Clearly, you would be at a disadvantage against someone with heavy firepower; but I think, in those instances, it is designed more to give one an opportunity to escape (without chancing killing the threatening person). Regardless of what they are carrying, being shot with a tear gas/pepper spray round, say in the chest, is going to temporarily stop them. This would make it especially good, for a car-based defense system (as the first video calls it). As a home based system, yes, you are either hoping the assailant isn't packing, or else your plan is to use this to help you get out of the house, to safety, and let the police handle the rest, if necessary. EDIT: I think they say that their design only punctures the CO2 tank, when you are actually pulling the trigger.
It would be a risky Gamble. When I used to ride my bicycle everywhere I used to keep that CO2 semi auto BB pistol in the saddlebag, with the idea being to keep vicious dogs off of me. And I don't mean any dog that simply barked and chased me I mean like a pitbull or something that you can tell wants to taste of your ass. Never had to use it but I did use a bullwhip to that effect twice. Never even had to strike the dogs just pop it very loud near them. There's all sorts of non-lethal options available or like I said it's always going to be a Gamble. I would think pepper spray would be about as effective as one of those pepper balls. Of course you'd have a little bit better range with the balls
A much better range, than pepper spray. Another interesting, non lethal weapon is the Bola Wrap gun. I am not sure if these can only be purchased by police forces, though. It fires a kevlar cord, with hooks at the ends, which ties up the target, as with Spiderman silk. If this one only sells to law enforcement, there may be a knock-off version, which private individuals can buy. To use this, though, I would guess you would want to be closer, than with the Byrna Launcher, and have a more unobstructed line of sight.
I have seen those. The South American gauchos have been using those for ages. Like we would use a lasso on our cattle, they use those to immobilize the legs. Except of course they are thrown by hand and resemble the traditional bolo. People have also been using bird bolos for ages. They have multiple weights instead of two, very effective at bringing down several birds when thrown into a large flock.
Also one problem I could see with that device you were speaking of that resembles a taser and fires the immobilization cords.... If it's very small diameter like braided fishing line and people struggle hard against it it could easily cut you open
I saw a video, on one of the sites, and that does not appear to be a concern, both because of the Kevlar material itself, and because it is not overly thin. But were I to go with a non lethal weapon, I would opt for the Byrna: even if it won't necessarily cause everyone to bail on an attack, hitting anyone with tear gas and pepper spray balls, is going to buy you some time. It's the skunk defense!, foxes, dogs, bobcats,eat skunks but rarely do The article says they are nearly predator proof. <Snip> IN A WOODED AREA of metropolitan Chicago, three coyotes prowl around a deer carcass. They approach, stop, retreat and split up, circling the meal. One darts in to snatch a bite, then scrambles back, intimidated. By a skunk. “It was hilarious,” says Ohio State University biologist Stan Gehrt, “watching this little animal standing on top of a dead buck, holding a pack of coyotes at bay. The skunk never even sprayed.” ... Another skunk researcher, biologist Ted Stankowich at California State University–Long Beach, leads a laboratory that uses both field studies and chemical and statistical analyses to investigate the evolution of defensive strategies in mammals. He’s “amazed at how seemingly carefree” skunks are. “We are just beginning to understand how they perceive natural dangers and how they use the signals and defenses in their arsenal to diffuse most threatening situations.” ... Gehrt has documented just how well these multiple tactics work. Coyotes, foxes, dogs, bobcats, mountain lions, badgers and big owls can all eat skunks but rarely do. Gehrt’s research shows that less than 5 percent of skunk mortality is caused by predators. Striped skunks—such as this little bunch discovered in the wilds of Alberta, Canada—are born into litters averaging four to seven kits. Babies can spray even before they open their eyes.
A bit off subject. It was a single action revolver which means you have to pull the hammer back to c-o-c-k it and then pull the trigger to fire it. Alec Baldwin claims he never pulled the trigger. The FBI tested the gun and said it could not fire without pulling the trigger. (pardon the spelling of "c-o-c-k". The site won't let me spell it correctly.) I own a double action 38 Special revolver. I can fire it like a single action revolver by pulling the hammer back to c-o-c-k it and then pulling the trigger. It will fire if I let the hammer slip out of my thumb before it gets back to the fully cocked position. Meaning, it will fire without pulling the trigger. Even if it happened that way, it does not excuse Alec Baldwin. He should have checked the gun himself for live rounds.
Exactly.... You always hear the anti-gun types throwing around the assault rifle label but you never hear them talk about the Colt peacemaker.
It is an interesting fact that as firearm technology has improved and firearms proliferated the globe, violent death rates have fallen drastically.
well since it is an air rifle shooting a 12 g pellet about 500 FPS its doubtful but possible owls cannot smell and constantly kill young skunks on my property. Cars are about the only other thing that kills them
Germany bans wrist braces on slingshots-claiming such weapons are what rioters use. The most cutting edge sling shot company in the USA sells mainly ones without braces with much lighter bands that shoot pretty well. I used to shoot slingshot tournaments
You of course know we weren’t talking about air rifles. However, an air rifle is capable of killing. Clearly you don’t want to be taken seriously. Have a good day.
LOL. low wattage voters? Like those that don't know and adjective vs noun vs verb? I agree. Who claimed assault rifles are intended for criminal assault. So far, just you. You a gun banner?
In fact, military weapons have not been designed to kill for well over a century. So, do good intentions matter?
why do gun banners call firearms that lack the essential feature needed for military assault, "assault weapons"?
taken seriously from a guy who constantly quibbles with obviously pro rights posters and takes to issue those who reject the claims that firearms are designed to kill? LOL
they are not all “made” for killing, not for a long time. What would it matter what original guns were made for anyway? I have a putter that’s “made” to sink putts but doesn’t.
A Brief History of Firearms by Jim Supica Copyright, Jim Supica - used by permission. Opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of NRA or the National Firearms Museum. Originally published in "Guns." As long as man has used tools, weapons have been among those of foremost importance. They have been used to provide food and protection since the formation of the earliest social units. ... weapon [ wep-uhn ] See synonyms for: weapon / weapons / weaponless on noun any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, or cannon. anything used against an opponent, adversary, or victim: the deadly weapon of satire. Zoology. any part or organ serving for attack or defense, as claws, horns, teeth, or stings. ... Weapons are designed for a purpose. Guns, rifles, etc, are a weapon. Are there seriously people not knowing the original intent of weapons?
use the search function. I have explained this hundreds of times. look for assault and "fixed position" and my handle
are steak knives and baseball bats weapons or is it more accurate to say they can be used as weapons as can hammers, nail guns, pens, darning needles, milk bottles, etc