Everything you wanted to know about the 9/11 official conspiracy theory in 5 minutes.

Discussion in '9/11' started by 9/11 was an inside job, Jan 14, 2012.

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  1. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    the pro official crowd always destroys their credibility in their posts all the time cause they always end up lying to defend it.I had this one shill at this other message board once who when i asked him to watch a video and discuss it,he actually did which was a major shock to me cause shills always run off when challenegd to watch videos and discuss them,so this was a first for me that HE actually did.He made up lies to epople at that forum saying the witnesses in those videos said things they never said in those videos so no wonder these shills always run away when you ask them to discuss whats wrong with the things they say in the videos.they know they have to lie to support the lie.:-D
  2. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Would you rather not discuss the issue, instead of the people you disagree with?
  3. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Why do you people just keep spamming videos and links anyway?

    Why don't you just discuss the issue and make your point in your own words like a normal conversation?
  4. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    what and reply to them by taking the bait of the paid shills here giving them the attention they seek by replying to them and letting them waste my valuable time? sorry that may be what floats YOUR boat but that doesnt float mine though.I got better things to do with my time than feed the trolls and waste my valuable time on them.

    Thats all they are here for.Their handlers pay them to keep you guys preoccupied arguing about 9/11 trying to derail 9/11 truth discussions and sadly you take the bait. Obviously you did not watch the video because if you did,you would know what a great video it is.It proves someone would have to be a moron to believe the official version.:-D and its all done in less than 5 minutes.Its a brilliant video.also you missed the post of that one poster who thanks to this video,its got him thinking about the official version now,that there is something wrong with their explanations.

    Till now he had always believed in the official version but thanks to this video,he has doubts now and he said he NOW plans on reading the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY. That book shreads to pieces the official version.Unlike all these shills that have penetrated this site here,HE is open minded and is interested in looking at an opposing view which is why he will do something the shills here NEVER do,read that book and hopefully he will be awake after that and realise he has been brainwashed by the government.Now HIM I WILL discuss 9/11 with since again,he is not a paid shill and is open minded about it.
  5. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Valuable time? I hope no one pays you for grammar like that.

    So you only discuss things with people who share your opinions?

  6. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I can't watch the videos anyway.. At the moment, I've got limited internet, watching one video literally tears through like the whole monthly MB allowance. Even now the data's dried up so I'm at the library.

    Most people join up to argue and debate with people. Sometimes I just want to discuss.

    It's like I go to the pub and get a pint and say to the guy next to me for smalltalk, what do you think about David Cameron or the Euro crisis or whatever and they just run off and grab a magazine and open it and be like "read that".. Or I say, crap weather we're having huh and they run up to the telly and switch to the weather report and just point at it.

    They'd be missing the point I think.

    And if your time is valuable and you've got things to take care of you shouldn't be on this site at all.

    This site should ONLY be used for killing time, in my opinion. Something to do.. Like a hobby. Come here if you're bored.

    I'm not taking any bait.. I want to debate... How can I POSSIBLY do that when I simply ignore everyone who disagrees? Responding to the people who disagree is the whole POINT!

    It's like sitting down at a poker table but refusing to take any cards and say I'm not taking any of these cards you're trying to deal me I won't take the bait.
  7. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Yeah but thats just the thing,all these posters here that defend the official version,they KNOW as well as you do that it was an inside job and like i said before,you should be more concerned with whats going on NOW instead of something that happened 10 years ago.again,you are just arguing with paid shills who are sent here by their handlers to derail 9/11 truth discussions.you dont seem to get it that all these people that your arguing with,they KNOW 9/11 was an inside job just as well as we do.They make that so obvious.They would not come here everyday and post lies and propaganda like they do here everyday without getting paid for it.thats how they give it away so easily they are paid shills.the ones that are just in denial,they leave and dont come back.Those by all means argue with,but you argue with paid shills that know it was an inside job and that have been coming here for at least a year so thats pretty much a waste of time.

    9/11 is just a smoke screen to get peoples attention away from the real threat which is they are plotting more sinister things against us.to ignore whats going on now instead of being concerned about something that happened 10 years ago, arguing with people who know as well as you do that it was an inside job is pretty rediculous.as i said before,9/11 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.they got much more sinister things planned for us to concerned about.

