GOP Power Rankings 9/12/11...

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Corfieldb, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Corfieldb

    Corfieldb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Three becomes two?

    Mitt Romney and Rick Perry tangle at the Reagan Library, Huntsman fight back, Bachmann wondering what happened...

    NEXT DEBATE: Monday, September 12, 2011. 8:00pm CNN

    This week's rankings:

    1) Mitt Romney - Deflected most of Perry's parries pretty well at the debate last week. Didn't say anything full goose, bozo crazy. Great discipline. Perry seems likely to be in the limelight through the campaign. Romney seems to be the party nominee next Summer. Lots can go wrong of course, but if he stays on course, I think he emerges as the reasonable choice for mainstream Republican voters. (Last Ranking: #1)

    2) Rick Perry - Welcome to Rick Perry's Meat Market... You like red meat? We got. Lots of it. How do we get our fresh meat? You get fresh meat by killing things. You hear that roar in the Reagan library last week when they reminded them I'm the king of the executioners? Ohhhh, yeah, that's ME! I killed Michelle Bachmann's momentum, I killed any outside shot Mr. Santorum, Mr. Cain, Mr. Paul or Mr. Gingrich had. This is fuuuunnnnnnn!!! (Does he remind anyone else of Rod Blagojevich? They could be brothers.) (Last Ranking: #2)

    3) Michelle Bachmann - Mrs. Bachmann, did you forget there was a Republican debate last week at the Reagan Library? I thought I saw you there, but I wasn't sure. Bachmann has to find a way to elbow herself back into the conversation. Quickly. And leave God out of it, ok? (Last Ranking: #3)

    4) John Huntsman - Performed as well as anyone did at last week's...

    Bill in Dayton
  2. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Sad, they put up #1, #2, #4, and #LAST. How is this the "power rankings" when Last place has less support than people NOT in the race?
  3. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Bachmann is now so stressed she's making Palin seem credible (...not really, but she's freaking out for sure), and looks foolish when trying to energize the peanut gallery that straggles to her campaign stops. They are realizing she's a phony and won't find relief anywhere in conland.
  4. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Another nice week For Romney..see a pattern ?
    better than the rest...?
    Better than Obama ..

    Let others scramble..make strange statements..who is more Presidential..?
    Romney or Obama..?

    aint even close.
  5. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Your Romney love is embarrassing, even for a con hater like me. He has 0 chance, not even if he was the only candidate.
    cons could easily rule this country for many years if they weren't evil personified, and getting worse every day.
  6. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    No..when one studies..does the reading..sees IMPROVEMENT..balance..ease of speaking..knows what is at stake..
    there can be only 1 guy.
    We dont need stupidity.
    class war fare..

    or politics as usual.
    We've tried old school school and no school..
    Right ...left..wrong..
    pro union..anti union..
    white America..

    Time for balance..calmness..professionalism..honor..CENTER politics..
    From a guy who actually DESERVES TO BE PRESIDENT V. someone who is groomed..used as a puppet..

    so that politics as usual continues.

    EVEN YOU will admit Romney bends to the will to get the vote..OR KEEP THE OFFICE.. Duh ???
    Maybe..just maybe..all politicians should be like that instead of bending to the special intrest MONEY $$ and screwing Americans over..and over..and over again.
  7. Corfieldb

    Corfieldb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Would you clarify your remarks? I'm happy to respond, but I want to make sure I understand what you're trying to say...

  8. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    Well, if it's between these four - they all flunk as Prez candidates to me, btw - but I would have to give it to Huntsman.

    Romney is an empty-headed nothing. One of his favorite novels is Battlefield Earth?!?!? Holy smokes that is scary from a Prez candidate.

    And Perry and Bachmann are religious semi-nuts.

    Huntsman is not a religious wacko and has a good tax policy...though is spending policies leave something to be desired.

    But he seems (I do not know him that well) the most level-headed of this otherwise EXTREMELY un level-headed bunch.

    Of course, Ron Paul or even Gary Johnson would be far better choices(imo)...but most people are too politically ignorant to realize Huntsman it is.

    Just as long as it is not one of the top three ding dong's.
  9. Corfieldb

    Corfieldb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Here's my entire article:I'd messed up with the linkage, my bad...

