Yup. But calling it what it is, ‘one of the most evidence supported scientific theory’s man has ever known,’ pretty much makes the title of this thread ridiculous . It also makes all non believers and their opinions wasted hot air.
Well, in scientific method a fact is a recorded observation. An example is a temperature taken at a specific time and place by a specific methodology. If there is logic involved, then it isn't a fact. So, evolution isn't a fact, relativity isn't a fact, etc. Theories have NO way to be proven true. Confidence grows as they defend themselves against attempts to prove them false. That makes sense to me, as surely Newton thought his theory had been proven true. Since he (and the rest of us) are humans, nobody at the time could imagine that speed would be an issue.
I find it interesting that a thread about the "falsehoods in evolution theory" has not produced any in over 1700 posts.
Theories also can be Facts. Most of any age are. Science doesn't deal in proofs, only math has them. 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense John Rennie, Editor in Chief Scientific American - June 2002 http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/15-answers-to-creationist/ [......] 1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law. Many people learned in Elementary school that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty--above a mere hypothesis but below a law. Scientists do NOT use the terms that way, however. According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a Well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution--or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter--they are NOT expressing reservations about its truth. In addition to the theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the Fact[/u] of evolution[/U]. [......] .. I would also suggest an article I posted here a few days ago. Slightly different and more elucidated take. "Evolution as Fact and Theory" Stephen J Gould http://www.stephenjaygould.org/library/gould_fact-and-theory.html `
Another take I like from a Reddit member. (reddit a good sci board than eliminated Creationism debates as a waste of time years ago) Posts generally arranged by either merit and rank of the poster. https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6bq375/at_this_point_is_gravity_still_a_theory_or_law/ In science, a theory is the strongest statement we can confidently make about the universe. Historically, labels of "law" were given out when phenomena were rigorously tested and shown to hold up, but the point is that a physical description of the universe is (1) entirely valid in the regimes where it has been rigorously tested and (2) cannot be considered inherently valid in areas where it has not been experimentally verified. With that in mind, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is a much better representation of our physical world than Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. Newtonian gravity is perfectly valid under certain regimes (low energy, macroscopic scale), but is no longer valid at higher energies, whereas general relativity can give good, verifiable predictions in the same regime that Newtonian gravity does, as well as at much higher speeds. Again, all hypotheses must be stringently tested. If they can hold up to many tests, they eventually are upgraded to "theory." We still consider the theory only valid where experiment has shown it to be valid. General relativity fails to accurately predict some gravitational behavior in our universe--but that's OK, because where it is well-defined, it is exemplary.
..more like a lot of hot air.. I've not read a bigger load of crap on the forums since usenet.. and the talk.origins group at least kept a pretence of scientific debate.. nothing like the jihadists here, with their 'kill the infidels!' religious zeal.. Only the ignore function works to block the barrages of hate, indignation, hypocrisy, and very UNSCIENTIFIC, fallacy filled 'arguments'.. and it is an insult to reason to even call these echo chamber circle jerks, 'debates'. There is no denying the passion and certainty these True Believers hold, for such a pathetically evidenced theory. It is a credit to the effectiveness of propaganda and Indoctrination. And, it is another example of misguided religious zeal. It is too bad for true scientific methodology, but that is just one of the casualties in Progresso World.
Sure. Show me. Provide any scientific evidence that supports your belief in universal common descent. This thread has been almost completely disrupted by hecklers.. a common misfortune of origins threads, on the forums. Your easy ad hom shows that..
So you can rudely dismiss it and his efforts? No, just shut up and let the adults talk. Pay attention. This is our thread, now.
An interesting fact about human evolution: As a species, we are still evolving, and rapidly so, due to our starting low genetic diversity and our ability to raise nearly all of our babies to breeding age. Scientists have identified several very specific examples of mutations that have spread rapidly throughout our species. And, ironically, our brains seem to be getting smaller.
Here we go, people. DIY. open the link https://aem.asm.org/content/81/21/7350 Use the Function Find in your browser and search for "may be", "may", "suggest" and other key words I mentioned a few posts ago. Don't have to be a scientist to spot garbage. I think I have demonstrated enough for everyone to see that believers in evolution are full of garbage and represent a danger for a free society.
Lol. Is it how Newton and Einstein defined the scientific method? Do you know that they didn't have internet, cell phones and even calculators? Still no answer to the simple question what is the scientific method, who, when and where and in what circumstances did formulate it? I think that should be enough for people to see that believers in evolution have absolutely no clue about anything and can never understand a simple question, less answer it.
yep, in mentality of believers in evolution there is some mystical and undefined global and some mystical and undefined scientific community. it issues statements in some mysterious way. and you, people, must follow with no thoughts of your own, no objections, like zombies, like believers in evolution. Every freedom loving American must stand against evolution, it is either you remain an American or turn into brainwashed, pre-programmed zombie.
Mysterious to you, because you know less than nothing about any of it. That is your fault, and nobody else's.
Only believers in evolution cannot see that statements including may be (is equal may be not), may or may not, suggest but does not demonstrate, act, do and other key words, - these statements are nothing but speculations, guess, suggestions which have no place in natural sciences. Thank you for another demonstration that believers in evolution cannot be embarrassed, like all zombies they lack not only brain but human feelings and shame is one of those feelings.
