Fact: Mass organisation has occured since 9/11

Discussion in '9/11' started by Xanadu, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    What happened to many populations in many nations world wide since 9/11? One major thing; their organisation, so mass organisation. Most visible in Egypt today, when the first revolt occured it was clear that mass organisation had taken place (but Egyptian people can't see that they have been organized by mainly three things, economic fall, politics and propaganda via state tv)
    A few major things that happened since 9/11, that is lots of fear mongering; terror threat, vaccination rounds, virusses, chloride in the water, HAARP, chemtrails, nuclear threat by Iran and North Korea, etc, most of this fear mongering was done by Infowars, these millions of listeners are the most radicalized, so can be organized easier), and all political topics have caused problems, and because of that, anger and resistance in the masses has built up, this has caused their organisation, because people when in trouble group togeter (natural survival mode) (in Egypt very very visible) In the USA a new party (the Tea Party) has orginated, because of years of the same things (mostly; fear, problem causing politics, changes, and degrading economy)
  2. psikeyhackr

    psikeyhackr Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    How much of this is the result of computers, smartphones and the Internet and has nothing to do with 9/11?

    (smartphones are computers)

  3. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    NSA being able to illegally monitor all our emails,listen to all our conversations and abuse their power like they have is all because of the events of 9/11.
  4. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    They don't monitor your email or listen to your conversations. Implying such is completely stupid. Do some research on metadata and learn exactly what it is the NSA is monitoring. Until then, don't make uninformed, ridiculous comments like you have a clue what's going on.

    Also, it might not hurt for you to learn what is and is not illegal. You might not look like a fool in the future. They receive metadata from the companies (Microsoft, Google, Verizon, et. al.), which is scrubbed and approved by the companies legal departments after being reviewed. That information is turned over to the NSA, and then they review for certain aspects.

    To think that there is someone, somewhere, sitting at a desk, listening to you tell your mom you want fish sticks instead of chicken nuggest, is completely stupid. They have better things to do.
  5. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    How do you know what they say is true? What do you think of this?
  6. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    They would have to hire so many people to review the data collected that unemployment would go away tomorrow and there would be about half as much data to sort out. Those people would have to be paid, and the NWO Kitty does not have that kind of cash to hand out.
  7. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Then what are the enormous and expensive data centers for? As well, what does the N.S.A. collect? Hell, you're aware that the C.I.A., D.H.S., and F.B.I. actively monitor the Internet, right?

    I don't understand how or why Americans in this day and age continue to think that we're not being spied on by our own government, or that they're telling us the truth about how they spy on us.
  8. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Seriously? I'm sure they do monitor it, who cares? You're posting it publicly for anyone to see. It's like garbage, once you through it out, it's public. You don't like it? Don't....post....publicly. However, they can't possibly save all that data or even dream to go through a fraction of it....that's impossible. With all the traffic it would be impossible. The storage required alone is ridiculous. It would cost something like $6,000/second to store it all. I work with servers and data storage, the sheer quantity of data space needed to save a typical Skype chat is around 1-2 gigs. A little more, about x1.5 to get close, if it's HD. It would take thousands of terabytes per day, maybe hundreds of thousands, I'd have to research it. Not possible, no matter what anyone says. And then to go through it all? Coming in that fast, with that much content? No way. Add in texts, and emails.....completely impossible. There is just no chance.
  9. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    The intelligence community collects and stores as much open-source intelligence as it can. Like with phone calls, they collect everything, but only listen to certain conversations that pique their interest - like if you talk about bombs, assassinations and the President all in one conversation. Similar to how D.H.S. has keywords for screening on the Internet the N.S.A. and others that do COMINT intelligence gathering have a list of keywords that if said over the phone, it gets reviewed. This can be done by either a person or a computer.
  10. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Open-Source intelligence! Exactly, you nailed it on the head. Like I said, they're sifting through your garbage, and there is absolutely no crime in that. Bums do it all the time with no consequences. Also, "as much open-source intelligence as it can" store is not all that much. I think you have very little understanding of how much space is needed to save data on such a massive scale. You need to research that aspect of what you're claiming, you'll find that the cost and space is monumental.

