Gun Debate

Discussion in 'Firearms and Hunting' started by Just A Man, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    The way you present your position you think someone wants to ban every and all guns. NOBODY in any responsible position in politics or government ever expressed such a position. -*STRAWMAN*-

    I owned a gun continually (8 different ones) for the last 48 years. But the current situation gives me pause. Assault-style weapons have no business in the hands of the public. They, and a few other things, should be banned.

    Second Amendment? BULLSHIT FOLKS! Are "yall" telling me that for some odd reason based on very questionable personal preference, the 2nd Amendment is the only Amendment to which we can apply no limitations???? Even precedent regarding the 2nd indicates that it is not "unconstitutional" to apply limitations. And any judge that dares claim that no limitations can be allowed to the 2nd needs to be removed from office due to failure to correctly asses and apply the Constitution and the law.

    This is not debatable.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
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  2. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The amendment is clear, it does not allow limitations. However, we have allowed a great many limitations- Infringements- for reasonable cause.
    Those limitations are permissions the citizens have allowed, not license to ignore the amendment.

    The problem is people thinking this means the amendment itself is negotiable and there are no limits.

    There are two major factors here.
    The reason the Second makes the statement of a militia being necessary for the nation is that in a crisis, it allows a great number of armed and ready men to come to the aid of the military. Lincoln called for 75,000 militia at the beginning of the civil war, because the Union was greatly outnumbered. They came- armed, mounted, with their own uniforms and ready to fight. They had muskets- but at that time, so did the enemy. If the same thing happened today, the enemy would all be armed with genuine assault weapons- not semi- automatics that looked similar, but actual machine guns.

    The second is that the problem being used to control guns is misdirected. What needs control is the criminal use of guns, and the only people those laws will limit- are law-abiding citizens.

    We have laws against the criminal possession or use of guns. The enforcement is not adequate, the consequences are not adequate- but that is where the problem lies, and gun control laws will not only fail to stop them, it will help them by disarming law abiding people.

    All responsible gun owners will back stronger enforcement and consequences for crimes using guns. The problem is not the existence of guns, it's the existence of criminals we fail to control.
  3. AARguy

    AARguy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    In Heller v US, the Supreme Court clearly established that the "militia wording in the 2d amendment in no way restricted the American right to own and bear arms.

    I agree with your position that gun violence is a people problem, not a gun problem. Guns kill people like spoons make people fat.
    spiritgide likes this.
  4. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Misrepresentation isn't a defense against the truth.

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