Explain the Focus on AR-15s and Mass Shootings

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Par10, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Lol first off voting for candidates paid for by the NRA like Ted Cruz and who you suggest people do-will not stop the gun violence. It is hilarious you think voting for people against any kind of gun control will stop the issues in regards to gun control facing Americans.

    Secondly I am Canadian. I provide my subjective opinions in support of pro gun regulation Americans. I never presume nor do I have the right to tell you who you should vote for or presume to tell you give me your gun. Gun ownership is your legal right in your country. Mr. Mack I have never suggested to any American Canada should invade the US and take away your guns or penis. Relax. What is the matter with you?

    You walked into that one.

    All joking aside in Canada we have gun regulation. I actually think are gun regulation went too far in that it may unintentionally negatively impact on rural Canadians who are necessity hunters and need their guns to eat and protect themselves in rural settings from potentially rabid animals, etc.

    I also think certain weapons placed on the banned list were NOT assault rifles and I disagreed being banned.

    I actually believe the rules for necessity hunters and people who live in rural areas should be differentiated from people who live in cities and highly concentrated cities.

    I also believe if you really wanted to learn how to use a gun you would not need an assault rifle and being a member of a self regulated gun club that stores your weapon would be something you have no problem with.

    I think and I have said it many times, people like you believe they need their gun to protect themselves and to best protect themselves they need the most lethal weapon possible. In regards to that mentality I repeat again police die every day and they carry guns. The fact they carry guns does not make them safe or guaranteed to be safe. In fact what kills them are guns that get into the hands of specific people because of access to those weapons.

    I and many argue tighter regulations can help address the issues associated with the connection between the sales of weapons and ammunition and how they end up in the hands of specific people who commit crimes including mass murders. People like me have argued there must be a wide range of options considered of which banning specific (not all guns) should be considered.

    Unlike you I don't mince around talking about my penis, ridiculing women for getting raped, trivializing children's death. I am talking about using your own self regulating gun clubs and associations as well as community organizations, government at many levels, in a coordinated set of policies to reduce access to weapons on the streets or prevent specific weapons and ammunition from ever being sold so their circulation can dry up.

    Unlike you my perspective does not end with what you as an individual gun owner believe is your individual right to have unlimited rights to own weapons. I believe, you, I and every citizen in any society must understand our actions are not isolated and impact on the rights and welfare of others and we need to balance and be willing to compromise on our own individual rights when it comes to protecting the vulnerable, children, first line responders, people who are most likely to be in the line of fire.

    My discussion breaks down people into categories of specific people with different living conditions, different safety considerations, different exposure to specific crimes.

    I don't reduce the issue to simplistic NRA sound bites.

    Thank you.

    p.s. I do not no want to live next door to someone with a glock, any kind of magnum hand gun, and you know exactly why-other than specific people I have never met the average person let alone street puke punk who knows how to carry let alone fire such weapons. In fact I think specific hand guns are far more dangerous than specific rifles.

    I also have the perspective of stuffing things in gun wounds to try stop bleeding and it does not always work particularly if you hit an artery, vital organ or do sufficient muscle and tissue damage which is why I also argue about specific kinds of bullets and argue they should be banned.

    Please do not tell me anyone needs an armour piercing or vest piercing bullet. All that does is kill police who have the right to be protected from such bullets when they respond let alone increase the fatality rate.
  2. VanceMack

    VanceMack Banned

    Jun 1, 2022
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    Ted Cruz isnt creating the violent leftist shitholes that spawn the violence and death you pretend to give a **** about.

    Thats 100% on you.
    Turtledude likes this.
  3. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    And I just had a post removed because I said someone was good for a laugh. Good Lord.
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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  5. VanceMack

    VanceMack Banned

    Jun 1, 2022
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  6. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I have NOT suggested banning any gun or guns.

    I really don't like your baseless accusations, OK? Besides, it makes me think you've gone over the edge and just can't discuss the OP issue in a civil way.

    I discussed your suggestion earlier when someone else proposed it in a civil way.

    That was after I had requested ideas on this issue of school safety.

    >> Please fix your attitude, recognize what others are saying, discuss civilly, or go away.
  7. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    some people should have fully automatic and 500 round magazines?
    You're capable of discussing anything slowly anytime someone brings up a point that threatens your Marxist crap you resort to straw man fallacies and doing what you claim to other people did here.
  8. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I saw a little snippet of one of his dictator speeches. Great said he's going to do everything in the in his power to deny democracy. And make sure that his opponent can't run against him.