    No, Jango, I'm sorry but they don't. Unless you can provide specific evidence stating otherwise. They don't collect everything. They RECEIVE metadata from the carriers (Verizon, AT&T, etc), but they don't get recordings of the phone calls. The metadata consists of little more than, maybe, the phone number, where the call originated and where the call was going.

    There is absolutely no way to scan even a mere fraction of the phone calls that are made to countries that harbor terrorist, with computers or otherwise. As you can tell by the most up to date iPhone, the ability to recognize words, especially through accents, using a computer is not exactly at it's peak. Maybe it catches a small percentage, but the monitoring would have to be done by skin and bones agents. I think where technology is, and where you think it is, are extremely different.

    Once again, IF the person catches it, and IF the computer understands it. Remember, you're talking about deciphering a list of words, spoken in multiple languages. Apply this to ANY form of media. Text, email, etc. I know it's easy to sit back, watch some Bourne movies, and think the government can do anything it wants, but that's NOT the real world. We are limited by technology, and despite any incredulity, there is only so much the government can realistically do. I think you need to really think about that in it's entirety.

    I don't claim expertise ever, and I'm not doing so now. I do work in this field, and I can verify what I say. I just generally don't bother with sources since no one clicks on them.
  11. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    all because of 9/11 the nsa and dod are now allowed to illegally spy and arrest its citizens without warrent and people "still" say we dont live in a police state.:weed::roll:
  12. cjnewson88

    cjnewson88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    You would instead opt for another '9/11' like terrorist attack? Perhaps a couple more? Duly noted.
  13. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    No they're not

    No they can't, and no they don't. Unless you provide factual information that this takes place. I can't find any, and I'm sure that anything you find will be bull(*)(*)(*)(*) in it's entirety. They can't even look into the details of the metadata without acquiring a warrant previously. You're fear mongering and spreading propoganda.

    We don't live in a police state, and implying that we do is so stupid it doesn't even deserve an lol. It's so stupid that the mere thought makes me feel bad for you. You are actively talking (*)(*)(*)(*) about your government, and nothing is happening to you. Your name, in and of itself, implies that your government conspired to kill it's own citizens. You are claiming that we are in a police state, while you're talking (*)(*)(*)(*) about that police state. If this were a real police state you would have disappeared awhile ago. The next time you showed up it would be on your parents doorstep in small box. That's how police states work.
  14. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    So every American citizen needs their phone calls, Internet history and e-mails thoroughly screened, monitored and recorded to prevent 9/11?

    Wouldn't stopping the hijackers at their point of entry have stopped 9/11?

  15. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    1) YOU don't consider the level of their known spying Unconstitutional?
    2) Indefinite detention is still on the books, right?
    3) You believe the N.S.A. when they say that?
    4) Of course we don't. Every one of us that use message boards (besides the shills) would be dead already. Vocal opponents of the government would start disappearing into thin air. People the government had dirt on would too. Guns would be confiscated. A lot of things that aren't happening now would be happening. Nevertheless, it feels sometimes that we're heading in that very direction. Much of the apparatus is in place for such a transition. The legislation, definitions, equipment, intelligence agencies, social tension, debt, among other things. It could be set off by us or by the government. It feels like we're one major problem away from anarchy at times, you know? I hope we never get there, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened either.
  16. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    No, as I don't consider it spying at all. So no, I don't, because it's not unconsitutional and I explained that to you in the other thread. Metadata has no identifying marks in it, save for the phone number. If they find something that they want to research further, then they get a warrant and get more information from the Carrier. You know, the ones that are actually tracking all this (*)(*)(*)(*) and saving the details.

    According to Wikipedia, no, it's not. It was signed into law but:

    Research? Anyone? Jango? No? ok.

    Yes, because I can't find any evidence to the contrary. I am not afraid of the government like you and your ilk, Jango. Can you show me any reason why I shouldn't believe them? The answer better not be Snowden or Manning...that would be stupid.

    No, I don't know because I don't have the same world outlook as you. All the things you see that make you feel we are going in that direction are a direct correlation to your hatred for the government. Anything can look shady if you just look at the shady parts. Which is all government haters do, they look at all the things that can go wrong. ETA: I am not a lover of the government, I don't really care. I think we've made it for over 200 years and that's pretty damn good. However, they lie, cheat, steal and do whatever they have to in order to cover their own asses. Much like at every job in every business in the world. Self preservation and all

    Going with the RTW\Holston line and continuing to assume there are shills here huh? Cause the PF is such a massive forum that the government needs to pay people to fight the stupidity here? THIS forum is the place where the lid is going to be blown off the 9/11 fiasco? Seriously? The level of respect you guys give yourselves is mind blowing.

