Fox-Google GOP Debate - interactive

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by gypzy, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Why? What does Paul bring to the Presidential table.
    Don't say knowledge.We don't need another professor in the
    White House.
    leadership ... ? Where ? in Industry or even as a legislator.
    His toughness on Issues.Like maybe Abortion or Social contracts.
    His ability to persuade { I don't think so.He couldn't sell me a Mars
    bar if I had a pocketful of coins and was stranded in the desert for
  2. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    I wasn't aware they allowed Maine residents to vote in Kentucky elections.

    Interesting choice, Teddy Roosevelt, a founder of the progressive movement. Next!
    Shangrila and (deleted member) like this.
  3. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    No, you are the one who is clearly in denial.

    No one is claiming that the straw polls and online polls are scientific polls nor is anyone claiming that they are accurate representations of his true support. You keep saying that his "tactic" is to win straw polls. That isn't something he is focusing on. He is focusing on spreading his message and that is why he wins the straw polls. This is an undeniable truth and is not debatable.

    I know, it is the ron paul forums, but it is still a good point. Ron Paul still wins despite this.

    He is a true conservative republican, not a modern conservative republican.
    Remember what Ronald Reagan said, "If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." To be a true conservative is to conserve the ideals of the constitution. Ron Paul is truly unparalleled when it comes to supporting the constitution. Of course he isn't going to support a republican nominee when they aren't a true republican.
    Despite what you might think, it is the minority of people in the U.S. that find his views to be dangerous. I take that back. The minority of people like you find his views to be dangerous for whatever reason and then the majority of major corporations find his views to be dangerous to their profits. He is also right. No one man could change everything that needs to be changed in this country. That is why Ron Paul's main focus is to spread his message and what better way to do that than to lead the country?
    Since when has any one person in congress changed anything? Answer: Never. The key to a great legislator is not the ability to change your ideals to suit others as you suggest but rather to stick to the ideals of the constitution.
    Democrats and liberals are NOT the same as libertarians. Democrats are happy to see the dilution because democrats want Obama to win. Libertarians, or true conservative republicans, do not like the dilution. In my opinion the only ones that belong on the debate stage any more are Romney, Perry, and Paul. They are the top three and the rest have NO chance. Of course if the media did that their bias against Ron Paul would be a lot more apparent, so instead the media prefers to keep the debates diluted so it isn't as suspicious when they ask Ron Paul the least amount of questions. Do you know why they brought Gary Johnson in? Because they thought that his views are close enough to Ron Paul to steal away votes from him because they know he is a real contender.
  4. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    The very best parts of these idiotic and otherwise useless con debates is that all the candidates suck, even from the con POV, and there's a year + more of them! What a friggin godsend for America, the whole country is watching the bottom dwellers feed on each other and the last one standing is already toast. Johnson is the latest bad wind to blow onto the scene who's dog jokes don't hunt and what else is there, NOBODY! Obama can mail in the next 4 years simply by con default, the fault being all their own.
  5. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    I'm in denial of nothing, neither his strengths or weaknesses, or his chances to win the nomination.

    Which "broad based support" are you worried about, that which might come from the left? or the right?

    I've already shown where Paul can pull votes from the left in the general election. Dismiss it and it is you who is in denial. So is it the right that has you worried?

    Oh indeed he is, sir, far more so than anyone else on that stage save Johnson.
    He is the only limited govt Rep in the race. The others are big govt Reps, commonly known as RHINOs or Neo-Cons.
    I see, so your problem with Paul is that he is not a "party man" first and foremost. Well, just shame on his non-fascist ass!
    Did you have one plank in mind? or did you mean to say the "party platform"?

    Are you an angry Rep partisan? or a fearful Dem?

    And btw - he supports the Rep party to which he belongs each and every time he casts his Congressional ballot in their favor, every time he wins his district keeping it from the Dem column.

    As to your 3rd party concerns, I acknowledge and understand that...addressed it myself only a few days ago.
    Right. He is Libertarian. He is a Classic Liberal -- exactly like Franklin, Jefferson and Madison.
    Does that make you a RHINO? Or fearing a race against a Rep candidate who is not a RHINO?

    He was an AF Flight surgeon, then Air Nat'l Guard, then a physician who ran the OB dept for the county. And while I too prefer governors, it certainly is not an fn litmus test!

    He Served
    Enjoy the comments section​
    Indeed! Take on his CONSTITUTIONALLY-GROUNDED VIEWS....gawd knows they have been EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to tyranny for 230+ years!

    So who is walking on water for you?
    I had hoped that the realities of that hope and change guy might have taught people to check themselves when swooning at the heels of politicians...guess not.

