It’s hysterical thinking someone who didn’t believe in evolution would be quoting Einstein. Maybe we can expect a quote from Richard Dawkins next. Besides, how can people who live in ignorance find anyone they agree with to be credible enough to quote.
Way too much hostility in this thread, for me.. you guys sure take this very seriously.. isn't this just a theory? Why so much passion and zeal over a theoretical process? Mildly amusing to me.. but i don't get the hate.. *shrug*
Understandable, and we’re just as confused by the totally uneducated position on the other side. Funny how you guys are dead serious till it’s obvious you don’t have a genome to stand on, then it’s all a big joke. We’ve been laughing at those who hate science but love their antibiotics and artificial titanium hip replacements for decades.
Believe what you want, and ridicule who you want.. you have a supportive venue for that, here. ..but don't try to pretend 'science!'.. this is censorship and heckling, not scientific debate.
Even more incredibly he/they 'Quote Mine' SJ Gould. Evolution as Fact and Theory by Stephen Jay Gould 1994 Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution as Fact and Theory" [.....]"...The rise of Creationism is Politics, pure and simple; it represents one issue (and by no means the major concern) of the resurgent evangelical right. Arguments that seemed Kooky just a decade ago have reentered the mainstream. The basic attack of modern Creationists Falls Apart on two general counts before we even reach the supposed factual details of their assault against evolution. First, they play upon a vernacular misunderstanding of the word "theory" to convey the false impression that we evolutionists are covering up the rotten core of our edifice.[......] In the American vernacular, "theory" often means "imperfect fact"—part of a hierarchy of confidence running downhill from fact to theory to hypothesis to guess. Thus creationists can (and do) argue: evolution is "only" a theory, and intense debate now rages about many aspects of the theory... [......] Well, Evolution is a Theory. It is also a Fact. . [......] Yet amidst all this turmoil No biologist has been lead to doubt the Fact that evolution occurred; we are debating how it happened. We are all trying to explain the same thing: the tree of evolutionary descent linking all organisms by ties of genealogy. Creationists pervert and caricature this debate by conveniently neglecting the common convictionthat underlies it, and by Falsely suggesting that evolutionists now doubt the very phenomenon we are struggling to understand. [......] The entire Creationist program includes little more than a rhetorical attempt to falsify evolution by presenting Supposed Contradictions among it's supporters. [......] Have another Nice page. Mine.
Everything is a debate about science. Name something in politics that isn’t ! Healthcare, the foolish wall, the proper way to treat aliens. You name it. The solution lies with good science. Science extends to human behavior you know. Psychology, sociology etc, are just as valid as the natural sciences. Guess what, the most advance degree in law is a “ science “ degree. Anyone who enters a debate and is not concerned about the scientific reality surrounding the debate, leaves them selves open to ridicule ! That’s you guys.
Theory is the very best understanding mankind is capable of developing concerning how things work in this universe. Given that you keep starting threads and posting posts that assault theory I'd say it is you who is the one who is passionate. After all, science decided this question a long time ago. Evolution is one of the foundations of all modern biology. There IS a cost to the assault on science. It strives to eliminate science as a valid contribution to public policy decision making, for example. It leads to lower support for education at a time when our economic future is ever more dependent on science - in high tech, in clean energy, in information, in innovation, in automation, and as America has receding advantage in manufacturing. America will pay a price for denigrating science, as other nations are not so encumbered.
Oh look, the guy that says all the scientists are dirty little liars and who dismisses their lifetimes of devotion to scientific pursuit is now whining that someone is being hostile to him by calling him a liar.... Very toddler-like...
America, and all of humanity will pay a price for distorting scientific methodology and turning it into a propaganda tool. Atheistic jihadists, pretending to have 'science!' justifying what is only religious bigotry, can heckle, disrupt, mandate, and obscure the non partisan tool of discovery, but they will not hijack it completely. Science will not be chained, by these dogmatic religionists, attempting dark ages practices to stifle the pursuit of knowledge. So heckle away! Bully those who don't toe the line for your dogmatic tenets of faith! Demean, disrupt, and shout down any outliers to your bigoted opinions. You may set scientific knowledge back, but it WILL return, as the inquisitive nature of man will not be bullied by religious dogmatists even if they pretend to be friends of science. They are not. They are enemies of inquiry and truth.
You seem to like the word heckle but are using it improperly. The whining of heckle you constantly spew is in actuality people pointing out your errors and attempting to give you futility. :Likely I just "Heckled" you. By the way...Yes, I know you just clicked view post and will try to ignore what I typed.
Some of us are already regretting what science has done to humanity. It has given crazy’s a forum on the interternet that mimics and repeats Faux News tripe incessantly.
You forget that science INCLUDES Christians and those of other religions. It's just a different tool set. You haven't identified anything to complain about. I'm not attacking your religion. I don't even know what your religion is.
I thought you wanted me to ignore you? I have forgotten a lot, over the years, but i still can follow a conversation, and reply in context. Can you? Let me know if you still want me to put you on ignore, and I'll comply. You said earlier you did. I'm waiting for confirmation.
You shouldn't "ignore" anyone of those on your list. My response was mostly in recognition of a list of people I'd join in most contexts.
Really? You presume to tell me whom i should listen to, and whom i should ignore? Will you dictate to me who to vote for, where i should work, who to marry, too? I'm always amazed at the controlling mandates of progressives.. Everyone should be controlled, and told what to do... Well, for now, this is still free America, and I'll ignore whomever i damn well please. Especially if all they have is hostile, bigoted, hysteria. I can deal with facts and reason, but i don't accept your mandates to believe or listen to someone you specify. Science is about facts and evidence, not credentials or hero worship. You can join them, if you want. I am extremely long suffering, with the unscientific hecklers. I clear my ignore list often, and try again for rational discussion. Only when the hostility, the distortions, and heckling gets unbearable do i resort to the ignore button, and it is a welcome respite from the hate and insolence. I am enjoying the break from the hecklers you esteem so much. You can join them, if you wish.
You’re avatar is “funny”. You’re willing to give up America to follow the orange orangutan Into Putin’s waiting arms.
Youre the unscientific one.....let’s see how the anti science orange orangutang Explains his way out of this Saudi assasinatiin. You can’t make this stuff up.
I find it telling that the ones who ALWAYS bring up 'religion!' (In the science forum) are the Militant Attack Dog Atheists (MADAs). They won't touch science or reason with a ten foot pole, yet presume to 'own science!', just because they are atheists... I've been a lot happier having them on ignore, and not reading their hateful diatribes, which is just religious bigotry on display. Knowledge and understanding are not their goal, but bullying, propaganda, and the destruction of Christianity. They only have a pretense of 'science!'