Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Professor Peabody, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    The lesson learned is that the gay mafia will betray you. Where's all the gay friendly businesses? Mr. Smith stood up for gay rights am I right? He called out Chick-Fil-A, called them a hateful corporatioin. So why doesn't the gay mafia find him a new job?

    He was a useful idiot is all he was...a useful idiot for the gay agenda that threw him under the bus, put it in reverse and backed over him again just for good measure.

    Let this be a lesson to those who throw their support behind a cause, when the you know what hits the fan, who really has your back? Certainly not the gay mafia, the poor man is living in an RV with his family with no prospects and no job offers. He's damaged goods, because of a Youtube clip. Where's the gay business owners? Mr. Smith stood up for you, where are you now?
  2. northwinds

    northwinds Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Maybe he can make cakes with two grooms on top...........there seems to be an incredible need for this scarce talent......
  3. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    karma is a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)
  4. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    If he claimed to be homosexual he could sue his former employer for "homophobia"
  5. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Hahahaha! Serves that heterophobe right!
  6. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    1. It may be an honest opinion, but it is not a "factual statement." Holding religious beliefs that proscribe certain practices or lifestyles is not indicative of "hate" of people who engage in such practices or lifestyles no matter how much the LW overuses and distorts that term in its propaganda. People hold different beliefs, and those beliefs are never necessarily "hateful" unless demonstrated specifically to be so. More than just disagreement is required to form hate, or all people who merely hold beliefs that something is "wrong" are "hateful" by definition, and that is absurd. I haven't seen any compelling evidence that Chik-Fil-A is "hateful" towards anything or anyone. Such evidence might include a refusal to serve gays, but never merely a stated belief that is founded on behavior as opposed to immutable physical characteristics. Many churches believe dancing is wrong. Does that, in and of itself, make them "hateful" of people who dance? Of course not.

    2. This incident has gotten lots of press and attention... because Smith brought it on himself by posting his bullying to youtube. Assuming that all the negative response someone who bullies others in the way he did is from conservatives is foolish. It is, in fact, the LW that has made bullying one of its crusading issues of late, so there's no reason to believe any bomb threats came from conservatives who believe homosexuality is wrong to the exclusion of liberals (or others) who believe bullying is wrong.

    3. If she were an assistant manager or such, coverage would have pointed that out. FYI, you won't often find managers or asst managers working the window in a fast food chain during busy times, and you will very often find low level line employees doing so, making the assumption that she is not management perfectly reasonable.

    4. No coverage I've seen claimed to state the reason he was fired. If you've seen coverage suggesting the reason, post it. I would advise a client to fire someone like Smith for several reasons, due to poor judgment and impulse control, faulty reasoning, and a tendency towards misplaced harrassment that could result in workplace morale issues, loss of productivity, or even legal liability. Will Smith be making youtube videos about workplace issues next? Not good. None of those reasons involve any PC or anti-PC sentiment whatsoever.

    5. I don't see how food stamps are relevant to this event in any way.
  7. TrackerSam

    TrackerSam Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2015
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    You can prove that the bomb threats were left by GOP conservatives? No, of course not. You couldn't defend this ass so you attacked other posters.
  8. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    1. You can quibble with worlds and twist them all you want but in the final analysis, Smith violated no law whereas the righteous, gawd fearing members of the GOP/conservatives called in BOMB or death threats committed an act of EVIL. Sorry, no points.

    2.There is every logical and rational reason to believe that the Jeezuz conservatives called in bomb and death threats....that is their basic Modus Opendi. It's nothing new. You might want to read; Terror From the Right: Plots, Conspiracies and Racist Rampages Since Oklahoma City.

    3. If she were an assistant manager or such, coverage would have pointed that out. BS You're now reaching. It's obvious that she or her company, wanted to hide her identity, so all information that would identify her was purged. You don't know the first thing about reporting.

    4. Read the articles

    5. You're right. Well, one out of five ain't bad.
  9. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    No I cannot prove that but considering all the circumstantial evidence, I can make a logical inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact...it was conservatives calling in those threats. You don't like it I see. Meh.
  10. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    1)Neither. Those who did the bomb threats should be federally prosecuted and whether they have been or not is not my concern, or yours for that matter. "Bomb threats" have been a thing since after 9/11, since it can get that kind of reaction out of people. It's the new(or old) "fire alarm".

    2) Whatever her position, does that mean she deserves to be berated? And since when did you care about her pay? Liberals certainly don't live up to their own billing. Probably because certain jobs are locked into their salary? That's why we call them positions. You pay according to Market Value. I know, these are confusing terms for you so let's just start with Market Value.


    3) He was fired because he was a POS. And yes, I do despise Political Correctness but there's such a thing as appropriate behavior for a worker as it relates to your employees. Especially at that high level of a corporation. PC shouldn't be used to silence people, or to judge them. But when it is used in such a way, we now know what an evil Liberals have unleashed upon us. Perhaps now you will think differently of whether we "moved forward" or if we moved back 100 years, under the guise of new terminologies.

