Quite simply, what is the possible gain for the massive and highly expensive scam to make us think the earth is round and not flat?
The Flat Earth crowd is roughly: ... 50% Trolls ... 50% Morons The trolls generate content that the morons guzzle down like alcoholics at an open bar. Many trolls profit off the morons stupidity, selling them books and CDs, which I find offensive & immoral. Many FE morons justify their position with Biblical scripture, compounding the stupidity. Where science shows the Bible to be wrong, they're in a hopeless situation. They have to discard the Bible and an afterlife in Heaven, or discard the science and look like idiots... which they are.
Good summary. IMO FE as a "movement" results from a systematic effort from the right to discredit science for political purposes.
That makes sense. It's also like a test of loyalty; the FE crowd is quite willing to stand up and be counted among the stupid. To them being anti-science is badge of honor. Discrediting science is much like the "Fake News" that began (AFAIK) last year. Muddy the waters, raise doubts, create false equivalencies, drown the science with a torrent of bullcrap. There can be no discussion of global warming of a flat Earth.
That's a good point. I would expect there is a high corroboration between climate change denies and FEs.
I love the fact that the FE'ers who use the Biblical line of "the corners of the world" and then present us with a flattened disk. Another shape that lacks corners.
So where are our flat earth advocates? I gave them a perfect chance to explain what the round earth conspiracy is about, and I haven't seen them.
Well Jrr777 tends to be an infrequent wanderer into this forum. He tends to hand out in other similar forums more than here. But when he does pop in here it's usually a "Flat Earth is the truth and everyone else has been snowed by the round Earth conspiracy" post or two and he's gone again.
Well, I think most FEers are deniers, but the opposite is not true (most climate change deniers are not FEers). What does corroboration mean in this sense? Do you mean correlation?
I would think that the Copernican, or heliocentric model of the solar system was purely an attempt to explain the observable. There may be another reason. If the earth is indeed a flat disk, enclosed by a dome and a creation of some intelligence, an intelligence that does not seem interested in it's creation any longer... That is a horrifying notion, real, or even if not a reality. Revolving planets around the Sun and an outer space that can be explored and perhaps find another place to go, 'out there', is much more palatable and hopeful.
Lol... I don't believe in man made global warming and I don't believe the earth is flat. I do find it humorous that you lefties have a name for anyone that doesn't share your views... Don't share your views about AGW? Science denier! Believe the Earth is flat? Flat Earther! Question Obama's birth? Birther!! Question Obama? Racist! Question Hillary? Misogynist! Why can't you understand that not everyone shares your views?
So are you saying that, at least in a flat earther's mind, that the lie of a spherical earth is a lie meant to bring hope to humans?
Yes exactly. This flat earth revival has been Youtube driven for a few years now. I have entertained the notion as a mental exercise in order to debunk and to try to prove it. There are compelling arguments presented by smarter people. Some of the flat earthers are religionists and seem to use it a a wedge issue in an attempt to bring people back into the kingdom of God. Others just seem to be contrarians to accepted scientific worldview, or just getting yt hits to make some $$.. I don't know where knowledge ends, but let's say it is in the Vatican. Say you are in the inner circle ... and you know that humanity lives in a snow globe... Hmm, what to do ? Perhaps let's just let Copernicus do his thing with this revolving planets idea.. yes ? Just playing, Maq.