    I only posted this video because again it proves how moronic the logic is of the official conspiray theory apologists.its too bad you cant view it because you would know what Im talking about if you could.Also i got the effect that I was looking for, that one newbie poster was browsing this section and looked at the video and NOW he has his doubts about the official version.who knows how many others have looked at it as well and also have their doubts about it now and just arent posting saying so.I guarantee you there are plenty.Thats easy to say because of all the views it has gotten.

    with over 520 views,I would say thats quite a few people that have looked at it that normally dont post here in this section who now have their doubts about it also.also considering the fact that some of the other threads that have been created well before this one was and dont have near as many views,I would say this thread is getting a lot attention from posters here.:-D
  8. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    9/11 was NOT an inside job...this I know.

    Despite what you think
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Why would you need something more current ? Its a silly question.
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Why would it be a silly question? A claim was made about a current situation, and the source supporting it was over 5 years old. Thus I said:

    Do you think statistics from 2006 accurately represent the current climate?
  11. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It is a silly question because if 80% of folks believe something about event 15years past (911 in this case) then these 80% are not likely to have changed their opinion 5 years later.

    The reason for this is because the evidence is largely the same now as it was in 2006.

    There is no reason for the 80% in 2006 to have changed their minds so yes, that statistic accurately represents the current climate because no evidence has come to light to change the opinion of these people. If anything there are probably more people now that think there are problems with the official 911 story.

    My guess is that since 2006 average folks have become more distrustfull of government.
  12. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    What I think they're doing is trying to bury the evidence we post to reduce the number of people who see it. They know that their efforts to obfuscate the evidence has a very low success rate as the evidence is simply too clear. If they can outpost us though, they may be able to lower the number of people who come across the evidence.

    All we really have to do is post some of the clearest evidence on the first page of every new thread. After that, it won't really matter what happens on the thread as they won't be able to bury the evidence.
  13. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Another example of the overblown egos and rampant paranoia of the truthers. Why is it you have to whine about people "burying" your posts? Is it because you can't respond to the honest, legitimate questions about your theories you SHOULD be able to answer if your theories were in any way, shape or form real? I think so. Can't support your theories so you attack the people asking the questions. Pretty pathetic.

    BTW, it doesn't matter HOW many times you post the same bull(*)(*)(*)(*). You can't defend it and neither can anyone else because it is all a blatant lie. That won't change no matter how big a temper tantrum you throw.
  14. cat2001

    cat2001 New Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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  15. DDave

    DDave Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    You have no evidence to bury. Only theories and "plausible scenarios" as you call them.

    You really should consider why you are so susceptible to these kinds of theories. Here's a couple of articles that might help you with some introspective evaluation.


  16. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You have free access here champ...no one is tryng to bury your <snicker> 'evidence'
  17. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    either way its not working.:mrgreen:as i have said many times on this thread,Marbro a newbie who was browsing this section,he at that time believed the official version,now after watching my video he has doubts about it an sense he was lied to which is why he was smart enought to buy that book of Griffins.This video got him interested as it obviously has with many other people as well.
  18. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    It is so easy to get sock puppets to do what you want them to do, isn't it. :lol:
  19. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Was this post pulled directly out of your posterior?

    1. The attacks on America being discussed here did not take place 15 years ago.

    2. The article was from 2006, roughly 5 years after the event.

    3. Since 2006 multiple scientific studies were released, including the NIST WTC7 report.

    4. Since 2006 multiple truther prophecies failed to come true.

    5. Since 2006 lots of truthers have come to the realization that their belief system was founded on garbage.


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqpVSF93D0U"]Recovering from 9/11 Truth and how it relates to Religion - YouTube[/ame]


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qvj8KdxeRQ"]Help From an Ex-&#39;Truther&#39; - YouTube[/ame]

    just as a few examples.
  20. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You people keep forgetting that you have no credibility. Two of you got caught in a lie and the rest of you played it down.

    Those videos don't address any actual issues. They're propaganda videos. The government is trying to sway those who don't have time to look at the evidence.

    What the 9/11 truth community wants is direct answers to their questions. Myth huggers are not qualified to answer these questions but they are more than qualified to confuse people into thinking that the questions have been answered. They have not.

