You're not listening, are you. You don't know what 'preferred', 'required' and 'demand' mean? I'll give you a clue - none of them come under the heading of "assault", neither 'Indecent' or otherwise. There is no law in WA that states two consenting adults cannot grab one another in any way they please, and if I want to have a grab in the back of ute it's my business. The only cop that's going to try to make anything of it is a butch lingo.
Not since I was in Phnom Penh last. The price of a glass of plonk. No need. Black swans are clean. It's the ones from round Brisbane you've got to watch out for. Wretched filth slithering across the beach in anal floss.
Yes your attitude to women is evident - and I a constrained with how to describe it and still stay within the rules of the forum
Well, when you are in Trumps presence that is exactly what he might ask you to do! - - - Updated - - - Does the fact that women want freedom to wear what they like threaten some people???
It could backfire on women! I mean, no man will want a woman who dresses like a trucker, they'll only go for women who dress like women.. For example I briefly dated a Barbara even though she always dressed oldfashioned and wore horrible flat shoes, so I bought her a pair of stylish high heels but she refused pointblank to wear them! So for the rest of the evening I never spoke to her and sat reading a book, and she eventually said "I suppose I'd better be getting off home now", so I walked her to her bus in complete silence and saw her off and good riddance.. Pity because I was planning to get her a Wonder Woman outfit to wear but I don't think that'd have gone down at all well..
Amazing isn't it? Women have no problem buying clothes for men and making them wear them but try to do that with some women and you get the 'cold shoulder.' You see as men, we are supposed to be so obsessed with their (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) we don't care that they wear rags and don't shave their legs.
Just as I do not care if some men do not bathe and smell like a week dead snake - I simply do not associate with them However, unlike many "yeah Don's a great guy 'cos he can grope what he likes" people on this forum I do not insist that everyone holds to some imaginary standard
Donald never groped anyone he said they let him do it. I believe it too. I have had women do similar things. Stop claiming all women are pure. Believe me they can be dirty little tramps. Just ask Hillary.
Firstly that is not what he said - he did NOT say he asked before he "grabbed them by the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)" and THAT makes it sexual assault The dream many have
I do not place much stock in uncorroborated claims. I say this as a man who has a very negative view of Trump yet I will not allow my disdain for the man to lessen my objectivity.
No...he said..."And when you’re a star, they let you do it" .......There is absolutely no proof that he assaulted anyone.
The story was really more about the social media response with women celebrating thier femininity whilst still doing what is often considered "men's jobs" and inevitably having to NOT "dress like a woman" whilst doing those jobs. We have come a long way from the 1950's
No the actual quote was .“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*). You can do anything.” Plus there are numerous lawsuits alleging he assaulted women - most of which he has threatened with counter suing a form of intimidation I cannot see how anyone can defend that
This thread is confusing. Are we supposed to be mad about offhand remarks made 12 years ago or a recent white house dress code statement? Seems the goalposts keep moving on this silly topic.
Oh wait, we're supposed to be upset with Trump because he's never been convicted of a sexual assault??? So confusing. Maybe the author could clarify?
You know that a lot of men do not get convicted of sexual assault and Trump has a history of legal bullying with anyone who has tried to take him to court
Women should dress like women and men should dress like men. Of course. I don't see the controversy in this.