It's only offensive if it dictates different attire to that which men are allowed to wear. If skirts are compulsory, then men should also wear them. Rules based on genitalia is absurd, and belongs in the 19thC.
You know most men with attitudes like that are the ones who try to blame women for being raped Yes Trump IS a sleaze And this might be a newsflash but women do not like being "grabbed by the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)"
Ha Ha!! There is no proof of anything like that. Hey, women talk nasty to each other all the time and worse than that. My guess is that he got offered a lot of (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).
Really - have you EVER heard a woman talk of "grabbing a man by his tackle"? Could you imagine any of the female world leaders saying that? Theresa May? Angela Merckel? Even Julia Gillard - who was not afraid of speaking bluntly to men - would never have said that Men who defend Trumps appalling remarks are often also apologists for rape justifying it on "she asked for it"
It's not about standard of 'neatness' or professionalism, it's about dictating what people wear based on genitalia. If a man is expected to turn up to his law chambers in suit and tie, then a woman should be expected (or able) to do the same. If women are expected to wear dresses, then men should also be expected to wear dresses. This isn't the real world, it's the world of obligations in exchange for money - and in that context, no business or organisation has the legal right to demand specific items of clothing based on gender. At least not where I live.
Once again, it's not about appearing professional, it's about different dress rules for men and women. It's not 1950, FFS.
Not with old men, they don't. The only women who GENUINELY want sex with men his age, are women his age. All others are prostituting themselves in exchange for .... well, it's obvious innit.
OMG Defending an item I have not proposed. I would only when clearly invited. But for me, I think such things are gone.
I am not clear why you said that. I believe Trump wants both sexes to dress as professionals. Imagine the fall out were the young girls dressed like tarts?
He didnt mention men. He singled out women and singling out based on genitalia is absurd. It belongs in the 19thC, though its effectiveness as a dog whistle seems undiminished cause here we all are.
I've had them DO it.... How do you know they haven't said worse? Gillard is unmarried, has no children and exhibits the classic signs of being an androphobe. Come on now...That's hysterical.
There are SOME women out there who will at least tolerate such treatment from a RICH guy. That is the bottom line. If you were to be honest, you could easily see that is what he was talking about.
Again, I don't see how this thread fits into the "humor" section of the forum. You liberals have a terrible sense of humor. How sad is that? A
Yes and they are usually paid by the hour. There are also some women who are into S&M - does that mean it is OK for a man to beat any woman he meets??? - - - Updated - - - It's OK not everyone has a refined sense of humour!!!
Don't be such a sexist judging all women the same, just because of the few. Every woman I met at the wine bar in Perth preferred being grabbed by the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*). Some even demanded you grab them by the (^)(^)(^)(^)(^) ..... and that took some getting used to, I can tell you!
Taking your cue on truthfulness from the Orange Groper I see. Unless you were in a brothel you would have been charged with sexual assault here in Australia and mate - I would be bloody careful about coming back because our cops do NOT tolerate this behaviour .Indecent Assault In Western Australia, it is an offence to indecently assault another person. An indecent assault does not necessarily need to be sexually motivated, but must be inherently indecent. This type of offence may be dealt with by either the Magistrates’ Court or the District Court. If the case is heard by the District Court, the maximum penalty for this type of offence is 5 years imprisonment. However, this sentence may be raised to 7 years imprisonment if the offender is armed with a weapon, is in the company of one or more persons, causes any person harm, threatens to kill the victim, or does anything which is likely to degrade or humiliate the victim. If the case is heard in the Magistrates’ Court, the maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment and a fine of $24,000. Read more: Assault Charges in Western Australia, Link:
Correction - liberals have no sense of humour. They're always too busy looking for something to be outraged about.