Now here is a guy asking why Fox viewers can't be a little smarter. The same guy that is trying to tell us about forum rules, who thinks that he can make a flat out statement and not having to back it up. A guy that is asking us to prove a negative.
I resent him wasting an entire thread on the issue without providing something that posters could actually examine as a provocative point. I feel like I've been cheated. Sniff! I'm gonna write my state senator. "Dear Senator Cruz . . . ."
I know the difference. Do you? If you spend much time watching FOX News it must be difficult for you to make that distinction....they like to blur the line as much as possible.
Not a lie anymore than a fashion mag saying this is "the hot new trend this season", when no one other than the magazine is even "following the trend" It's an old age marketing technique - the idea that "Fox invented it" or that "Fox does it exclusively" is absurd
I see, so when a supposed news organization pretends to have a source for their information it's not really lying, it's just marketing. Thanks for clearing that up.
There's at least 4 documentaries I know of, 1 is focused on the station, the others mention it in passing or for a small portion of the documentary, that show examples of misleading reporting. There's a couple of books too with interviews of past employees that 'played the part' they didn't really want to play in the propaganda machine. I know, i know...they're too 'liberal for you so you can't trust them'. Yeah, that's the general blow off of most conservatives...the instinctive reaction to turn away at the first hint of something not in the world view created for them...*sigh*. At any rate... [video=youtube;NYA9ufivbDw][/video]
During the 3:00PM ET hour of live coverage on MSNBC Friday, co-host David Shuster admitted that racially charged quotes he and other hosts attributed to Rush Limbaugh had not been verified: “MSNBC attributed that quote to a football player who was opposed to Limbaugh’s NFL bid. However, we have been unable to verify that quote independently. So, just to clarify.” Shuster did not formally retract the quote or apologize. Read more: Do we forget the editing of another tape by MSNBC trying to make Zimmerman out to be a racist? RUSH LIMBAUGH: MSNBC is back at it. We have to temporarily set aside our ban today. MSNBC, NBC, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, they've doctored another tape. And this time everybody caught 'em. Everybody in the Drive-Bys pointed it out. We'll go back and play the audio for you. They doctored the George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 phone call tape to make it appear that Zimmerman was a raging racist, when he wasn't. Now, what they've done, they took a Romney address where he was talking about... Well, remember when George H. W. Bush was in the grocery store, saw a supermarket scanner and the press said, "This guy doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is. This guy's so out of touch, doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is 'cause he never goes there." We found out that they totally misrepresented what had happened. As NewsBusters reported in March, NBC’s Today show broadcast a selectively edited tape of Zimmerman’s 911 call shortly before he shot Martin that dishonestly cast him as racist. The network was later forced to apologize for its actions. Read more:
The Truth-O-Meter Says:Maddow "Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsin’s finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year." Rachel Maddow on Thursday, February 17th, 2011 in a segment on her television talk show Rachel Maddow says Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year We re-read the fiscal bureau memo, talked to Lang, consulted reporter Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel’s Madison Bureau, read various news accounts and examined the issue in detail. Our conclusion: Maddow and the others are wrong. There is, indeed, a projected deficit that required attention, and Walker and GOP lawmakers did not create it.
MSNBC Caught Selectively Editing Video: MSNBC caught again altering tapes to make things look different than they really are.. See and hear both the CUT tape and then page down and see and hear the original.
Let's not forget this little trick they did too. MSNBC tried there best to make it look like no minority group backed the Republicans. They just cut all their speeches out. Racism? MSNBC cuts convention speeches by Republican minorities On Tuesday, several speeches were given at the Republican convention by minorities, including Mia Love, a black woman running for Congress in Utah, and Artur Davis, a former Democratic Congressman who switched parties. But those watching the convention on MSNBC would never know it, because, Francesca Chambers wrote at Red Alert Politics, the liberal network cut those speeches from its coverage. "When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech," she wrote. The network also "stayed on commercial" while former Congressman Artur Davis spoke. A post at The Right Scoop called Davis' speech "one of the best speeches of the night." Remember how Obama and MSNBC accused Romney of outsourcing jobs to China through Baine Capital? It was a lie. Jul 15, 2012 – An unrelenting President Barack Obama jabbed at Mitt Romney's record with a private equity firm in an ad Saturday that aimed to keep his rival ... It's a lie. Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach The president's campaign fails to back up its claims that Romney 'shipped jobs' overseas. Romney wasn't responsible for outsourcing to China, though he may have profited from it Read more here: - - - Updated - - - Andrea Mitchell MSNBC caught lying on air Do we forget the editing of another tape by MSNBC trying to make Zimmerman out to be a racist? RUSH LIMBAUGH: MSNBC is back at it. We have to temporarily set aside our ban today. MSNBC, NBC, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, they've doctored another tape. And this time everybody caught 'em. Everybody in the Drive-Bys pointed it out. We'll go back and play the audio for you. They doctored the George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 phone call tape to make it appear that Zimmerman was a raging racist, when he wasn't. Now, what they've done, they took a Romney address where he was talking about... Well, remember when George H. W. Bush was in the grocery store, saw a supermarket scanner and the press said, "This guy doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is. This guy's so out of touch, doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is 'cause he never goes there." We found out that they totally misrepresented what had happened. As NewsBusters reported in March, NBC’s Today show broadcast a selectively edited tape of Zimmerman’s 911 call shortly before he shot Martin that dishonestly cast him as racist. The network was later forced to apologize for its actions.
You Liberals should have a problem with the Government forcing you to buy something in the private market, if you don't understand that this is what this law does, go listen to the Supreme Court debate on the bill. They literally make the point that the government has the ability to force you to buy items like fruit and other items, but then claim they can't force you to eat it or use those items. This is what this law is about.[/QUOTE] Death panels on Fox to get you started. - - - Updated - - - None! Zero!
Maybe we should refresh their memory;
I want to see pics too. NOT pics of the romance(lol) but a nice pic of the Rockies would be nice. I lived in Butte, MT for 4 months and I just could not take those mountains looming over me. But (like horses) I love pictures of mountains and sunsets/sunrises.
Page Not Found (Error 404) Something went wrong. The page you are looking for could not be found. Unfortunately, we are unable to locate the page you have requested. This could be due to content on our site having expired, a broken link, an outdated bookmark, or a mistyped address. I think you are linking these incorrectly.
It's a news organization - at least as much so as any other cable news network. Pew Research found MSNBC to be the most biased network by a huge margin. It's a vague statement, it's not 'lying' because you can't prove it false, it's not falsely attributing a source, just making a generalized statement without giving a source. But feel free to show statistics that Fox News claims that "many people say...(this)" more than any of the other networks - your only source was an opinion piece from a 7-year old documentary by (a heavily biased source).
Making a generalized statement without giving a source isn't lying, uh-huh. Maybe it's just grossly misleading or simply misrepresenting the much different from lying.
I can provide literally hundreds of examples of FOX News lies, I relish the opportunity to do so. I should thank everyone who posted on this thread. [video=youtube;0lJIWl6Nf30][/video]
That was great. I especially loved the fake tape of the violent protest in Wisconsin with the palm trees in the back. Do they really believe we are that dumb?
They really do believe people are that dumb and they're at least half right. They certainly know their audience anyway.