    4) I dislike them myself, but not because they "assist" the people. But because they do such a miserable job doing so. We can do better than a program that "keeps" you on it.
  11. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    1) Yes it is my concern. Human kind is my concern. Death threats by the right are my concern. Hate, bigotry and discrimination are my concern. It's obvious you have no concern for the value of life outside your ideological bubble, but I do.

    2) Did you read my opening remark or did the words not register with you? I said; "I'm certainly not defending the stupidity of Adam Smith" What he said and did was stupid. Now, where did I say anything about her pay? I commented on this exact phrase "a young, low wage, entry level employee" It wasn't me who originally said her pay was low, but I agree....it most likely was. You can check out Chick-fil-a's wage chart HERE. No benefits. Reading is fundamental, I always say.

    3. He was fired because he was a POS. - Now you're getting emotional and upset. Try, if you can, to keep this discussion on point.

    4. Now you're getting insulting. Grow up.

  12. TrackerSam

    TrackerSam Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2015
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    How do you know who called in those bomb threats? You don't.
  13. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    It's insulting that Welfare is a disaster? Well, maybe you Liberals ought to try fixing it. Though if you do, it's one less Social distressed group to vote Democratic. Such dilemmas when it comes to serving your country.
  14. f_socialism

    f_socialism New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    If he is on food stamps then he must have been literally spending every penny he made. I really can't relate to people who don't save for a rainy day. Now if you make so little money that there isn't any left over after the bills are paid that's one thing, but this guy was earning six figures and has no excuse.

    To berate some person who probably doesn't have a choice but to do menial work like that when they are just trying to make a living and have nothing to do his "cause" is really reprehensible. What a loser.
  15. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    His biggest mistake was berating a fast food employee who probably needs the job. She probably has to deal with angry soccer Moms all day because they don't include enough ketchup packages in the bag. She went and served this jackass a cup of water as asked...and he berates her for working for a company that is not gay friendly.

    He doesn't know her story and frankly what is she is supposed to do?

    "You know you're right, I'm going in and quitting this job, Chick Fil A is a hateful company." Perhaps she needs the job?

    Normally, if you're unhappy with a company you write management, you don't find the nearest employee and berate them...it shows a complete lack of class. This guy is supposedly looking for a job as a corporate officer and companies have witnessed first hand his opinion of lower level employees by showing them no respect.

    This woman puts in her time, smiles at the customers even though she may be having a bad day and probably goes home smelling like chicken and french fries; all for 8 or 9 dollars an hour. She doesn't need a Chief Financial Officer making $200K a year telling her she's a bad person because she works for a company that dares to challenge the Gay lobby.
  16. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    I don't like their position on gay marriage....but damn that's good chicken. Literally just had them for the first time a few minutes ago.
  17. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    That's what I was thinking while reading this.... he pulled his family down w/him. People have a right to their opinions and he had his, but to go after the gal working the window was cruel and tacky. She didn't set the policies, she was just doing her job........
  18. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    I'm a liberal.

    I eat at Chick Fil A.
  19. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I am considered a conservative.

    I don't eat at Chick Fil A.
  20. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    You have presented no evidence, and have no evidence whatsoever for the above irrationally formed belief. People who post such vids to youtube and so put themselves in a national spotlight are likely to get heat from many corners in a country of 300 million, not just conservatives.

    No there's not. The propensity of leftists to attempt to shout down and threaten those they don't like is FAR MORE documented than any conservative propensity to do so. Just visit pretty much ANY college campus. The actions of Smith in this case are in fact QED of LEFT WING irrationality in dealing with political opposition, of LEFT WING capacity to react emotionally instead of reasonably. Ironic trying to craft the repercussions of this particular event as evidence of some kind of conservative foaming at the mouth. Funny even.

    Wrong again. I have seen several sources of coverage on this, interviews with her, and were she not a plain line employee, as 90% of fast food employees in fact are, such coverage would almost certainly have mentioned it. "Hide her identity?" Well she can't very well do that to a certain extent, can she? because some horse's ASS put her up on youtube for all to see without her permission. Arguendo, even if she -were- management of a fast food store, how -exactly- does that involve her in any way with overarching company policy. It doesn't. You have a definitive perspective problem with respect to this event, likely due to preconceived bias.

    I'd fire him for poor judgment and being a loose cannon alone. If any of my clients refused to terminate such a person, I'd draft a memo "to file" summarizing my advice and that the client ignored it, in contemplation of the inevitable problems and litigation associated with employing people prone to such behavior. He didn't merely "state his opinion." He didn't merely engage in activism, PC or otherwise. What he did was execute a premeditated, bizarre plan that reveals distinct character flaws making him unsuitable for employment in any managerial capacity, especially in the capacity of a corporate officer responsible for corporate funds.

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