    This week's rankings:

    1) Mitt Romney - Deflected most of Perry's parries pretty well at the debate last week. Didn't say anything full goose, bozo crazy. Great discipline. Perry seems likely to be in the limelight through the campaign. Romney seems to be the party nominee next Summer. Lots can go wrong of course, but if he stays on course, I think he emerges as the reasonable choice for mainstream Republican voters. (Last Ranking: #1)

    2) Rick Perry - Welcome to Rick Perry's Meat Market... You like red meat? We got. Lots of it. How do we get our fresh meat? You get fresh meat by killing things. You hear that roar in the Reagan library last week when they reminded them I'm the king of the executioners? Ohhhh, yeah, that's ME! I killed Michelle Bachmann's momentum, I killed any outside shot Mr. Santorum, Mr. Cain, Mr. Paul or Mr. Gingrich had. This is fuuuunnnnnnn!!! (Does he remind anyone else of Rod Blagojevich? They could be brothers.) (Last Ranking: #2)

    3) Michelle Bachmann - Mrs. Bachmann, did you forget there was a Republican debate last week at the Reagan Library? I thought I saw you there, but I wasn't sure. Bachmann has to find a way to elbow herself back into the conversation. Quickly. And leave God out of it, ok? (Last Ranking: #3)

    4) John Huntsman - Performed as well as anyone did at last week's debate. Sounded smart, reasonable and unique. What I didn't like was his refusing to name names when asked which GOP candidates were weak on science. There's a slight opportunity he can push his way into the upper tier if he starts directly challenging the big boys on some of their positions. The next debate will tell us whether his performance at Simi Valley was a preview of coming attractions or a little testosterone surge. (Last Ranking: #9)

    5) Rick Santorum - Similar to Herman Cain's problem, Rick Santorum has to make himself relevant. Perry covers his same basic constituancy but with a lot more appeal, so the climb will be a hard one. I just don't see anything that Santorum can do to push his way into top tier grouping. If he couldn't do it before Perry joined the campaign, I don't think he can do it now. (Last Ranking: #7)

    6) Herman Cain - Another candidate struggling to not be left behind the Romney/Perry express.The 9/9/9 economic plan sounded more like a pizza deal than a potential government policy. Mr. Cain, like others, has to create a compelling rivalry with one of the top two guys. He has to make himself matter and thus far, he hasn't. (Last Ranking: #6)

    7) Newt Gingrich - For the second debate in a row, chewing on the ass of the moderators struck the former Speaker as a smart strategy. Its not. Eat before you come out on stage, ok? What an incredible, FUBAR-esque disaster of a campaign. (Last Ranking: #8)

    8) Ron Paul - It's not working, Mr. Paul. I know you're one of the brighter guys on the stage, but last week's debate did not help. I appreciate where you're coming from but you sound more oddball than Presidential. Paul's not getting a lot of face time at these debates, but he'd better grab some in the next few or it won't matter. He was a long shot from the get go...(Last Ranking: #4)

    9) Sarah Palin - Ughh, the bastards have turned on me! Yup, when other Fox news pundits start taking aim, its not a good thing. Its one thing to lump the expected shots from the "Lame stream media" but when Karl Rove and Co. start singing the song, its quite another. She may drag this on for a few more weeks, but everything points to her not running. Thankfully.(Last Ranking: #5)


    Overall Rankings: (The lower the score, the better...)

    (After 7 rankings...)

    1. Romney - 7
    2. Bachmann - 16
    3. Perry - 26
    4. Cain - 35
    5. Palin - 42
    6. Santorum - 46
    7. Paul - 48
    8. Huntsman - 56
    9. Gingrich - 62

    (NOTE: Rankings are compiled by simply adding the rankings each week to a running total of same...)
  10. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    who is this wierdo huntsman? talk about serious oddball..
  11. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    And that is why I choose Ron Paul.