    I will gladly answer your question when you rephrase it into a direct question sans metaphors.
    If you truly are unaware of how Paul has changed the political discourse of this nation during this election cycle, you really need to remove your ears from your "savior's" behind. I'll give you three hints: the Fed, the TEA party, and war powers. <- oh but the fascist, left and right, do hate that one.

    Let me fix this: "anybody CAN do"...They can even do it out loud, in front of TV cameras -- IF you have the balls!, the strength of conviction.

    Most often, when a politician identifies the problem and actually names it, it is quickly rolled back and called, er, a gaffe!
    If he's lucky he can withstand the resulting assault calling him a loon or fringe for having spoken the truth.

    Hehehehee! great "legislators" are those with great "power", great power comes via great "subservience to the party".
    Thank gawd. A candidate who has 20 yrs legislative experience and no strings to special interest groups -- like the RNC!
  6. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    The Rule Book, Fool! The Rule Book. With the intention to uphold it. The intention to refer and defer to it when making decisions about taxes, wars, and economic policy.

    A novel concept that has received nothing but lip service for the past 100 yrs.
  7. driller80545

    driller80545 New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
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    So what you are looking for is a slick used car salesman, I suppose. What RP would bring to the White House (and a long time in coming) is the toughness to do what is good for America and Americans rather than pad the pockets of his cronies. What is wrong with this country is not complicated or hard to fix. America has been raped by slick politicians (used car salesmen). RP's personal agenda is love of liberty, free markets, and individual freedoms. Civil rights-are you old enough to remember when they existed. I am thinking that the general public in America no longer desire to live in a republic, that they would prefer a Marxist government to lead and guide their every step.
  8. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Oh it is so much worse that that!
    I say with full conviction that the US has been a fascist nation for some 60+ yrs. The public is so inured to the fact that they do not recognize the reality.

    The mainstream, the Dem and Rep parties, are but two wings, left and right, of the same fascist party.

    Of course, no one calls it by its Italian name.
    In Eu they call it Social Democracy; in the US they call it Progressivism (for the first time since the days of Wilson/Sanger - Mussolini/Churchill/Hitler/GBShaw put the phew on that moniker).

    Call it what it is, Corporatism, and the picture becomes clearer.

    Recognize that corporation does Not mean simply business conglomerates but also trade unions and guilds, and you've just windexed reality!!!
  9. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    That is what scares everyone. Those who selective nod and quote the Constitution especially.
  10. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Since you won't vote for either of the Rep candidates, that is just fine.
    Sticking your head in the sand is what Reps and Dems alike seem to be best at.
  11. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    I couldn't agree more.
    Our Constitution itself would demolish the entrenched power structure ruling America.
    Should a President choose to uphold the Constitution above kowtowing to partisanship and economic tyrants, The Elites would lose a major grip on the taxpayers' reality.
    They will fight him tooth and nail to save themselves -- not us.
  12. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Thank gawd. A candidate who has 20 yrs legislative experience and no strings to special interest groups -- like the RNC!

    Thanks Gyp..for making my point.
    Paul is no Republican there fore shouldn't be in this field.
    Let him use his broad support as a 3rd party guy and get 2 minutes of fame each month.

    The rule book ?
    It is only enforced by those in POWER dip weed..and I use weed on purpose.and Dip as in dip into Paul's record and see he chooses when and where to go by that playbook.
    He used that constitutional playbook to vote no on everyone's earmarks,but then when it was for him..Yes sir ..Vote for Texas shrimp promotion..
    He is a hypocrite and that is all the proof I can show since he has no executive experience in anything.

    He won straw vote after straw vote last time and got slaughtered in the generals.His new stance on Iran is totally wrong and dangerous..
    Obama would simply beat him.

    One known progressive over another.
  13. gypzy

    gypzy New Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    and well he might.

    Yes, the Rule Book, commonly known as the Constitution.
    And it has only been dismissed by those in POWER for a century.

    Did you just call me "dip weed"?
    Please refer me to that portion of the Constitution that denies pork.

    Then go back and investigate what Paul has said repeatedly about pork. He consistently votes against it...for everyone including his own district. However, when he is overruled - and he is usually overruled by the money-grubbers to his left and right - he has no choice but to take a chop for his own district. The money is going somewhere, why should his district be short-shrifted for naught.

    His position is completely ethical - and pragmatic.

    His stance on Iran is not new; it is consistent with the foreign policy that he has held for decades.

    But I wouldn't worry too much about that see, the exact same string of door-knockers that came to I'd-rather-talk-to-Ajad-I'm-gonna-repeal-PATRIOT-Act-I'm-gonna-shut-down-Gitmo-I'm-gonna-immediately-withdraw-from-Iraq-Obama will be knocking on the next president's door as well.

    Exactly why do you think every president's hair turns grey within their first year in ofc?

    sorry, you'll have to play semantic spin with someone else -- I'm familiar with the etymology of the terms.

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