Too many people of the West do not understand the psychology of the Islamic ideology; therefore those who suffered Islam such as Hirsi Ali boldly speak out. She had been threatened, and still is, by the peace loving Muslims. Rather than wait for reform, acceptance of modernity and progress for women, she wisely converted to Christianity. She has stated that all Muslims, or at least moderate Muslims, should convert. A question of loyalty - Kevin Libin, National Post Ms. Hirsi Ali has always made few bones about the fact that she sees Islam as inherently radical and uniquely dangerous to the Western way of life, and as a refugee from a strict Islamic upbringing in which she was beaten and brutalized (including forced female circumcision), she can speak this way with a credibility, freedom and authority that few intellectuals enjoy. An atheist now, she still argues that Muslims would be at least better off converting to Christianity, if they require some kind of faith. Those Muslims we might be inclined to call moderate she has called, instead passive: they dont follow all the rules of Islam; if they did, theyd be as militant as Bouyeri.
Quite right. My mistake. Perhaps I was thinking of Niall Ferguson, her husband; but he might also be atheist.
It's a mighty big leap from Islam to Christianity. It would be easier to reject God altogether and become an atheist. I hope this woman at least looks into Christianity in the future. There is a lot of comfort in believing in a God that doesn't require jihad and martyrdom.
There's plenty of Muslims--the majority, in fact--who believe that god does not require jihad and martyrdom.
I've seen no evidence whatsoever that this statement is true. Liberals assure us that these so-called "moderate Muslims" exist -- but where are they?
Btw, tits on a bull are useless. Sort of like passive Muslims who allow their faith to be highjacked. What good are passive Muslims?
There are no "moderate Muslims". There's Muslims, and Fundemental Muslims. If the Fundementalist Muslims were the majority, than the term "moderate Muslims" would be appropriate. But they aren't. Anyway, back on topic.... If you want proof just look around. If every single Muslim, or the majority of 2 billion Muslims wanted to "wage Jihad" (which technically is impossible, but for this thread lets go with it) against the infidels well the world would be covered in blood of humanity. You haven't seen the evidence because your ignorance blinds you. Take the blinders off. Salam
Right OJ, Theres the militants and the little girls like you who hide behind others. Then take potshots at your betters you hide behind to justify your brothers who at least stand for what they believe.
Oh, we allowed it to be highjacked? Sorry, but Islam isn't highjacked. Other than a handful of non-Muslims, most people see Islam first-hand and not on FOX News, out of the mouthes of Islamophobic Clowns. That prevents Islam from being highjacked, no matter how badly the media tries to help aid the "hijacking" of Islam. People who see Muslims first-hand see we are human beings, just like every other human on this planet. They know what Islam is about, and that terrorism isn't the face of Islam. Unfortunately, like the Muslims, that doesn't get a news station ratings and prevents the United States government (for example) from using fear to control the population, so it's not something you'll see frequently on FOX News and the rest of the oh-so-reliable media. Salam
As good as passive Christians who allow far right christian nutjobs to force their veiws on everyone else
America is not friendly to Muslims. Muslims in America are generally viewed as enemy aliens. I know that most Muslims in America are innocuous and timid, but that timidity has allowed very bad people to successfully portray themselves as the spokesmen for Islam in the minds of most Americans. Add to that timidity of the Muslim majority with the lone wolf terrorist phenomenon of some unknown number of young American Muslim men, and you end up with a poisoned view of Islam in America.
Well I do agree with you to a point......A muslim who sits back and does nothing while people like Osama Bin Leden corrupt their religion is a coward. No different than christians who sit back and let nutjobs corrupt their religion.
Is it most Americans though? I'd like to think most Americans educate themselves on different cultures, religions, etc and realize Islam has no spokesperson. There is no Pope in Islam, the closest we have to a Pope is a Caliph and we haven't had a Caliph since the Ottoman Empire. While America might not be friendly to Muslims (but who is America really friendly too?) I like to think Americans are. Or am I wrong?
He didn't corrupt the religion. He thought of himself as a leading figure of Islam. But in the Middle East, a small minority bought it. In the West, major majority of Muslims knew/know he was full of it. It was the media that portrayed him as such, not Muslims. It was America that made him who he was, in a way, not Muslims. He simply put, got all the attention from the world.
Personally I feel that the fact that the guy preached in favor of suicide bombing which is completely forbidden in Islam means he tries to corrupt the beliefs. He may have started out as someone who was trying to make a possitive difference...but the sad truth is, many of the most evil men in history did the same. The fact that started out good, does not mean that they were not corrupt.
ojleb 'It was America that made him who he was, in a way, not Muslims.' What a pathetic excuse for a cold monster who had no hesitation in torturing his own people, ordering the death of innocents at Lockerbie, and assisting those murderous thugs, known in the cesspits of humanity as the IRA. He made himself into a monster, and he certainly didn't help from anybody!
Oh? So then why is it our fault and are we blamed for his actions? I wasn't defending him, justifying his actions, or excusing him from anything. I was making a point.
My Egyptian brother-in-law is not a terrorist but he believes in, and practices, the Muslim belief that a husband has a right to beat his wife. My sister has finally wised up and is getting a divorce. And Egypt is a "moderate" country. The American majority's opinion of Islam and Muslims is becoming more hostile with time. The longer the war drags on and the more lone wolf terrorist attacks or attempted attacks the harder the opinion becomes. Things are getting worse not better. If there is another successful mass casualty terror attack on the United States some small segment of the American populace will simply start killing American Muslims.