You will not explain or define the global scientific community everyone should obey and follow like a zombie believer in evolution, with no thought, no objections. The zombies need not to post any thoughts, facts, anything - they never do; all they have to do is point to the sky above and whisper out loud - global! scientific! community! and this is the only 'argument" they have - the power from above controlling them. I think I demonstrated enough fro every freedom loving american to have an urgent reason to stand up strong against the belief in evolution and break the idol of evolution worshipers: global! scientific! community!. There is nothing behind this idol, people, it is just another mental delusion of believers in evolution.
If self-soothing snake oil salesmen pitches were worth more than jack squat, you wouldn't be the laughingstock of a 7th grade science class. But you are, and evolution remains a fact.
Enough of your crybabying. State and explain one fallacy if the fundamental theory of evolution. You cannot even define a fallacy or state the fundamental theory of evolution, so this should be interesting.
hey believers in evolution, common over and join the bark of one of your own. I am sure anybody with a half brain following the tread is already sure that evolution does not even have a fallacy, that it is a mental delusion, not belonging to any normal logic and less to natural sciences, that believers in evolution with their idol - global!- scientific! - community! have been acting as totally ignorant, arrogant per-programmed zombies. For those who missed go back 20-25 pages and have fun and laugh.
I told you to stop crybabying. Now, state and describe one fallacy in the fundamental theory of evolution. We all suspect that you can't, and you are about to prove that you can't.
So, there is no scientific method per se…. no set rules Newton and Einstein followed… nothing which would be common for all different scientific theories.. Believers in evolution has not evolved to full grown up humans. It has been demonstrated that the believers refer to the scientific method, but none of them has been able to quote it and tell who, when and where and in what circumstances did formulate it. I think it is enough for any living person to see that believers in evolution are brain dead. It has been fun, but one day enough should be enough, especially, when some feeling of a pity towards mentally challenged people already starts coming around.
We all... I believe I started having fan and laughing at "we all" on page 68. Anybody who is on his own and not we all can scroll back and follow, and see what is going including the simple fact that believers in evolution cannot follow a simple thought, a simple conversation.
ToE is used by MDs to treat and diagnose deceases, - a lie. Who has said that? ToE is used to develop antibiotics and vaccination, - a grand lie. Who has said that? All believers in evolution said that, including you before you backed up when you were confronted with hard facts, and that made you different from other believers in evolution at that moment. Teachers impose these lies on trusting kids in all schools throughout the states. Child abusers. The internet, Google, and talkingorigins.com keeping up these lies. Child abusers. Specification has been observed, -- another grand lie. Depends on your definition of "observed" How does it depend the definition of “yes”, I mean “observed”? I explained it in all possible details here: http://politicalforum.com/index.php...volution-redux.504291/page-83#post-1069721337 Do you understand what is the phenomenon, an event, a happening of appearance of new species out of previous ones? Ask Mircea : http://politicalforum.com/index.php...volution-redux.504291/page-80#post-1069680060 It is like there was one specie of bacteria and in 40,000 generations, upon natural and forced (when legs are persistently torn off by scientists and new legs are sawn instead) mutilations another specie of bacteria or whatever is observed to appear. It is like there was the drosophila fly and after 150 years of experiments and 100,000 generations another specie of a fly or whatever appeared. As there cannot be an evidence of the Flying Spaghetti monster, there cannot be an evidence new species appearing out of previous ones because neither the FSM nor a single event of a new specie appearing out of old ones have ever been observed and never ever will be observed. Evidence of FSM and evidence of evolution are a fantasy, a mental delusion. I understand you are busy, so am I. Please be fair and follow the tread you are posting on and the poster you are having conversation with. ToE has multiple practical applications, -- another lie. Define practical Another definition of yes. http://politicalforum.com/index.php...volution-redux.504291/page-68#post-1069593330 I just said and you quoted: These lies and general contempt of believers in evolution against the truth, and imposing these lies on innocent kids in schools as science is so revolting that no presumable truth about where the diversity of life comes from, presumably having nothing to do to all these lies, hardly looks worth of taking time from kids learning -- PRACTICAL USE: --- what is climate, what makes things cold and hot, what is warming, what is the globe, and many more really fun things. (Then believers in evolution all say that they never said that evolution is used in Diagnosing disease, vaccines, medications, testing of pharmaceuticals, engineering plant characteristics….. But still they will be saying that evolution is used in Diagnosing disease, vaccines, medications, testing of pharmaceuticals, engineering plant characteristics….. I am not kidding, go to page 68 where I started and follow' I hope it is enough for any thinking person to see that believers in evolution are mentally challenged) Normal people know that one cannot disprove a belief, a speculation, an ideology. I hope that normal people can scroll back to page 68 and follow and see that appeal to a consensus always was a sure signed of pseodu-science for Newton and Einstein, and no part of the scientific method, that AST majority and global! - scientific!- community! are nothing but an idol, another another mental delusion of believers in evolution http://politicalforum.com/index.php...volution-redux.504291/page-88#post-1069735983 I hope everyone should see that standing against evolution and idol worshiping is standing for American freedoms. People, the right to think your own is your natural right, don't be afraid to be free thinkers... "science is the belief in ignorance of experts", as said one Nobel prize winner... don't follow as a zombie...
You can't state or describe a single fallacy in the theory of evolution. In fact, you can't even define a fallacy or state the theory of evolution. Even your thread title is a lie.