Sounds great, and I'm all for it. What a boon for both animal welfare & the environment. But first I want to see how exactly it's grown.
will the FDA protect consumers and require they put this on the label that it's fake meat? or will this just be hidden from consumers like pink slime I am only for it, if it's require to put it on the label
No doubt it'll be labeled. But not necessarily how it's grown (ie, what chemicals, nutrients, growth media, etc. were used in the culture). I'd also want to know the nutrient profile of the lab meat vs that of natural meat. And if there are no toxic byproducts in the final meat product, likely it'd be okay to consume.
I'll take a two inch rare ribeye made from a real cow any day over an artificial piece of garbage made from petunias.
We've all eaten pesticide-laden GMO crop foods, antibiotic & hormone-spiked meats from sick & abused animals, toxic farmed fish, junk food full of artificial additives/chemicals, and fake foods. Plus, we've all been vaccinated at one time or other, we're surrounded by man-made toxins inside & outside of our home, and we're bombarded by electric fields & wireless radiation 24/7. And you're worried about lab-grown meat which is actually real meat? In the future, at the rate things are going, the lab-grown meat might be your only option.
Free range meat used to be fine, until big business took over and turned it into an unsustainable practice.
I live in Texas. I see my meat as I drive past it in a pasture all the time. "Bombarded by electric fields"???? LOLOL that's funny. Maybe, if you live under a power line. I'm a degreed electrical engineer by the way. You need get out of your ghetto and come to the land of fresh air and sunshine.
I used to live in Austin, which is still nice but becoming expensive like San Francisco & overly developed. Housing prices have shot through the roof and property taxes have always been high. And I've driven through Abilene & Amarillo and also lived briefly in Lubbock while in school. These last three, and very boring, towns smelled horribly of cow **** from CAFO's. Not what I'd call 'fresh air'. And yes, evidence shows clearly that EMF/EMR from electrical & wireless devices are likely the major cause of most of our diseases, with vaccines coming in second and pesticides coming in third. Being an electrical engineer doesn't absolve you from the facts & research that span decades----that artificial EMF is extremely harmful to humans, animals and even plants. The harmful effects of electricity were observed as early as the days of the telegraph. The emergence & epidemic rise of a new disorder called 'neurasthenia' (a neurological disorder with physical & psychological symptoms) began during the roll out & development of telegraph lines. Since then, the evidence from studies & research by scientists and the medical profession has grown. The roll out of cell towers & personal wireless devices has added a new wrinkle to the epidemic of health disorders. It is because of EMF that chronic diseases continue to rise all over the world, regardless of dietary & lifestyle changes.
EMF/EMR are "the major cause of most of our diseases"???? Wow.... did you get that from the Martians invading your neighborhood? LOL Wait... I saw the movie that had all the gobbledygook you are spewing... good flick... one of the STAR WARS series... right?
I am sure fake lab grown meat will be cheaper, but I will still want the real natural meat sure this stuff will be used in fast food and tv dinners mainly, probably start with fake chicken nuggets
we just want to choose for ourselves like I wanted to know pink slim was in our hamburger, if I wanted pink slim, I would of ate a hot dog, just want to be able to choose lab grown meat is not the same.... be like saying chicken meat is the same as cow meat, etc.... or grass fed is same as grain fed just look at Salmon, farm raised vs wild, are they the same? "In the future, at the rate things are going, the lab-grown meat might be your only option." yes, some will try to ban real meat I am sure, because they are afraid if we can choose, we wont choose the corporate meat
But it won't be fake. It'll be real, just lab-grown----similar to lab-grown precious gems that are identical to the mined gems.
I don't trust murderers, thieves, rapists, or vegetarians. I'm a carnivore. I avoid vegetables. That's why God gave us vitamin pills and "Balance of Nature".
Certainly. Being able to choose and know what's what is very important, particularly when it comes to our health & well-being. Corporations are constantly fighting & lobbying against any law forcing them to reveal the contents of their poisonous products to consumers. State support & protection of corporations is a major driving force behind the rise in chronic illness & environmental destruction.
Good question. It's produced without harm to animals & the environment, which should delight most vegans & vegetarians.
I grew up in New York City and we bought all our food in the store. Now retired, I live just miles from a University Medical Center, three hospital complexes, a mall, great restaurants, and multiple ranches and farms. Food here is fresh, inexpensive, and just suited for my carnivore tastes.
and this is the issue with not knowing... corporations will choose profits over our health if they can get away with it
Farmed salmon is toxic because of the horrible conditions they're raised in----very similar to CAFO-style chicken, swine & cattle farms. Farmed salmon are bred to grow fast in cages so crammed that they are rife with parasites and disease. The fish eat pellets of fishmeal, vegetables, and animal byproducts; they are doused regularly with pesticides and antibiotics. Wild salmon is always best, but at the rate of population growth & demand/over-fishing for salmon, contamination of waterways, habitat destruction, and climate change, among other factors, they've become an endangered species. Fish farming could potentially be done sustainably and relatively healthfully, but operations would have to be kept small-scale, completely organic, with no over-crowding, with natural feed, and without the use of toxic chemicals or medicines. However, this would be labor intensive & economically impractical. The truth is that population reduction is our best solution. It will allow nature to replenish & flourish, create an abundance of wild plant & animal foods, and get us back to eating the way nature intended. If we don't do this, all our food may end up coming solely from toxic farms, labs, and greenhouses.