    It takes a while to look at it all. It's important to post stuff that doesn't take a long time to look at such as this.
  21. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You have NO 'evidence'!!No one 'lied'

    Truthers aren't intrested in getting answers to querstions. they're just intrested in hearing only what sup[ports their wild conspiracy garbage

    You best stick with trying to claim we never landed on the moon...
  22. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). The more you pretend others are lying, the more you hurt your own credibility. I already explained to you why those witnesses are irrelevant and you had no rebuttal for that. You also ran when asked to address the glaring holes in your theories that HAVE to be answered for them to even be considered.

    More egotistical bull(*)(*)(*)(*). :lol: Apparently you are all too aware people aren't going to be watching your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) videos when the answers to the "questions" they raise have already been answered time and time again. Not only that, but the questions one naturally has to ask about your theories are questions you cannot answer and routinely run from. It doesn't take a genius to see who is telling the truth and who is running scared.

    People unwilling to accept the evidence will never be convinced. Fortunately you are a very distinct minority. Most people will look at the evidence and the BS you call evidence and realize what is true and what is wishful thinking by the delusional. Now, we all realize you think your theories are true, but trust me.... they're the delusional ones. Otherwise you would have the answers.

    It doesn't take long to understand most truther theories conflict with other truther theories and none of the theories actually explain what happened that day. Take Scott's theory of the 757 flying over the Pentagon. He can't explain why nobody in one of the largest outdoor attractions in the US saw a 757 come roaring past the Pentagon and right by the National mall. He can't blame the weather because it was a gorgeous day out. He also can't explain why no flights inbound or outbound from Reagan saw this rogue 757 flying right through their flight path or the fact ATC at Reagan never saw the 757 or any radar images from the 757.

    So who are the people with questions going to believe? The people who have no answers and refuse to address those same questions? The people who base everything over their opinions over how something looks? Or the people who have answers and the people who's claims match the evidence?

    I realize you must be very frustrated constantly having your theories shot down and your videos dismissed as crazy talk, but that is what you get when you present theories you can't defend and videos nobody believes.
  23. DDave

    DDave Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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  24. ar10

    ar10 New Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    While this video pokes fun at conspiracy theorists, if you watch the video, it does make a point that what we are being told happened, is not only not very likely, it is not utterly possible.

    I tend to follow more serious works from people like

    pilots for 9/11 truth, but when I want to poke fun at something, I skip right to the Marx Bros.

    As I watch people making 9/11 lectures, I notice many of them, do joke around to some degree, in their presentations.

    I find that foolish, childish, and not very professional.

    3000 lives lost that day, and all the credible evidence, points to Commanders and Chiefs, not 19 people with box cutters. Millions of lives lost, tens of millions of lives changed, for what? For what reason?

    Killing Kennedy, his brother, neutering still a third brother, MLK, all make more reasonable charges for directing a future than what the same people did to us on 9/11.

    It is as if nothing is of consequence any longer. No slice of pie is large enough.
  25. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I find it amazing that people can sit there and fake outrage at the lives lost on 9/11 when they're the ones using those very lives to push a bull(*)(*)(*)(*) agenda.

    Why is it truthers can't come up with a comprehensive theory as to what happened on 9/11? It has been over ten years and not ONE comprehensive theory has been put forward. Why is that?

    I'll tell you why. Truthers can't even answer the questions about the small parts of their theory. Putting a comprehensive theory together would only make the fact their theories are full of (*)(*)(*)(*) even MORE glaring. Many truthers also believe theories that directly conflict with one another. Common sense and logic have no place in truther thinking.

    Here is a good example for you, ar10. You find it "impossible" to believe 19 determined people with far more than boxcutters (you lie about boxcutters because you think it makes your lies seem more credible. It doesn't.) can exploit weaknesses in our defenses to attack with a 75% success rate, yet you actually believe thousands, if not tens of thousands of people would have to be involved in the 9/11 conspiracy and the coverup of that conspiracy. Really? The hijackers just had to keep their attack secret until 9/11. Your conspiracy bull(*)(*)(*)(*) has to keep the conspiracy a secret forever. The more time goes by without a single person stepping forward to expose the conspiracy only shows the TBM for the sham that it is.
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