Quite honestly the person who captioned the pic of the woman on the gurney could be wrong. Her mother may have said that, but she was clearly trying to lessen, in her mind at least, how much suffering her daughter went through by believing that she died quickly of a heart attack. That also doesn't change the fact that blunt force trauma can easily induce a heart attack by a number of ways. If he is actually convicted of that, there is little chance he can shed the malicious wounding charges, aggravated or not and that's more than enough for him to stare at bars for a very very long time if not for life. But only one side is trying to defend a malicious homicidal sociopath so your attempts to assume equality between the two sides is deeply troubling.
Your claim continues to be false. The demonstration was OVER at that point. There is no shortage of reporting to that effect. The incident did not occurr at the scene of the demonstration. The attack was on people who were leaving. Your attempts to rationalize and excuse the behavior of the attacker are reprehensible. This thread started with a false claim promoted by white supremacists and cribbed by a right wing fake news site. There is NO evidence to support it. Yet the bigots on this forum were off to the races to embrace it. This is the most despicable and openly racist thread I have ever seen on this forum. And the deplorables here are shameless in their deliberate embrace of an obviously false claim, and their continued rationalization and denial of the despicable nature of the behavior they are embracing.
I doubt you are "deeply troubled". The lefty side is certainly trying to use this girl's death to their advantage, and there's no reason to think they wouldn't - the hard left is as bad, and I would say worse, than the hard right. In this case they are wilfully ignoring information which does mitigate the worst of the consequences of his actions, that in the light of the girl's mother's words it's extremely likely that her heart condition caused her death by heart attack (I don't think your explanation is particularly plausible), and by extension that any impact did not do so. That along with their denying any culpability in the whole thing in turning up with ****ing clubs, pepper spray and flame throwers, for Christ's sake, which they would have plainly used to kill the driver (if he hadn't backed out) and claimed "self defence". At the end of the day this was a legal, peaceful demonstration. Antifa didn't have to show up with murderous intent. But if anything "good" has come of this, it may be that they're now being seen for the scum that they are and if I'm not mistaken currently being rewarded with terrorist status. The mother informed the media of the girl's heart condition and said that to the best of her knowledge her daughter died of a heart attack. That's not a conspiracy, it's what she said (hello, mods out there? Conspiracy?). End of. Get over it, Tommy.
I heard the mom make that statement. The boy plowed into pedestrians. I would think a smart lawyer would point out that sidewalks are for pedestrians and streets for autos. Also an autopsy should declare her cause of death. He might end up with a fairly light sentence.
Worse in terms of property damage? Probably so. The right seems to be worse in terms of terrorism. Both sides have their wackos, but in both cases they are minorities.
That really should happen. The mechanism is there, and why not use it? She's not coming back, and there's no reason for there to be any doubt. He'll get a harsh sentence. He drove a vehicle as a weapon with intent to harm. No lawyer here, but even if he didn't directly cause her death he's not going to get off for that.
I was speaking to the top count as to the lady who died. If there is one thing Virginia does best, it is pile on charges like there is no tomorrow. Even 1 bounced check will get you two charges--uttering and larceny more times than not. Not saying he shouldn't be charged with all those things, just that Virginia will pile on every conceivable charge they can think of. Wouldn't surprise me if they charge him with going the wrong way before it is over (Not kidding).
It takes more than a "smart lawyer" to convince a jury that this justifies purposefully plowing into people.
Holy cow, and I do mean cow. I was not aware of her gross overweight. I tried to locate an autopsy and found nothing. I shall keep trying. I am not sure she got hit by a car. I am sure he drove into a car ahead of him. I am unsure why people were on the road. There is a lot of video on this. http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2017/09/05/heather-heyer-died-of-a-heart-attack/
If this is the case, the guy has likely been overcharged. He's still responsible for her death, but I believe murder 2 is still out the door and it becomes negligent homicide or manslaughter.