    There are no shills here, the government doesn't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about any of you, and there's no reason to assume they do.
  17. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    1) Good to know how you really feel.

    2) "According to Wikipedia" is wrong. Try Googling it.

    3) You can't find any evidence to the contrary? How about what you yourself said, "they lie, cheat, steal and do whatever they have to in order to cover their own asses. Much like at every job in every business in the world. Self preservation and all"? Or is the N.S.A. immune?

    4) Your incredulity aside, there are shills on the Internet as well the fact that our government uses sock puppets to spread propaganda.
    And you misunderstand a varying degree of unhappiness for hatred. I thought skeptics never assumed things?
  18. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I didn't see this branch of stupidity before I answered your last post. First, it is YOUR incredulity that seems to be shining through right now. Can you find me the evidence saying that phone calls, internet history and emails are "thoroughly screened, monitored and recorded?" I can't seem to find it. Kind of seems like a bunch of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) you just thought up....yep. It is. I've told you at least 3 times now that the government does not have the resources to do what you are claiming they are doing, and the thought of it is stupid. This isn't a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing Bourne movie, it's real life. LEARN WHAT THEY HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO DO OR DROP IT. It is vastly apparent that you are WAY out of your knowledge base. However, this is right in my wheelhouse. Back up your (*)(*)(*)(*) with evidence or admit you're wrong.
  19. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    The Wikipedia article is sourced by 5 different sources, including court documention. (*)(*)(*)(*) google. Present your evidence yourself, I'm not doing your homework for you. Thanks.

    I am sure they have, and I am sure they do. Do I think they're lying about having to obtain warrants to look into peoples personal information? No. BECAUSE I HAVEN'T FOUND EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY. Bring up Manning and Snowden, please do that so I can unload. I hate those two. The NSA's actions have been in the news since right after 9/11. They have gone through several court proceedings deeming that they do have checks and balances, and they are being followed. There has been some conversation in regards to the interpretation of the Patriot Act, but nothing like you claim. That's why I can't come to this forum as much as I used too. Outside of a few resident debunkers that seem to know how to do research, it's all just a (*)(*)(*)(*) flinging contest. Jango, you have no clue what's really going on, at all.

    My incredulity, now that's a joke. You've done nothing but drip incredulity since the day I met you. First off, I never said that there weren't shills, or socks on the internet in general. I'm saying they're not here, and they don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about you. You're nothing, a non-factor, irrelevant in the governments dealings. Nobody there cares about you, or the activity in the 9/11 section of this message board. Find me evidence otherwise and I'll change my mind. Until then, it's just your hopes that the government thinks your top notch 9/11 research is doing anything more then treading water. Hell, this place doesn't even have the top 10 truthers I've met. Like anyone cares about you, koko, rtw, and 9/11waij. Yeah, WATCH OUT FOR THESE GUYS. What a clown shoe.

    You think a lot of things and they turn out to be nonsense, so I'll excuse the fact that you made another mistake. Please break down the difference between unhappiness and hatred. You don't hate things that make you unhappy? You like them? I just...don't know wtf you're talking about half the time. You're so wayward it's not even funny anymore.
  20. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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  21. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    So no? Ok. Thank you.
  22. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    That's the program that handles the Internet. Prism handles phones.
  23. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Actually now that I am reading this, I am going to need to find more to even prove this program exists. This sounds like complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Even so, it can't do what you're claiming, but on top of that, it hasn't been sourced or proven to even exist. Sketchy.
  24. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    So it does exactly what I thought it does. They can't possibly even dream of monitoring "all of the internet" like you claim. Instead they use metadata, which is legal, to locate targets. They get warrants to search further, and then they can dig deeper. Standard investigation protocol. Thanks for playing.
  25. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    From your article, so it sounds like a bunch of BS and snowden, once again, exaggerating what it is he can do. That dood is a lying piece of (*)(*)(*)(*). I hope they catch his traitor ass and give him what he deserves. Thank God he's showing the world how to circumvent our security!

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