What a totally uninformed remark. I suppose you think science supports creationism. Get on the AAAS web site and educate yourself.
Though it really does have a purpose, it explains where the diversity of life comes from. What a single scientist says, makes no difference to science. Many experiments and observations have shown how evolution is responsible for antibiotic resistance in bacteria. I'm not sure what question you are talking about. So was I, thus my emoji. Really, biologists don't what what the scientific method is, huh? Tell you what, here is a very influential paper on evolution. Can you tell me what part of it is not based on the scientific method? I'll wait. Actually, scientists don't vote, they don't have to. If someone disagrees with an experiment or observation, they can perform the experiment or observation themselves. Everything that was done is written down so anyone can check the work. See, if you were really serious about disproving evolution, instead of wasting you time on a political forum, you would be out here disproving papers on evolution. Heck, you would even get a Nobel Prize out if it.
I beleive I have ask any of the doubters to briefly explain the “scientific method.” They act like their fake honor is besmirched. That’s the first sign of a BS artist whose more engaged in attention getting then problem solving.
Making false proclamations - “ToE is used by MDs to diagnose and treat deceases, it is used in developing new vaccines and antibiotics…” with no links, no peer reviewed articles, no facts behinds them and in contradiction to links, quotes, peer reviewed articles, testimonies - is only an example and a demonstration of the only one purpose and goal of believers in evolution - to cheat, deceive and hate the reality.
I Am Not. Newton, Einstein and all in between them do. I just quoted them and illustrated their words with the facts of reality. You scientific method: "First form a hypothesis." Who when, where and in what circumstances did formulate it, what theories and scientists did follow it it? Newton -- maxwell - faradey - kelvin - einstein: "hypothesis no fingo"
No, that is an example of someone who knows what he is talking about presenting facts in his own words. And you are lying anyway, as links were presented to you. Furthermore, you have summarily dismissed, without inspection, not only every single shred of evidence anyone has been nice enough to provide you, but you have also dismissed their efforts....efforts usually reserved as kind acts for curious children, not for ineffectual, preening sh1tbirds who would fail a 7th grade science quiz, and yet dance and prance around, calling everyone else ignorant and dishonest.
I think you missed that I'm saying YOUR rule doesn't exist. There is no rule that says that the results of science don’t have to have a practical application. Please inform me about theories, which are done in compliance with the scientific method and don’t have a single practical application after 100 years. You don’t see a problem in the fact that upon graduation kids have no clue what is climate, temperature, warming, what make thing cold, how electricity works in their houses, and many useful and practical things while they are full of beliefs and fantasies which have no practical use? Really? believers in evolution are child abusers. Again, you have no links, no anything while I provided a link. And again, again, again, - what is the scientific method, who when and where and in what circumstances did formulate it, what scientists referred to it, what theories were done in compliance to it? There is no believer in evolution and not even a single kid graduating from a high school can ever answer this question. And you see no specific problem here? Hello, Newton and Einstein did not know the scientific method and followed no rules, or each of them followed his own and different rules before Wikipedia came around? I think I should stop trying to find a spark of conscience in dead brains of believers in evolution. Brain dead… I provided quotes and links and testimonials and articles showing that no ToE has ever been involved in science of antibiotics and vaccination from the very beginning of it up to the moment. Believers in evolution have not named a single vaccine or antibiotic developed with help of ToE. Yet, they continue like zombies, not paying any attention to the quotes, links, testimonials, basic reality ----- “ToE is used by MDs to diagnose and treat deceases, it is used in developing new vaccines and antibiotics…” Believers in evolution are anti –socia,l they do a great damage to the society using the trust of kids to brainwash and lie to the most vulnerable part of the society, to innocent kids: “ToE is used by MDs to diagnose and treat deceases, it is used in developing new vaccines and antibiotics…” Child abusers.
Einstein was a FOUNTAIN of hypotheses. His theories of relativity came from that. And, they were accepted after a significant period of testing and review by the experts of the day. You're just not tracking what these people did.
I don't know of ANYONE who said what you are quoting here. And, you've failed to cite it. So, what? You typed that "quote" from memory???
And neither do you. Yes, treat us to another hilariously stupid rant of authoritative statements that is only intended as blubbering , whiny crybabying over others allegedly making authoritative statements.