    I think we should start calling him Adolf or Saddam.
  9. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Wrong thread. If you wanna talk about penises, there's plenty of trans threads to choose from. Firearms and penises are not linked, and while watching someone use their dick to shoot a gun with sounds... mentally intriguing, I would not want to be that guy.

    PS... NYSRPA v. Bruen. 'Nuff said. Go read it and learn.
  10. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That's always a bizarre one to me people who try to connect penises to other objects.

    I've spent a lot of time working with women teaching them how to shoot not a Carrie and how to use a gun defensively I guess this is just because they don't have penises and wish to compensate or something.
  11. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Are you a size queen?
    Turtledude and Buri like this.
  12. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    A tiny tiny minority of handguns are used to murder somebody it's not the majority otherwise we'd have 12 million or so murders a year and we don't

    They repeat the same truth because it's truth guns don't kill people they just sit on the shelf or any cabinet I don't have the capacity to kill anybody.

    You're making some pretty illogical connections to ban a particular style of rifle not based on anything but a meme.
  13. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yes, but Elmo has had it with Bribed Joe and the Democrats

    Elmo Radicalized After Migrants Bused To Sesame Street https://buff.ly/3uiofSe

    AARguy and Turtledude like this.
  14. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Statistics show that handguns were used in murders in greater numbers than any other type of weapon - much greater numbers. While a tiny minority of handguns are used in murders, they are the giant when only murders are considered.
    Turtledude likes this.
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You missed something. That would be- the criminal. Handguns do control who the gun is aimed at or who pulls the trigger.
    Guns without criminals are not used in crimes. Criminals without guns still commit crimes; they just choose alternate weapons.

    The criminals are the giant in crime statistics, the root cause, the element that will change the statistics if it is removed.
    The obsession of gun hate exposes the truth.

    While we have seen people freak out for years over the AR-15 they insist on calling an "Assault" weapon, the fact is that more people are murdered each year by another weapon than all the long guns of all styles and calibers combined- and that weapon is fists and feet. People beat to death, with no external device at all. You are in possession of that deadly weapon right now.
    But- it's only deadly if YOU decide to use it that way.

    Unfortunately, some people are just unfit to live in society. We can't fix them- and they aren't interested in changing.
    Take them out of the game, and the game will be fair. Nothing less is going to work.
    Grau and Hotdogr like this.
  16. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    It's the feelz. they want people to disengage their brains when they think about the issue. So the leaders of the pack know they can't use the real reason they want to eliminate guns, power and control, so they go with emotional clap trap.
  17. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I agree with all of that.

    I think "assault rifle" is the common civilian term for a military rifle. The AR-15 was developed for the military. The military simply calls it a rifle. I think it has gained a bad reputation because it was used in a few highly publicized mass murders.

    In my opinion there isn't much use for an AR-15 in civilian life despite its popularity and the various shooting sports that use it. I think civilians just like them. Nothing wrong with that. I qualified expert with the M16 in the Army. I was also a part time shooting coach for our local police academy. They sent me cadets who had trouble qualifying with their handgun. Most of them hadn't really mastered the difference between pulling a trigger and squeezing one. I was able to get most of them through that to be successful at qualifying. I'm also an NRA firearms instructor.

    Despite all of that I do not own an AR-15 and I can't imagine what I would do with one. I have a bolt action rifle that shoots the same ammunition. I use that to clear varmints from my property. It does a better job than an AR would because it is more accurate and the shots can exceed 200 yards. Nevertheless the AR is wildly popular. That seems to make it a useful target for those that want to put an end to civilian firearm ownership.
  18. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    You again miss the point. You do not have to "take "them" out" if they have no gun they are shooting but you do not to take "them" out when they are shooting a gun. Wow how you can't conceive that is absurd. All kinds of weapons can be deadly. No one has argued that is not the case. What you and gun owners have been explained time and time again with statistics is that a person shooting a weapon is far more likely to kill someone that someone using an alternative weapon such as a stick.

    Guns are the most deadly weapon. So getting into a semantic argument about what you want to call an AR 15 is not the point and never was. The risk of death rises to deadly levels with guns because of the inherent nature of the wound the gun causes.