    It's not that he bends to the will to get votes or keep office, but that he appears to do so. Him and so many other politicians play this game of smooth talking to win over voters so they can do whatever they want. Ron Paul is not like this.
    DA60 and (deleted member) like this.
  12. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Not like this..
    You mean smooth ..professional..
    Or that he is just old..dreaming of yester year, simpler
    times..( horse and buggy )
    If you studied his voting record..he voted no...
    a lot ( for others pork )
    and yes for himself. ( for his pork )

    That IS saying one thing and doing another..
    he is the guilty one..hiding behind a constitution so he wont get the same media questions the others get..

    LIKE what would you do ?

    Because he never has.
  13. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I'm having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say. Please form your posts more coherently please.

    You say Ron Paul hides behind the constitution? What is wrong with you? The constitution is THE document that defines what government is allowed to do and what it is not allowed to do. He isn't hiding behind anything but rather abiding by the ideals that made this nation great in the first place. The constitution was made to restrict the government, not a mere guide for politicians to twist and bend to their will. If there is one man on this earth that understands the constitution more than anyone, it would be Ron Paul. When a politician is willing to do anything unconstitutional then they cannot be trusted to hold anything to the standards of the constitution, giving them more power that they were never meant to have.

    And to your previous post, I would like to add something. If you admit that Romney is willing to bend to the peoples will just for votes, then that makes me dislike him even more. A person running for president shouldn't be willing to betray his ideals just to be elected. It should be their own ideals that make them worthy enough to be elected as president. I want a president who believes what I do, not a president that changes what he says he believes in to what I believe. Ron Paul doesn't change what he believes to win people over. That is one of the many reasons so many find him to be so appealing.
    Roelath and (deleted member) like this.
  14. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Ron Paul wont change what he believes ?
    I just showed the evidence he pork spending.
    So many find him appealing ?
    Where? When ?
    Obama believes what he is doing and many voted for him.. So what ?
    Is it working ? Or just political theory Libertarian politics ?

    Bush never changed despite the nations views against his over spending and nation building...Carter never changed..

    Clinton did..imagine that..why? to keep power and keep the voters happy.
    GET it yet ?

    Paul is always hiding behind the constitution on every issue.
    FORCE him to say what he would do as President when the same stuff happens.. nations invade friends.. typhoons hit trading partners..China takes over Africa..

    What will the view of the world be When a
    President Paul says " Golly gee..we shouldn't be expected to help..its against our constitution.. "
    and hundreds of years of precedents goes out the window.

    "we cant afford it..we should take care of our poor at home.."

    Paul should have to explain what that help is..and what he would do..instead of giving POSITION SPEECHES..about constitution this and that.
  15. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Clinton, Obama, Bush and many other Presidents spoke to what the masses wanted but, never delievered what they said. I'd put my trust into someone who doesn't change his positions/stances on issues whenever it suits the year or crowd he is speaking to because it gets the same terrible Politicians Elected again. Are you truly willing to vote for someone such as Romney who will bend to whatever the crowd wants and can do a complete 180 degree turn in what he said in nearly everything... then still support him?

    Hiding? It's not his job or any Federal Politicians job to determine what the States should incorporate for their designs concerning Medicine. It's not his job to push for his morality upon others because that conflicts with the ideals as to what the USA stands for and what a Republic Stands for. Your entire argument is based upon the fact that he isn't willing to go beyond his power which makes him a weak President. I'd much rather have a weak President in todays world than what we've seen over the course of several decades. Do you honestly want Obama setting precedent for furture Presidents to send Forces to a foreign Country without even asking Congress or seeking their approval? If you want the same old President you're asking for a future Dictatorship.

    Like intervention? Social Security? Federal Healthcare? Income Tax? FIAT Currency system? Neglecting the Consitution? Patriot Act? Bailouts/Welfare for Corporations?

    I'm glad to get rid of those precedents.

    He never advocated for the elimination of the programs ASAP. He wants people to opt-out of the system and the States themselves to run their own Social Security/Healthcare plans if they desire.

    Has he not explained it? Or do you simply lack the argument against anything he speaks so you attempt to grasp at straws for your straw man?
  16. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    [ame=""]Mutually Assured Destruction vs Mutually Assured Respect - YouTube[/ame]

    Just one example of Ron Paul explaining his views on foreign policy. May not be what you are looking for but he can't extensively explain every single view he has that people want explained.
  17. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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  18. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    You gotta be kidding..
    He knows about mutual destruction because he was drafted?
    Give me a Break.
    His idea on the collapse of the Soviet empire is bogus as well..
    It wasn't the failures of was the failures of their inept military planning...Brutal central government.

