This has been explained to him more than once. You can even use someones web cam to prove it is night time on one side while day on the other. This is absolute proof he is wrong and he knows it. He simply childishly refuses to admit it. - - - Updated - - - It still be visible world wide no matter how much you deny it. This is fact. Sources of light are always visible from much farther away than they illuminate something. No matter how small you try to say it is it will always be visible worldwide on a flat earth - - - Updated - - - Yes it is and yes they have to be lying. Of course others here have crushed your claims that NASA is lying. Your bible lies and that is proven.
I'm not offering proof or images. What I said was, get a telescope and see for yourself. Heck, you don't even need a telescope to see Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn tonight if you have clear enough skies. Even with a good set of binoculars you can see Jupiter and several of its moons well enough to know it is not the same as the stars. With a decent telescope and a night with a stable atmosphere, you can see the Great Red Spot on Jupiter and you can watch its moons in orbit. It's no conspiracy. They are there.
Ive already given you stone cold facts. Ignorance is not being aware of something, stupidity is being told but still not getting it. can you tell me what part of you can get a pilot license and fly in a straight line yourself and get back to where you started. Again, you can do this all by yourself. Otherwise enjoy flat earth and stay away from the edge!
I have done this. It is apparent you have not. The so called planets don't appear to be planets at all. Venus- Mars- Saturn- Venus- Others- Star-
Ummm... no. I take my telescope out quite frequently and observe the heavens. The planets look nothing like those videos. Those videos were taken using poor quality optics, out of focus, and in very turbulent atmospheric conditions. Perhaps instead of just looking at crappy Youtube videos, you should go to a star party hosted by the nearest astronomy club and see these things with your own eyes. Or you can choose to remain ignorant. Makes no difference to me.
Straight from these images are fake. putting this image into Validity= If they have real images, give the real images, no need for fakery.
There is no reason to believe those NASA photos are forged. They have been digitally enhanced most likely, as are most all astronomy photos. All Fotoforensics can tell you is the image is not exactly as it was straight out of the camera. And it doesn't come out of the camera in a JPEG format anyway, so its not really even a valid analysis. Am I to assume that you refuse to accept my challenge of seeing the planets for yourself? Or would that disturb your worldview too much?
Why the hell do I have to got to any observatory, with the technology we have now it can all be placed on the web in real time without additives? My tax dollars pays for all this, why should I have to pay to go see it? Or whatever nasa uses I should be able to use for free, granite somebody of understanding the technology should be present. As I would enter into a public Mall, I should also be able to enter any nasa environment anywhere for free. Is this possible, is there in off limit areas to the public from nasa properties? After all, you and I pay for it.
So when is the Expedition to the Antarctic "Ice Wall" taking place, prove that "Nothing lies beyond it"? The guys you gave your money to....have they set a date yet??? Or still "raising needed funds"?
I never said you had to pay to go see anything. I specifically said go to a local star party. This is where amateur astronomers gather. They bring amateur telescopes. They will be happy to show you these planets that you say do not exist. It won't cost you anything other than fuel and time. You will be able to see them with your own two eyes. If that is too much trouble for you, you can do a web search and there are several websites where amateur astronomers from around the world stream live video captured through their telescopes. I'm sure some focus on the various planets now and again. There is also a database online where you can download raw NASA image data from the Hubble and other missions. It is not jpeg data. Most likely it is in FITS format so you will need something able to display that type of data. I would not be a bit surprised to find out there are things NASA has lied to us about or otherwise kept hidden. But flat earth and planets not being real ain't one of them.
Yes, I have. But thanks for proving my point. You would not have asked the question if you had a even a modicum of education in basic science.
As I've told others on the Religion forum.....keep in mind.. jrr777's belief in the Flat Earth is an extension of his belief in Bible Literalism, which is the key component of his Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christianity. NO amount of evidence, argument, facts, or even logic will sway him.....even if he falsely claims he'd be "open-minded to evidence to the contrary".....he isn't. Nor is his FE belief entirely honest. He would NEVER try to kickstart an Antarctic expedition to "prove the existance of the Ice Wall"*.... because in his heart, he doubts.....he doubts his own supposed beliefs. And actually going to the Antarctic or having trusted friends go ....and prove there is no "Ice Wall and endless Space beyond it"....would simply provoke an existential crises. "If" there is no "Ice Wall"...he would know the Earth is a sphere...and if he knew the Earth was a sphere, he'd know his interpretation of the Bible was wrong....and if his interpretation of the Bible is wrong, then his entire belief system collapses. As simplistic as it sounds, it's his mind, "No Flat Earth = No God". *(jrr777 CLAIMS he's donated money to an FE group planning an Antarctic Expedition.....either that's not true and he hasn't donated the money.....or he's been ripped off by con artists.)
And there are several of simpler methods of showing the Earth is a sphere that I've listed, and jrr just ignores. Belief combined with ignorance results in folks rejecting facts and logic. We see it here all the time. It's not just that Jrr777 puts belief ahead of fact, but his posts and questions reflect a fundamental ignorance and lack of knowledge about basic scientific principles. His question about why there isn't always 12 hours of sunlight a day shows he lacks even basic knowledge of scientific principles, not knowing (or even contemplating) , for example, that the Earth's axis is not perpendicular to its orbit around the sun. This is basic information that every kid who gets through grammar school knows. Hence my suspicions that jrr was home schooled by biblical fundamentalists and never exposed to even basic science. Whether he thinks it is true or not, the fact he could even ask the question shows a fundamental ignorance of basic science. Which should be a lesson on the value of curriculum based education for us all.
You do understand that the earth is tilted (23.5 degrees different than the plane of our orbit around the sun). For that reason, except for the equator and during the two equinoxes, we don't have 12 hour days and nights. No wonder you are so easily fooled, you don't even know basic science.