We're waiting for you to post your proof that you have this proof. Are we going to have to wait for long? It's only been about 10 years.
You have a direct contact. Don't be afraid to use it. (The thread isn't about me, no matter how desperately you wish it was.)
Photos of lots of debris coming out of the excavated ground that aren't just laid in there by the excavation team would.
You've supposedly already contacted them, so why not just show us what they sent you? Why keep postponing the debunking of our conspiracy claim?
Let me ask you Hannibal, are you smart enough to prove to us your belief that most of a 757 was buried then extracted from that field?
I have shown the evidence, and it wasn't 'good enough' for you. So I directed you right to the source. Go forth and see it for yourself. I really am curious as to what is so very difficult about this. With the myriad of postings you have here, you could have written or called dozens of the first responders and witnessed the evidence they have. Go for it!
No, I'm done doing your footwork. You know exactly where to find what I posted, you've linked back to it many times. You also know where to find the people who were on the scene. You had no trouble talking to a stranger in a bar about all of this, so you shouldn't be squeamish about contacting the first hand witnesses.
So when you demand truthers follow your lead and do their own "footwork", you have no problem doing the same? I beg to differ.
Again, why focus on me? You didn't like the evidence I provided, fine. Go directly to the source. Ask them directly what they did or did not find.
Yeah, yeah. Don't ask me. I stated it but go somewhere else if you need verification. Nice dodge (again).
I understand you don't like the evidence I presented. That's fine. If you are looking for direct evidence, go directly to the source. Why do you find this so difficult?
Well, you seem to be the purveyor of all "official". All knowing and all truthful. Seemed like a reasonable choice at the time.
Once again, I'll remind you that the topic of the thread is not me. If you are so obsessed, start a thread directed at me personally. As for this thread, your 'missing proof' awaits you with the people who were on the scene. I've spoken with them, they are great people. You should give it a try.
Once again, I'll remind you that the topic of the thread is not me. You want the 'missing proof'? Go to the source.
You made the topic you by claiming you chatted with your buddies who verified your lies. Now we're supposed to hunt them down and ask them, because you were asked specifics, and you punted it.
You don't have to 'hunt' anyone. You have been provided the direct contact for the people that were on the scene. You don't like the evidence I supplied? Fine. Go directly to the source.