Are you kidding me man. This has been done numerous times all coming back with flat earth results.
I could care less about Pliny says, where is YOUR proof of this 3rd body. Can it ever be seen and measured with lasers, or are lasers fictions as well?
Imagine, if you will- An entire country so ignorant, that the people willfully give billions of dollars in order to elect rich criminals to rule over their lives and steal their money, but still believe they are free!!
Your posts help me understand how that can happen when people but their ideological or religious beliefs above fact and reason.
This is your thread. If you can give no solid proof of a "3rd Celestial body" causing lunar eclipses, then your whole theory is bunk.
So you're willing to spend hours and days sifting through that garbage. And hours and days defending it. But you're not willing to conduct this extremely cheap and effective experiment yourself? Do you not have any large enough lakes where you live? It's not like I'm saying you should build a rocket and go to the moon to see the earth from it. But really, this is an experiment you could do yourself. Hell, make a video on it, I'd watch it. In a lot of science, we often have to take the scientists word for it, because we don't have the knowledge, and the tools to conduct the experiments ourselves. But in this case, you totally can. But of course you won't, because it's somehow more comfortable for crazy people to believe there is one huge conspiracy everyone is on board with, and it makes you feel intellectually superior by not being "fooled". By actually conducting the experiment, you'd find out who the real fool is. And you're clearly not ready for this.
You talking about measuring the curvature of the earth. There is no curvature, and it has never been measured.
Yes it has been measured many many times over. Eratostenes measured it many centuries ago. You have never been able to dispute the fact that it is round with any scientific evidence ignorant on the matter you are. All he did was measure the curve the earth would half to be if it was a ball. There is no curvature whatsoever. You cannot see it, you cannot measure it. Your cognitive dissonance is helping you none. Those videos prove there is no curve, and yet you cling to it as if there is. Good luck with that. ignorant on the matter you are. It's amazing that exactly half the earth is has sunlight while the other half does not when the earth is a flat plane with no curvature whatsoever. One might say impossible. Just one of the numerous proofs put to you you've dodged. And yet you cling to as if there is not. Good luck with that.
"CGI". That is your pat answer whenever you're confonted with photo/video evidence of the sphere. The tens of thousands of photos and film taken from space are "CGI", proof of you multi-decade conspiracy involving tens of thousands of people. But none of the internet videos you post are "CGI". Truth is easy to distort when you employ blatant, hypocritical double standards, isn't it?
Wrong he measured the curve and proved there was a curve. You have posted no video with any proof at all Yes the surface is curved and yes you can see it with the right perspective. You know good and well that it is so large the curvature cannot be seen easily with the naked eye. Many have posted pictures of ships partially obscured by the horizon and that is absolute proof of the curvature which you have failed to even challenge. We have pictures from space showing it is round which means it has a curvature and your only defense is a childish outright lie that they are CGI. They are not CGI you have no evidence they are CGI and you lie like the sinner you are to claim they are CGI
But true and accurate. It is only you clinging to religious belief and ignoring all evidence to the contrary
Is there any CGI in those videos? Do you even know what CGI is? Are you able to see CGI without computer software? Do you know what software and how to detect if something is CGI?
Do you know any of these things? You are the one making the assertion that ALL images or the earth from space are CGI without a shred of evidence that they are CGI. To answer you more clearly yes we all know CGI when we see it, For example many of us have the latest star wars story rogue 1. Even before CGI died Carrie Fisher's character Princess Leia was created via CGI in the film. Everyone could tell it was CGI. It was very GOOD CGI but still recognizable as CGI. The photographs of Earth from space show a ROUND earth. They are not CGI and they prove you wrong. You cannot show evidence of CGI you can only lie about them being CGI.
Dodge. As you have continued to do with all the proofs I've shown to you and you ignore because you have no grounds to rebut them.
No, the ones you displayed were those that need software, not able to see with the naked eye (they appear to be real). But then again, so did Clooney and Bullock in the movie "Gravity". I can promise you, that was fake (CGI). The ones you displayed were indeed CGI, you just don't care to find out.