Migration only works if there is a place to migrate. When the Earth now has 7+ billion people, many of them populating those areas of Earth which are best to sustain life, where can people migrate when the climate hits the fan? What means will they migrate? Who will sustain them during migration? IMO today if/when critical problems arise we're in big trouble...
Yes you are, that is why I said you shoudl open your borders to Mexico in a different thread, I was trying to save some Americas just in case. OK, I have a very good solution for you that will work, go take over Africa. It is a big continent , kill all the lions and crocks etc, it would make some rich farming land maybe?
By taking over, I do not mean go in, kill everyone who opposes you and dictate a new regime. I mean go in and help the African people, take over in a way that will help. Make the place more city like although tree houses would be rather cool. I do not think the world cares that much about Africa, I have seen lots of starving children of Africa on the news before. I am sure if you was going to help the people of Africa , they would welcome all of America with open arms .
I'm sure we cannot 'go in' and force our beliefs and lifestyles and politics on others without some serious resistance from both government and people. IMO if parts of Africa want something different then they need to rise up and collectively get what they desire...
I am sure they would fare well with their spears. I do not think you would have to do too much forcing in Africa. The poverty part of Africa which is probably the majority will welcome salvation. America would be the Africans peoples champions. Honour and respect goes a long way. Most of the countries in the world are selfish, there should never be starving children or thirsty children in the world. We wonder why there is so much hate, when there is so much inequality. Rich people would claim it was jealousy, I would claim it is circumstance of where you are born or who you are born too, although there is some people in the world who deserve their riches.
It takes a LOT longer than 100 years to restore balance but this has happened before granted not via Human Emissions. But as long as an asteroid or comet does not hit the Earth and as long as a Coronal Mass Ejection, a local Supernova or Massive Cosmic Ray bombardment doesn't fry us etc....the Human race will survive. Human's in one form or another have existed on the planet for over 5 million years and we are perfectly capable of surviving a Global Warming disaster now. AA
What will we do if the planet reaches a curie point and the magnetic field fails? I think we would all die.
I continue to believe no one should try to force their values on others. When others want something more or different than what they have they need to obtain it on their own. If others ask for our help or protection then no problem...
I am not sure of the present situation in Africa, but in the past I have seen by media coverage children holding their hands out and flocking round a bowl of rice. If that is not asking for help, then I don't know what is. I do not think people in these situations should need to ask for help, it should be automatic by the world, a total response even if means migrating all of them. If not at least go into these areas and make them better areas for a foreseeable future if they are needed to support other nations migration needs.
I have no problem assuming life, including intelligent life, can exist throughout the Universe. However, since we're talking about up to 13 billion years of time, life forms that are similar to humans and animals on Earth, can come and go many times while in parallel the planet sustains itself. I can think of many more valid reasons why life as we know it will parish versus flourish...
You could say the same things about people and places here in the USA. A tremendous amount of government and/or charitable work is provided around the globe and in the USA to help deal with some of these issues. We have homeless people in the US numbering in the hundreds of thousands but I don't see anyone 'forcing' stuff on them? The goodwill you mention should come from where; governments or people? Governments can only do so much but there are NO restrictions on how much people can do...
I believe governments are the ones who have control over situation and it is them who could if they wanted to quite easily sort out the homeless problem. Most people struggle themselves because of the way things are set-out. To much importance is put on gold etc when the importance is in crops and cattle farming and fresh water. I am sure most of the homeless would be happy to be homed in return for working the land a couple of days a week. Labour for housing, clothing and food seems a fare trade for their time. This would be a start to helping them back into society.
This makes lots of assumptions. For example, what percentage of people have limited physical and mental abilities? How many have poor work performance? How many abuse drugs and alcohol? Even if people can work for housing, clothing and food they still require cash in their hands...where does this come from? How dependable are these people to show up to work when scheduled? Homelessness is a very complex issue and there is not a single solution...
Why would any person need cash in their hands , if it was a work for rewards scheme? Throw in a holiday/vacation each year and I do not see what else a person really needs in life other than this.
Sure fragile as far as a ELE or Extinction Level Event but humanity has been through many ice ages. AA
IMO there are three definitions of human survival; One is that the human species will become extinct. Two is that small pockets of humans can survive. And three is that large scale numbers of humans can survive. I doubt the outcome will be number 3...
Nope, I can't find any answers to why anybody would possibly need cash. The human population seems to have lost the most important thing in the Universe, survival. We do not need a cash system to survive, we just need a clever plan .
I admit that I could be incorrect............ but I believe that both American and Canada rather desperately need a secondary currency........... probably time based......... I have been attempting to get local political leaders to come out in favour of something like this up here in Canada.......... http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/jamie-baillie-nova-scotia-israel-and-jordan.506627/
Helen Wambach Ph. D. and Dr. Chet Snow did an unusual study on about 2500 volunteers..... (or was it on 700, I forget)... but anyway.... the volunteers were hypnotized and progressed into what they perceived as the future...... (or at least a future... if they are aware of your Multiverse Theory)............ there was an "Outward Wave" of humanity several centuries in the future where humans were taken to other planets assisted by benevolent alien races! I will try to find something on that branch of research into parapsychology....... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...g-70-90-percent-depopulation-of-world.502496/ Are we facing 70 - 90 percent depopulation of world?
Well...if you don't have a currency system for trade then how will people obtain the things they need to survive? Bartering on the scale of 300 million or 7 billion people cannot work. Bartering won't even work on the smallest of scales! What other method exists to procure the stuff we desire and need?
Need and desire are two very different things. Needs are a must, desires are not. The biggest commodity of this planet is time, time given by any man or women is a bargaining chip. In example if the entire workforce of the USA decided to say no more work out of us, this includes your police officers and soldiers and doctors etc. Then instantly all the wealthy companies in the USA go bust, their commodities and wealth meaning nothing. The rich would have no more servants, the wealthy would have to do for themselves. The governments would be no more than a powerless group. I think we all would have to agree there has to be some sort of controlling body or else this would lead to world wide anarchy. Most people would agree we don't want anarchy . However most people will probably also agree that ''we'' as normal civilians, do not care who's face is in control, but we do care about getting a fare ''cut'' of the ''prize''. If you are in command and you are not giving a fare split, then you are a greedy person in general. Greed is not an excuse for inequality. Inequality is the fear of what is righteous. The world fears change, but the world is also not completely stupid. I believe ''we'' would love a new world order where ''we'' get a fare split. One should not live like a king for he deserves no special treatment over thy fellow man, although one could have a title, they would have respect for their title, no more is needed, let us have earls and graces who can live in a castle on their present society merit, but let the masses have an even share of whats left. From now on I suggest all American civilians charge the rich a small fortune for any labour done... Take back what they have taken. In example : If Mr Trump wanted me too drive him to the airport, he has to pay me $5000,000 for my time. A united states of America, would not be un-united by such inequality.
Unfortunately in reality nothing will ever work the way you prefer. Your comments are too idealistic and extreme giving them no merit to provide any viable solutions or even dialogue. There is NOTHING that Bill Gates is doing to you to keep you from achieving your full potential. Yet you blame the wealthy for your inability to create whatever it is you want out of life. The controlling body in the USA is the People...