Haha cats are funny when theyre like that! My cat just follows me around then stays with its behind up in the air and meows loudly. And once i were to pick her up i got cat juice all over my hand.. And speaking of catly liquids, i think one cat peed on my leg once to mark their turf. Sweet animals
Not really, logically assuming common sense is applied to the subject of the sentence. No biggie, was just thinking aloud. <---------- Look, another one, lol Regards to you Mr. SG
Naaa, sounds more like a person that was tossed.....I do find it odd that the ones who make trouble and complain are the same ones who try to sneak back in.
There once was a page in Wikipedia about Political Forum but it was removed. It was created by a Political Forum malcontent expressing negative personal opinions about the staff of Political Forum related to conservative political bias in the overall moderation of Political Forum. The page was Reported and the Wikipedia staff removed the page. It did provide some facts about Political Forum but it was so laced with negative personal opinion that it was removed. Wikipedia doesn't allow using it as a soapbox but instead tries to maintain a factual foundation for the pages that are created by the members.