Even Leftists at The Nation Magazine: 'The Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion' By P.J. Gladnick June 14, 2018 No wonder the public image of Special Counsel Robert Mueller has hit an all-time low. People have noticed that after a year of intense investigation and indictments unrelated to his mission, Mueller has found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. And it isn't only supporters of President Donald Trump who have noticed this lack of collusion evidence. Even the leftist Nation magazine has made this observation. Aaron Maté of that periodical wrote on June 13 that The Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion: https://www.thenation.com/article/mueller-indictments-still-dont-add-collusion/ ~Snip~ Finally, Maté issues this damning conclusion: The evidence to date casts doubt on the merits of this national preoccupation, and with it, the judgment of the intelligence, political, and media figures who have elevated it to such prominence. Source: https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/n...-mueller-indictments-still-dont-add-collusion ~~~~~~ Actually it does add up to collusion and criminal conspiracy at this point. Conspiracy between the DNI, CIA, DoJ, FBI, and the Obama administration to undermine an election and attempt to unseat a duly elected president. It couldn’t be clearer. 'Collusion' is not an indictable offense. 'Conspiracy', on the other hand, is a felony. After more than a year of intensively investigating a relatively small aspect of the most contentious presidential campaign in modern times, not one leak about real “collusion” has manifested, there's nothing there, even the lefty wackos at The Nation recognize it.
the Mueller investigation is, regardless of the actual facts, the greatest political waste of time imaginable. And I am pretty left of center economically as well. I think what should concern us is Americans don't care that Russia tried to interfere in our election.
~~~~~~ Only if you refuse to consider and accept the fact that Marxists have been interfering in American politics and elections for one hundred years.
lol how have Marxist (which was never a politically powerful movement in the US and no longer exists) significantly influenced US elections? Do you know what a Marxist is?
Why should we when we do the same thing all the time. Nations have very high stakes in who gets elected in other nations so I would be surprised if major powers weren't trying to sway the vote to their favor. That hardly means its effective however. Hillary ran more ads then Russia ever did yet hers had no influence, only Russia's did even though nobody knew they were from Russia. Do you see how stupid that sounds?
Mueller doesn't leak. When he releases the Report we will find out what evidence there is and isn't. Saying there's no evidence of anything now is like saying there's no evidence of gifts being given Christmas morning. No, . . . no actual evidence right now, but we have a really good idea that there'll be something under the tree.
~~~~~~ You are completely misinformed the Communist Party USA is alive and well. If that's the case as you claim, why has Trump been accused of colluding with Russia that remains Marxist Socialist Communist today? It's like pornography. You know it when you see it. "Against male supremacy and for socialism" http://www.cpusa.org/article/against-male-supremacy-for-socialism/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~"Living and creative Marxism: More relevant than ever" http://www.cpusa.org/article/living-and-creative-marxism-more-relevant-than-ever/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~"Lenin’s State and Revolution today" http://www.cpusa.org/article/lenins-state-and-revolution-today/
It's not a waste of time for Democrats. It's a fantastic artificial scandal that's eating up all of the political oxygen in the room.
This focus on Russia to the exclusion of everything else is in itself a political red herring since we also know that the Chinese and Great Britain and -- no doubt other nations -- also 'attempted' to interfere in our presidential election. They key word is attempted. The Russians did not elect Trump. Hillary Clinton needed absolutely no help defeating herself (basket of deplorables comment) and Trump needed absolutely no help stomping her face into the mud. The Trump/Russia investigation was politically motivated by RINOs and leftists out to get Trump via any means possible and at this point the majority of the citizens of this nation agree with that assessment according to latest polling data.
~~~~~~ Mueller has however screwed up several times. Here's just one of them: Mueller Appears to Have Screwed Up by ‘Accidentally ... https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/mueller-appears-to-have... 13 June 2018 ... his team appears to have screwed up by naming names of politicians and ... Mueller Appears to Have Screwed Up by ‘Accidentally’ Exposing Names in Manafort Case.
The day I pay attention to the sort of wing nut right wing conspiracy Web pages you cite will be the day after I get lobotomy.
~~~~~~ I think Progressive Marxist Socialists have already slipped the orbitoclast under each of your eyelids.
What we do know is that Mueller is given the authority to investigate any connection with anyone involved with the Trump campaign. As he finds evidence of something he has taken action on it immediately as we can see from the indictments. Since Trump hasn't been accused of anything yet its a fairly safe guess that Mueller hasn't found anything on him yet. If he did have something then you are telling us that he is holding off on releasing it when so far he's released every time he finds someone guilty of something. Maybe he is holding back but that's not his MO. He could have held back charges on everyone until he was done but he didn't.