I am asking for a link to evidence you claim exists, what I provided is from 2010 and updated in 2011. You claim NIST made an admission. Link me to the admission you say they made in 2012 as you claim.
Reread that sentence and try to make heads or tails of it. It is a straw man of a straw man. You really need to argue with me rather than with the voices in your head. Not to mention that it does nothing actually to distract from your repeated lie that NIST ever said that "column 79 was unrestrained." We have engineered lots of things that ended up failing in ways we didn't engineer for. This of course ignores that fact that WTC 2 stood for almost an hour, WTC 1 for almost two, and WTC 7 for almost seven hours... hours during which more than 14 thousand people were evacuated and saved. Look at the details of who died and who lived. Those who died were overwhelming those who were trapped in the buildings above the impacts. Only 14 people escaped from the impact zone of the South Tower after it was hit and only four people from the floors above it. Individuals escaped from as high up on the South Tower as the 84th floor after initial impact. But from below the impacts, the buildings survived long enough for most people to get away. In retrospect, they were brilliant examples of engineering having ultimately saved thousands of lives.