    He is a peacenik..good..sleep well knowing others guard the gates.

    You guys are in dreamland..
  19. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    And your negativity on this guy in post after post, thread after thread is approaching obsessive and thusly your rationality on this subject is highly say the least.
  20. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    You're right. I'm sure a man with a PhD that served in our military has no idea what he is talking about. I'm sure that some brat with an online username of MnBillyBoy knows a whole lot more than him.

    You sound like your defending communism. Are you sure you should be living in the U.S.?
  21. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Sounds pretty much like the war on terror is doing to us.
  22. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Ron Paul has a 50 year old degree in Medicine..
    NOT economics.
    Show me his economic degree and class rank..I'll be happy to show you Romney's.

    He was different from thousands of other guys at that time..does that make him a military genius ? AS a flight surgeon ?
    Really ?
    Now see McCain on that , leadership..and what events framed his thinking.
    But you didnt support him last time did you ?
    So using that issue against Romney wont work because it is Bs..

    So on
    Economics goes to ROMNEY. Class over..

    Now about my so called attacks on Paul..wrong .
    I attack those who support him on make believe issues..Straw poll wins.. military support..On issues..substance..

    The guy is too old..and too out of touch with reality in regards to Iran and military deployment over seas..
    You can love his stance on drugs..the constitution..
    But his history and his views make him wrong for America at this point.

    Keep your 8% libertarian majority.
    That will not win elections .
  23. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    So what?

    Look at Obama - He was head of the Harvard Law Review---very prestigious. And he sucks as Prez.

    Having degrees has NOTHING to do with being good at politics.

    Having intelligence, common sense, wisdom and other things do...not how many degrees you have on your wall.

    And as for education for business?

    Look at Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, and Geithner - they have educations up the wazzoo...and they ALL COMPLETELY missed the recession.

    Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell all never finished university before they made it big. And there are many others.

    Degrees mean almost NOTHING in business.

    And finally, I will say it again, one of Romney's favorite books is 'Battlefield Earth'. Written by that absolute nut L.Ron Hubbard.
    It is a long-winded, horrible book that was turned into one of the worst movies in history.
    And this guy says it is one of his favorites?

    Ahhh yeah.

    Have a nice day.
  24. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Except that in 2007 ROMNEY left office with a 2 BILLION DOLLAR rainy day surplus in Mass.

    Show me Perry's :bored: Does he know how to read ?
    Paul's :fart:

    In fact Being at the top of your class OR Religious training and in every endeavor after does show something.
    That those arguing against you must resort to bashing your books you like and your political endorsements.
  25. DA60

    DA60 Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
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    1) Good for Romney and his surplus. Excellent.
    Are you saying that you do not believe that Ron Paul - if he were President - would balance the budget at least as fast as Romney would were he President?
    If you are - then you do not know Ron Paul nearly as much as you claim.

    BTW - how long exactly does Romney says it will take to balance the federal budget were he President?

    2) Why do you mention Perry? I am no fan of Perry's at all.

    and 3) I mention Battlefield Earth and Romney's saying it was one of his favorite books because it is one of the most ridiculous, fairly popular books ever written. And the only reason it is popular is because it's author is the Scientology founder - the whacko L. Ron Hubbard.
    Any highly successful adult that calls that incredibly long-winded piece of utter nonsense of a book his favorite novel is more then a little strange in my books.
    Especially one that is running for POTUS.

    and 4) I still do not understand why you seem so obsessed about Romney and about anti-Ron Paul.

    I am a huge Ron Paul fan...but you don't see me running around making post after long-winded post about how terrible Romney is (unlike you about Paul).

    In fact, I think I just gave Romney more of a compliment above then you have Ron Paul in all the post I have ever read you make attacking him.

    At least I try to keep an open mind.

    You just seem to obsess.

    And I guarantee you that the more you obsess - the less credibility you have.

    Have a nice day.

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