Each domino represents the ship when it was there. Think of it as taking a picture of the ship at each domino
No you never did and are lying about it now show some evidence that they are fake. You have never even TRIED to present such evidence So you admit that you lied and they are real
no it's not because you're comparing a LINE of several domino to a singular ship if you take one domino over a flat plane, it will always remain at eye level. But on a curve, it would look like this;
No it is not valid nor is it a comparable experiment. There are massive differences between the two and it is not valid and yes you are ignorant and willfully so. Now stop evading facts and offer some evidence for your claims
Let's say as the ship was leaving, you took a picture at each mile, or even half a mile. And you went home put it in your computer system in a program that allows all images as one, "composite". Each domino represents each pic. If you can't get that, I really don't care what you say. It's so easy, a child could understand.
Here's another problem you flat earthers have. Using a bowling lane seen at eye level, you see the further out it goes the more it looks like it's GOING UP, not down like you claim. Even your domino example lined up would look like their going up.
Look at this photo; If the Earth was flat, there should not be an edge line to this photo because taller objects or anything past it should be visible - WHY AREN'T THEY ?!
Man, I just enjoy destroying flat earth logic lol Here's another problem; when you're on top of Mount Everest, the tallest point on earth, the max visibility is 211 MILES, that's it. How could this be if the Earth is flat and we are able to see stars from microscopes that are hundreds and thousands of miles away ?!
The further you get from anything the smaller it get's. Eventually you won't be able to see it at all. This is demonstrable with experiments on flat surfaces. It's called "angular size".
Then I guess this guy busts the globe model, because this is the world record, and it is not Mt. Everest. 275 miles this person could see. https://beyondhorizons.eu/2016/08/03/pic-de-finestrelles-pic-gaspard-ecrins-443-km/
The gif you are addressing did not show anything shrinking it showed something being obscured by another object as it moved away. That is why your idiotic comparison to dominoes was a failure and not valid
Obviously you didn't do the experiment. And are drawing conclusions based on fantasy. The bottom of the last domino disappears, and does so on a flat surface.
Bowling lanes are 60 ft in regulation. Your looking at roughly 75 to 80 ft here. And if you was to place the camera on the floor, where the pins would represent skyscrapers, you'll see the bottom of the pins are no longer visible.
IF you back far enough away anything will disappear yes what will not happen is seeing it gradually obscured as the ship was making your stupid experiment a massive foolish failure. Wipe the egg off your face boy
OK, you're still not understanding me. We have telescopes that can see tens of thousands of miles into space. If we take one of these telescopes and sit on top of mount Everest and point it towards the direction of Bangladesh, why can't we see this building using the same telescope that sees tens of thousands of miles upward ? It's because this building is 250 miles away which is past the horizon point from Mount Everest. Let's go even further - tallest building in the world is Dubai. Why can't we see it using a high powered telescope when on top of Mount Everest looking down on the rest of the "flat Earth" ?
https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com..._Main_Image_Auk1gGvlSfCJnZea9ocX-1244x533.jpg Oh look at that. The camera is on the floor and the bottoms of the pins are visible. SO easy to crush your childish attempts at science. Now provide some evidence that the images of a round earth are faked
To verify any photo's validity, one must analyze it first. Not just make claims as to weather it's validity is credible or not. Here is NASA.gov (because it's government), blue marble 2.0 official earth image. https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/57000/57723/globe_west_2048.jpg Here is taking the time to analyze it. https://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/2002-blue-marble-anomalies.png Any questions? Can you not see it's fake. Look at the land masses and the edges thereof.
No in fact you have failed to show evidence it is fake. It is you claiming it is faked based on lack of analysis. it is you making claims without any form of validity that the thousands of images taken by NASA are fake. You lied in sensational fashion about the images being CGI but you KNOW those were proven to be lies. Now show some damn evidence WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DONE