Yeah. Especially with this explosive growth among the young of being non-binary. A nonbinary mind and a binary body. ????? Absurd craziness.
Incorrect. Hardly, and in fact trying to go backwards is even worse than transitioning in the first place. I backed up my stats with non-bias sources. Think you can manage that?
The Swedish study is non biased. Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden - PMC ( And instead of surveys asking questions of the patients, they instead counted the # of suicides. Because people who commit suicide cant answer survey questions. And instead of asking if they had thoughts of suicide within the last year, they examined patients over a 30 year period.
Reality you cannot accept. Acceptance of reality seems to be a problem among those who reject their physically present biological sex. Its the disease of the post modernist who reject objective fact as they feverishly work to alter peoples perception of those facts.
ONUS is entirely on YOU to substantiate the Xtofascist FALSEHOODS that you posted in #75 above. /Jeopardy music starts...
here are ten studies that suggest children with GID move past it. Isn't that a good thing? Do you want other people to feel the discomfort you did? do you wan't it to be permanent? if so why? Sexology Today!: Do trans- kids stay trans- when they grow up? this one suggests 2.5%-20% of people with GID have it persist into adulthood Gender Identity Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (28.11.200 ( This one suggests most children grow out of it Factors Associated With Desistence and Persistence of Childhood Gender Dysphoria: A Quantitative Follow-Up Study ( This study suggests that it doesn't persist in boys and seems to follow the previous study. Frontiers | A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder (
Xtofascist DISTORTION of the results of the study noted. Xtofascist FALSEHOODS making a mountain out of a molehill. The LACK of ACCEPTANCE is a primary CAUSE of suicides. Xtofascists do NOT accept the REALITY of transpeople which is a major factor when it comes to suicides. This is just VICTIM BLAMING!
Counting the number of suicides is not enough. You have to classify why the suicide occurred. Being transgender is not the only reason a transgender person might consider or commit suicide. As you can see, things like homelessness and sickness and many other factors can be the cause of suicide. Abuse and harassment have been shown to drive people to suicide, regardless of what they are being harassed about. If you don't factor out those things, then you do not have a true picture on how prevalent suicide is based on being transgender. Further, your study, while looking at post transitioning transgender people, are comparing them to the general population. This does nothing to show the efficacy of the treatment of transgender people. The true measure of how well the treatment works is to compare pre- and post transition. Which my study did and showed had a 44% reduction in suicidal ideation. On top of all that, my study is the more recent data. Your's stopped in 2003. My study used more recent data from 2015. All of these factors causes a false picture to be painted, mostly because the context of the claim does nothing to actually account for how efficient the treatment for GD is.
Your surveys of transgenders didnt classify why the suicides were considered The primary flaw of your survey study is in that it compared those who have transitioned to the small subset of transgendered who wish to transition but for some reason were prohibited from doing so. Excluding the majority who do not have a desire to medically transition and even larger group who no longer identify as being transgendered.
Granted. And still there was a 44% reduction overall. Which means the reduction rate would be much higher when we filter out those other factors. Since the argument from opponents is about those who medically transition, and not about those who can simply present to alleviate their GD, I fail to see where that is a problem. Further, if there are those who no longer identify as transgender then they too are not the ones who are suffering from GD. So including them is a red herring. The opponent claim is that medical transitioning doesn't help and the transgender person remains suicidal because of being transgender. The links I provided show this to be false.
Imagination is powerful. Look how it has caused so much virulent debate in some places. Everyone's self view is unique and internal. Trying to force the outside world to conform is either laughable or sick. The body has a mind in it, yet the way we speak presents the body as belonging to the mind. Words are like that; they control how we think. No one can convince some of us that anyone can be "born into the wrong body". That is word salad, a sentence that can be constructed and appears to have some sense while remaining absurd to those not under a spell. We all have to deal with the limitations and frustrations of our situations, physical and mental.
The outside world does NOT have to CONFORM. There was NO "conforming" necessary for gay marriage, it was just a matter of ACCEPTANCE and the issue VANISHED for everyone EXCEPT the Xtofascists. No convincing needed either, just ACCEPT that others are NOT identical to yourself and then allow them to get on with their own lives. Acceptance is NOT rocket science.
Just the first thing I see on google- A search of the literature (Korte, 2008) found: Only 2.5% to 20% of all cases of GID in childhood and adolescence are the initial manifestation of irreversible transsexualism. An analysis of 10 published studies can be seen here. The most recent study in this group, published in 2013, confirms that gender dysphoria does not persist in most children past puberty. Link to research here. In this Dutch study they identified 127 children who were referred to the Gender Identity clinic in Amsterdam when they were under the age of 12. They then looked to see if these children were still gender dysphoric by the time they reached adolescence at age 15. 47 (37%) of these children had persisted. However 80 (64%) of children had either desisted (52) or were no longer traceable Do children grow out of gender dysphoria? - Transgender Trend Willful ignorance is required to maintain such beliefs.
Actually they had to change the laws in all 50 states. By court order, compelling them to do so in most of them
Transitioning covers everything from simple presentation to full SRS, aka medically transitioning. But every time we see people arguing against transitioning, especially with children, it's always about mutilating the body. So it's very obvious that those opponents are not even considering anything beyond those needing surgery to alleviate their GD.
No. With children it generally involves puberty blockers. With 60-80% of prepubescent gender dysphoria patients simply losing those feelings of being transgendered, without treatment, they need to block puberty to maintain the transgender status.
how does breast enlargement make some women feel more like women? if they are already a woman, what's the difference? Basically people try to look their best in their eyes
you think the world is more or less accepting now than it was say 15 years ago? what is it groups with less acceptance have less suicides?
No with children it usually involves allowing them to present as they wish. An easily reversible transition. Puberty blockers aren't until they hit puberty (hence the name) when they are typically teens, not children, as far as stage labels go. We will ignore the idiomatic use of the word children which can apply all the way through adulthood. If they have lost the feeling of being transgendered, then they do not need nor want the puberty blockers since they no longer have GD. And if they are without treatment, they never started puberty blockers. You are actually contradicting yourself here.
Such strong opinions regarding matters you know nothing about. Puberty blockers are prescribed before they hit puberty in order to block the onset of puberty. (hence the name)
Says the guy who contradicts himself. Puberty blockers were originally developed to halt early onset puberty or precocious puberty. Which isn't known until puberty starts. Likewise, it's use in transgender youths can begin after puberty starts, especially when the youth in question shows symptoms of high stress and anxiety from the developing body. Not all transgender youth need the puberty blockers, BTW, and that lack of need does not invalidate them being transgender. That's the same flawed argument as trying to claim that a person isn't transgender if they don't need the full surgery to alleviate their GD. I noticed that you couldn't counter the second half of the post. Then again you already countered yourself, so I guess it would have been redundant.