Today they would be called cocaine drops. Maybe codeine drops ? I can remember when all over the counter cough syrup contained large quantities of codeine.
Yep, he does. I think it's in a shed, but it was being driven ten years ago. He restored it to shattering beauty( and used a pound of cornflour in the final polishing) and his idiot wife ran into something while driving it.
My Grand Pops had Caddies as long I could remember so power steering was included. He also had a 50' Chevy PU that was one of the hardest steering trucks I had ever driven. He always told me to learn to drive the truck because it would be years before I could afford a Caddie.
I still do part time work repairing and restoring old jukeboxes, love working on electro-mechanicals and the original valve/tube amps. Also still fix original Bally one arm bandits although they have become very rare in the UK.