4-year-old Filipino girl born in Israel faces deportation By BEN HARTMAN 08/16/2011 19:32 A four-year-old Filipino girl born in Israel was arrested with her mother Tuesday morning in Tel Aviv and awaits deportation at a special holding facility in Ben- Gurion Airport. The girl was born in Israel and was enrolled in a staterun daycare facility but did not meet criteria that would allow her to stay in Israel. These criteria stipulate that the child studied during the past school year in an Israeli state school, is enrolled for the next year in first grade or higher, has lived for five consecutive years in Israel, was born in Israel or arrived before age 13. The childs parents must also have entered Israel on a valid work visa, and the child must speak Hebrew. snip
I'm liking them more and more. Someday we're going to realize that our tolerance and lax immigration policies toward Muslim immigrants will be the end of us. Let's hope it's not too late.
Of course the Israeli's make sense. They cannot afford financial collapse due to illegals stripping their economy. We can't either, here in the USA!
Right.. that's why Israel is still the smallest recipient of the most US foreign aid for the past 6 decades.
Israel doesn't have a supreme court that has bastardized the 14th Amendment to grant birthright citizenship.
I guess it would be a fair turnabout. We certainly tried to deport you when you landed on our continent. We were here first!