I quoted Einstein. As usual you have totally bogus proclamations with no links, no quotes, no anything. His theories of relativity came from observation of phenomena, particularity described by Maxwell. I understand you have never had to pass TOR on an university level, I don't understand why believers in evolution talk about things have absolutely no clue about, and use them as an argument.
I already answered this question posting link to your own post. I cited you. Anybody interested can page back.
Again, no content, no quote, no anything. For sure Einstein would not laugh at believers in evolution, they are too miserable, no content, no quote, no reference to any reality, just the same everlasting exercise in trying to bait through a thick glass and choking on their own venom.
Einstein would be personally offended by your rudeness and willful ignorance. He would also laugh at your incredibly stupid statements about science. And stop whining about content...I posted plenty of content, and your response was your cookie cutter , self soothing nonsense,unsupported by argument or evidence. It's right there in black and white, for all to see. But why even bother...evolution is accepted fact, and you are a pathetic denier, shouting into a tiny corner of the internet.
Exactly. The results of science don't have to have an application. You're getting there! How about there being a super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy? How about quarks? How about the Higgs boson/field? I would definitely like more time in science during middle school and high school. Evolution is one of the topics expected of those who apply to the colleges of science of our major universities. Again, the history of science is a good, solid subject and more time should be spent on such topics. Today, there are serious time constraints on middle and high school science. I'm not an educator, but I can certainly imagine that working on a strong high school science curriculum is a challenge. The whole reason that biomedicine has to keep coming out with solutions to common maladies such as viral and bacterial infections is ... evolution! Again, you pop off with quotes that you don't cite. Obviously, those have to be entirely disregarded.
No, I was a physics major at a major university until I found something more interesting. One problem with physics is that the career path is pretty much nonexistent.
Every time you make a post, you sink deeper into the depths of ignorance about science. You do know as a theoretical physicist he ( Einstein) work at many universities to test and prove his theories. He was steeped in the scientific method, Read ‘Einstein and Eddington” or rent the movie if you can’t read. You have already proven you don’t know the scientific method. You can’t/ or won’t even define it. Do you know what a theory is ? In science, even after we demonstrate THEM, we often still refer to them as theories. We use quantum theory for your fkn cell phone and cancer treatments. It’s a demonstrated and reliable theory. In math, the Pythagorean theory becomes a theorem when we use math statements to prove it. In physics, it’s a demonstrated and reliable theory after consensus agrees on its reliability. Science speaks in terms of reliability, not absolutes. “A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.” Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.
was it too difficult to understand from the context that I just missed, mistyped "?" ?. Should be read like that: “Hello, Newton and Einstein did not know the scientific method and followed no rules, or each of them followed his own and different rules before Wikipedia came around? I think I should stop trying to find a spark of conscience in dead brains of believers in evolution?”/sarcasm Yet this stupid idiotic claim was made by believers in the evolution. Again, what is the scientific method both Newton and Einstein and everyone between them followed, who, when and where and in what circumstances did formulate it? Hello, dagosa, I am here, all attention....
No it was not apparent. You seem to think that scientific theories are proven absolutky true. They are not. By test and experimentation, they are agreed RELIABLE by concensus to be used to demonstrate what appears in the natural world. Only in mathematics, a closed system, do we PROVE THEOREMS. Why don’t you read what the scientific method is ?
YOU. State the scientific method, I’ll tell you if you're right or wrong and give you examples how Einstein was DEVOTED to it Thus far, you haven’t shown any inclination that you understand it.
It would be all good, but what are all these lies for? ToE is used by MDs to treat and diagnose deceases, - a lie. ToE is used to develop antibiotics and vaccination, - a grand lie. Specification has been observed, -- another grand lie. ToE has multiple practical applications, -- another lie. One lie begets another lie, like one hypothesis begets another hypothesis, and so lies keep on piling. These lies and general contempt of believers in evolution against the truth, and imposing these lies on innocent kids in schools as science is so revolting that no presumable truth about where the diversity of life comes from, presumably having nothing to do to all these lies, hardly looks worth of taking time from kids learning what is climate, what makes things cold and hot, what is warming, what is the globe, and many more really fun things. Come again, why all the lies I pointed to should be taught in schools as science? I will get to the rest of your post, when and if I have time. So far I see signs of human life in you, hope I will not get disappointed, don't turn into another zombie, please..
What he calls lies are, of course, all facts. I suppose this goofy tactic works on the children he tries to brainwash, but it doesn't seem to be working so well on educated adults.