So using the events of 9/11 was trying to use the deaths of all those people "to their advantage" so therefore the people who were pissed off about the deaths of all those people were just as bad, or worse in your opinion, than the terrorists? It mitigates nothing except in the mind of the sociopath's apologists. If I take a gun and shoot somebody with a bad heart condition and they die, what do you think the likely cause of death would be? What do you think I would be charged with? The mother was neither there nor is a medical examiner, what she says would be of dubious use in any court of law. Your true intent is exposed. It's obvious that you are ignoring the fact that many of the counter-protests also had legal permits. You're also ignoring the fact that the NAZI and other white nationalist trash came with clubs, shields, pepper spray, guns, and torches. They didn't come with peaceful intent; they came to instigate violence in hope of starting the race war that they have been so desperately hoping would happen for decades now. They WERE NOT THE VICTIMS in this case no matter what kind of lame sociopathic propaganda you try to spread. Was the mother there? Is the mother a doctor? Is the mother a medical examiner? Did she participate in the autopsy? The mother was trying to console herself that her daughter didn't just get crushed to death in an extremely painful manner but instead suffered an "immediate heart attack" that quickly ended her suffering which is unfortunately not supported by the alleged picture of the terrorist victim on the gurney who was still being attended to by a paramedic administering chest compression. Your entire set of premises are pathetic and nothing more than an attempt to exculpate the sociopath who decided to ram his car into a crowd of innocent people. Absolutely disgusting and you should be ashamed of the depravity of the mental gymnastics you have used.
He purposefully plowed into a car. That car did not plow into pedestrians. I prefer he get convicted, of the right charge.
I shed the hostility other than the part above. Watch the video a few times where the Anti FA had clubs. How they ran after the car prior ot it hitting the car to the front beating the car with clubs. They may have been lead weighted clubs, but they were clubs, a weapon. Where this took place there was no statue. A private attorney is working on his case. The girl died about 3 cars in front of this driver. We do not know why she died. Absent any life threatening injuries, her mom believes she had a massive heart attack. I can't verify her Mom is correct, but Mom's often do know best.
I could not find them. Where did you see them? I reviewed a half dozen videos of the event plus read the report. The dead woman was 3 cars down the line from his impact.
You do not go to prison over views of race. If this took place, a lot more blacks would be in prison.
The woman killed is white. It seems most of the Anti FA who used clubs against this youth also are white. Blame Antifa for their part and we might be good. Keep defending them and we won't.
I've watched the videos. The car drives guns it down street that is mostly empty except at an intersection. He increases acceleration as he gets closer to the crowd. The crowd starts screaming and one guy hits the car in passing with a bat. Naturally, once the terrorist rams the crowd his car is attacked so he puts it in reverse. It's not completely clear where the girl who died was positioned. The girl 3 cars in front of this driver looks to be too old. The one that was thrown up and over the second car by the NAZI terrorist's car was likely not her based on a pic that showed a woman in black as "dying from the" attack. Her mother was not there. She isn't a doctor or medical examiner. Her statement holds little value.
No, but you do go to prison if your a racist piece of **** who rams a car into a crowd of innocent people.
As usual, your posts are garbage. We should toss them out with the white trash like the NAZI terrorist who plowed his car into a group of innocent people. Instead, your ilk spread lies and disinformation in order to muddy the facts in some pathetic attempt to exculpate your sociopathic idol.
It probably was attacked. what is the point? It doesn't justify his actions. We are on the same side... why does that chide you? How is that helpful in the long term?
Jeez do you go on. Anyway, I have no idea what any of this means. If it was demonstrated the bullet didn't kill him. But this is a very different circumstance to a straight one on one shooting. But she knew she had a heart condition and testified that she'd had a heart attack according to the medics. Pretty clear. You're projecting. I said the pro-statue brigade was legal. I have no idea if the Antifa fascists were legal or not. I don't think this is at all credible. I think far more likely she she made a factual report than she invented a load of **** out of hysteria. You missed where I said he was going down then? No of course not. You just conveniently ignored it. Yaaaaawn, hyperbolic blathering serving no purpose.