want, the hard facts about how WTC1, 2 & 7 were destroyed speak volumes.
Indeed. They were destroyed by terrorists flying aircraft into them. The facts and evidence bear this out.
So flying an airliner into a building is a guaranteed certainty of TOTAL COLLAPSE? and what then happened in the case of WTC7 ?
I wouldn't say it was guaranteed, because the Pentagon didn't totally collapse after having an aircraft flown into it. WTC7 was hit by debris from a collapsing tower and experienced structural failure due to fire.
and that structural failure caused the result as observed? 2.25 sec of free fall, is real and it can not be made to go away. The fact is that WTC7 fell exactly like a controlled demolition and if it walks like a duck, has feathers like a duck ... etc ... ya, know, its probably a duck!
No, it was a building under collapse, not a duck. Free fall is not falling only under the effect of gravity. It is something moving toward the center of the earth at the acceleration that it would if freely falling. There can be other forces - as long as they are cancelled out, e.g. working in opposite directions. Something can be pushing from above, and something pushing from below. If they cancel, at a particular point in time, then the only effective force is that of gravity. Read again what I said, and think it through. The broken bottom of the exterior is still trying to hold it up while it collapses, only it can't because it has broken. The inside of the building is pulling down on the exterior. When these two forces are in balance, all that is left is the force of gravity on the exterior - for that particular moment! This is a dynamic situation, and parts are breaking at the bottom and along the inside. So the acceleration changes constantly, the forces are never in balance for more than a moment. You can see this on the acceleration graph. Here is one from FEMR2:
OK, I'll byte .... who is "FEMR2" and did he/she or it manufacture the graph from raw material that everybody has access to, or is there a special stash of data someplace that yields this sort of thing? Nice bunch of squiggly lines, and now you are going to interpret the meaning of said lines to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that WTC7 was not a controlled demolition. oh my!
Then why does the industry leading trade mag say is was nothing like a controlled demolition? Are they in on it too?
There is a difference between going along to get along, or being "in on it" .... the whole fiasco = psychological warfare!
The demolition industry, like the Fire Dept., like law enforcement, like the news media, like NIST, like Purdue University, and like all research physicists, and like the major airlines, and like Air Traffic Control, and like eyewitnesses, photographers and videographers on the streets of NYC, work similar to the military, they have a chain of command and the lower ranks simply do as they are told. The fact is that someplace in the upper command levels they all had somebody who was in on the fraud and gave orders for others to follow, and the others did indeed follow orders and it went down like we all saw on the "NEWS".
So, you claim ImplosionWorld has ignorned evidence or been dishonest to cover up? You're simply laughable.
you simply do not understand the nature of the psychological warfare that is going on. & YES, AMERICA is under attack, and TV is one of the weapons used in this war.
ImplosionWorld isn't on TV. It's the world's leading periodical for the Controlled Demolition industry.
and with that, you demonstrate that you still do not get it. thank you very much. I tell you that nothing that any of the "experts" publishes can contradict the fact that the "collapse" of WTC1, 2 & 7 constitute unnatural acts. View the "collapse" of WTC7 and ask yourself if this is a "natural" gravity induced collapse in response to FIRE, & chaotic damage? do you have eyes to see? THINK .............. B 4 it becomes ILLEGAL!
It didn't happen naturally. The buildings were attacked by terrorists. You have yet to cite any evidence contradicting the experts.
That's it? That's all the data you can supply to support your claim that it was NOT fire, plane impacts, and gravity? Because it LOOKS like it couldn't have happened that way?
Math and physics would explain why and how the damage was done. What I think happened, and what really happened are two different things.
Do you even know what you posted? Experts? David Ray Griffin? He's not an expert in any matter relating to the events of 9/11. Did you hear that? It was your credibility flying out the window.
...and with that, you demonstrate vacuousness of your argument. A factless appeal to some unseen conspiracy. Thanks for playing.
David Ray Griffin can be cited as an expert in the field of logic & reason. therefore it is completely valid to include him in the list of people who KNOW that 9/11/2001 was a false flag attack. and as for any alleged "credibility" Please note that I do NOT need you to validate what I know. Have a nice day : )