The rationalization for their stance on that is to reduce the unborn child to something similar to a cancer. Yet, if and when they decide to go through a pregnancy that unborn child is looked at differently and is afforded all the protection they can muster to ensure a healthy baby is delivered.
Yup. Another word for that sort of thinking is 'dehumanization'. They dehumanize the child so that harming the child can be rationalized as "okay to do". Such thinking is what is used to rationalize evils such as slavery and the holocaust. Yup. Such people are being completely and utterly irrational. Either it's "just a lump of cells" (thus denying science) or it's "a precious child". They can't have it both ways.
Your analogy makes no sense because 1-the majority of people who take vaccines do not engage in abortions 2-even if someone engaged in an abortion, that does not mean vaccines do not work to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses or the reduction of the time period one has an infectious illness or the severity of the illness symptoms; 3-the fact you disagree with people who obtain abortions does not preclude them or others from considering vaccines for their children nor does it preclude the benefits of giving vaccines to children; 4-even if you think aborting a child is wrong (because the host did not act in the fetus's best interests), that of course would not justify not acting in the best interest of all other children by giving them a a vaccine-the fact you think the aborting host is wrong does not make refusing to give a child a vaccine, right. At this point you need to stop confusing and mixing your personal feelings towards specific adults with the best interests of children which you have done. It is illogical to the point of bizarre. The reasons for vaccinating children (the benefits, the purpose) is not and has never been predicated on whether the child's biological parent(s) engaged in an abortion or will engage in one. What next, do you want to come up with an additional list of people you want to put on your unacceptable list and argue they can't give their children vaccines as well? Really? Brilliant. Thanks for sharing. Its always a delight to read your well prepared responses.
Only because of the presumptuous of rightwing religious types to put their noses in a woman's most private business. MYOB? You bet.
Yet there are some pro-life advocates that approach this not from a religious perspective, but a scientific one.
I would argue nobody needs the vaccine not even done healthy kids because it didn't provided immunity and it can increase risk of myocarditis.
Nor did it stop/prevent transmission. The risk of harm to a healthy child from covid was effectivly Zero (0). In the beginning kids were not getting ill - little or no symptoms - not catching it .. never mind show up at the hostpital .. never mind die. In fact .. it wasn't just kids -- in order to hit the hospital or die from Covid in the first few waves you had to be over 80 with 3 pre-existing conditions and a weak- low functioning immune system - aka near ready to go .. oh .. and morbidly obese on top of it. A staggaring75+% of those who died from Covid were morbidly obese folks - and we can now add people who don't get much sun to the list "Vitimin D" Omicron was able to spead to more people - more folks would show symptoms and get sick -- but lethality of Omicron was no more than average cold .. it was just super duper contageious so it affected way more people than an average flue season .. as in 60% of a population in a month - as opposed to 5-20% in an average flue season. Call it 20% at the high end and Omicron was still off the charts in terms of transmissibility .. but low lethality .. less than an average flue in real terms. Odds of a healthy teenager showing up dead from Omicron is in the millions -- and the vax would not likely of changed that outcome anyway. Omicron was a ridiculously low risk of harm to healthy people ... which is a bit of a coincidence - because the Blue Biden Fauci Pharma collective was telling is that about the risk of harm from the vax. Rather than being ridiculously low however .. the risk of harm from the vax to healthy people - using Severe Adverse Reaction (SAR) - meaing something really bad happened to you .. requiring hospitalization - and/or permanent damage .. should go read the definition of SAR -- stuff like myocarditis .. which is permanent damage -- gilles Barr syndrome .. I know one 21 year old kid (male) who was in the hospital on morphine for 3 days - myocarditis. So what is the SAR for the Jab ?? --- anyone know ... cause it turns out that "They Did" but we didn't - have the data from the Pfizer -Moderna trials which was released just over last xmas .. Thanks to freedom of information act request. So .. the SAR for the Swine Flue Vax in 1970;s was 1 in 100,000 - taken off market - Too Dangerous The mRNA "vaccine" which is not a vax but a treatment --- 1 in 800 -- "perfectly safe" It is a ridiculously high risk of harm .. off the charts. if you are male 16-30 .. having a 3 times higher than average risk ? 1 in 300 is your risk .. Jab yourself 3 times .. and were 1 in 100. Mind bogglingly high risk of harm on both a relative and comparative basis ... and just really harmfull stuff in general - the harm of which we have yet to completely discover.. There is hell to pay here -- but is not happening.
I've yet to see anyone advance a serious scientific argument in favor of telling women they have to remain pregnant.