    Your response is illogical. It equates all force as equally as likely to kill as gun shots and that is absolutely false. It also completely ignores suicide by gun or by lawful people not committing crimes rendering it necessarily defective in understanding the causal connection between guns and deaths, No not all gun deaths are from crimes which is the entire basis of your argument to justify the illogical comment that since we can not arrest all criminals we shouldn't have gun control which in itself is blithering and nonsensical by itself. No one said or argues gun control is simply about stopping crimes. Its about preventing deaths for all kinds of reasons and specifically poor gun training, handling and storage, mentally ill people getting their hands on weapons, children getting access to weapons as well as criminals.

    One other thing ask yourself. What the phack is wrong with your country? Gun owners want to ban drag queens reading stories to children in libraries because they think it endangers them but then use the above half assed faulty argument you do to justify gun possession when you know more children die each year in the US from gun shots than any other reason including drag queen readings in librariers.

    Talk about phacked up priorities.





  19. kriman

    kriman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2018
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    I do not own an AR-15. Generally, I have no use for a long gun at all, since I no longer hunt. I have several handguns for self defense and entertainment. I have some old 22s. I have a WWII Vintage bolt action .303 Enfield and a black powder long gun and an old double barrel shot gun on display.

    I have fired the AR-15 as well as the M-16. They are light weight, comfortable to carry and accurate. I understand the attraction. The AR-15 is no more a threat than any other semiautomatic rifle.
  20. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Hard to get people to think outside their box.
    10,000 years ago, a club was the state of the art weapon. Then came the spear. Then the bow and arrow. Then, the crude firearms. Then, more sophisticated firearms. Some day, it will be a laser disruptor or something. There is ALWAYS a most dangerous weapon. What's more, alternative weapons exist all around us, everything from kitchen knives to hammers to sharp pencils.

    Politics can be as deadly a weapon as any. Biological weapons, of which Covid seems likely to have been created for. Poisons can be cultured.
    All murders since the beginning of time have only ONE common denominator, ONE most dangerous component- and that is the person who chooses to kill.
    Murder was happening thousands of years ago, before man even began making weapons. People who are unintentionally killed by guns.... are still not killed by guns. They are killed by people, sometimes themselves. Carelessness, lack of knowledge, all kinds of reasons. But suddenly we can cure the problem of murder by disarming all the law-abiding people.

    (sigh)... Sometimes hard to get people to think outside their box. 10,000 years ago, a club was a state of the art weapon.
    I wonder if do-gooders then thought the existence of clubs was the reason people were killed.

    Another kind of "murder" is the poisoning of minds. To control your own life, to be a whole, happy person, to be able to contribute to a respectable, responsible society- you have to have standards. You have to have moral principles. You have to maintain order. And, you have to promote raising strong healthy children if you want that society to grow and improve. Children are influenced by everything they see and hear. Normalizing abnormality and perversion, such as teaching them how much fun it is to be a drag queen- hardly fits idea of building a healthy society for them, or the future. Obviously you don't understand that.

    While most people do put up a facade to hide who they are- that identity is something produced by fundamental of how they think, and it's very consistent. They do not know how to be someone else, despite faking it. Those who demonstrate a distorted character once- have told you that conduct is something in their tool box, and that is not going away. People are creatures of habit, controlled by their fundamental mindsets. I don't need to see the ugly side more than once to know it's there, part of who they are. And I don't forget it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
    Death likes this.
  21. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    They probably thought that if a guy didn't have a club it would be harder for him to kill people.
  22. AARguy

    AARguy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Then don't buy a gun. But leave other people alone.

    I raised my guns right, they've never hurt anyone.

    "Gun Control" is predicated on the supposition that a woman found dead, raped and strangled with her pantyhose is preferable to that same woman explaining to a police officer how her attempted rapist got shot.

    Oh, btw... you learn fast. Bringing the totally unrelated subject of drag queens and children into a discussion of guns demonstrates clearly that you understand the political tactics of the Democratic Party here in America.
  23. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Nope, sorry.
  24. Par10

    Par10 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    You are way off topic. This old thread is not about gun rights or whether or not removing guns would make us safer. This thread is about why gun grabbers are focused so hard on the AR-15 since it kills less people than other guns and is less powerful than other guns. Or, you could discuss the focus on mass shootings since there are so few people killed in mass shootings in the grand scheme of things. There are plenty of other threads (que Golem) on whether or not the fairy tale of removing all the guns would work.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
    AARguy likes this.
  25. David Landbrecht

    David Landbrecht Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Americans in large numbers worship images. These images give them the impression that they are somehow better off than they would be. The worst thing about this is that most of these are mere images of a material things. And it is materialism that keeps America from becoming the truly greater place that its beginnings gave promise of.

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