CNN reports tonight that the White House is bitterly divided over the notion of trump giving a unity speech. heh...
The trump administration released a recommended list of interrogation techniques and assist devices .
The number of deaths from the Covid 19 virus, is only exceeded by the number of rednecks having heart attacks since NASCAR banned confederate flags. Honest to god, I will have to watch a NASCAR race now.
I discovered that Chic-Fil-A actually makes crappy chicken. The reason they are so popular is that they are clean and the kids working there are trained to be nice. All fast food places are pretty clean where I live. And most people who work at stores are already friendly. Glad they finally figured out how to be nice and clean in the South.
Trump argued today that the vast majority of cops are good. He knows plenty. There are just a few bad apples So are the bad apples the ones that execute people, or the ones that don't?
Band-Aid brand has released a color line of products to accommodate natural skin tones. Next month they plan to release their unnatural, bright orange, "Presidential" colored products.
I swear to god, when I listen to trump talk, all I can think is, how fcking stupid do you have to be, to believe anything this idiot says? Then I laugh uncontrollably while projectile vomiting.
And let me tell you, trying to laugh and sing while projectile vomiting takes a lot of talent... ho ho hee hee where life is wonderful all the time....
When black-trans lives matters started their march, participants started showing up from garages all over the country!
I wouldn't attend a trump rally even if I was wearing an N95 rated mask, goggles, a contamination suit, and radiated by intense UV lights while standing in a bleach shower. And if someone besides trump was there I wouldn't even go in.
CONSERVATIVES: You know, it was you Democrats who started the KKK. DEMOCRATS: OK. Let's tear down those racist statues & ban Confederate flags. We're better than this. CONSERVATIVES: Now hold on, that's our heritage you're talking about! DEMOCRATS: Huh? I thought you just said it was we Democrat's heritage?!!! CONSERVATIVES: ................
They stopped being Conservatives a long time ago. The trump wing has nothing to do with conservatism. It is pure populist protectionism and authoritarianism.