How a Cover-Up Works

Discussion in '9/11' started by Emmanuel_Goldstein, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    11+ years and you truthers are no closer to agreeing with each other than you were shortly after 9/11. In the mean time, the official story changed several times as new evidence came to light. Truthtards pretended this was a sign of government dishonesty, so it doesn't surprise me at all that you would have two diametrically opposed viewpoints depending on who changes their story.

    I wouldn't know about organized criminals. That is much closer to truther territory given the massive lies they tell on a constant basis. It is funny how you view constantly changing one's position from position A to position B to position C to position D to position A to position C to position B to position A to position D to position C .... as a good thing. It isn't. It shows the overwhelming dishonesty of truthers. In the mean time, debunkers go with the evidence which does lead to a very consistant position. Since you truthers have failed miserably at presenting any evidence to back up your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims, it should not come as a shock to ANYONE that the official story has not changed. That is called integrity, honesty and truthfullness; three traits unknown by truthers.
  2. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Your personal insults are meaningless, but they are against the ToS of this board. Are you trying to get banned? First you accuse the mods of being dishonest and now you continue to use personal insults. Hmmm.

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims by you. NONE of the planes were flown around for a couple hours. None of the planes were shot down. Flight 77 was NOT the first plane hijacked. When are you going to stop lying your ass off and tell the truth?

    MORE bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims by you. All the pilots on 9/11 were trained pilots with solo flight multi engine experience. If your claim were true, they wouldn't have been able to solo a craft.

    Wait. I thought you said it was the Jews and the government behind the attacks. Now it Al Qaeda terrorists? You should pick a theory and stick with it rather than bouncing around with conflicting theories depending on what pathetic point you are trying to make.

    Your ignorance as to what NORAD was in charge of isn't my problem. It is a simple enough fact to look up, but I am not surprised you are too lazy to look up the truth since here you are perpetuating your lies even after you've been shown the truth.

    WTC 7 was evacuated because people didn't have a crystal ball. They knew the US was under terrorist attack. They knew the WTC complex was a target. Why WOULDN'T you clear the area?

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) from you. If they had abandoned WTC 7 before the North tower was hit you might have a point. That wasn't the case.

    Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Pure and simple bull(*)(*)(*)(*). You have tens of thousands of people in the towers. Only two ever saw a power outage? REALLY? A tower wide power outage would have made the news. Both towers out would have made the headlines. Do we have ANYTHING other than the words of truthtard bull(*)(*)(*)(*) artists? Nope.

    Considering corporations have their own camera setups, no.

    No, this is just one more small piece in the overwhelming mountain of evidence that proves 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy. You still haven't been able to produce a single piece of real evidence of a conspiracy. Your paranoid delusions are not evidence.

    Truthers can't answer the issues with this part of the theory or any of the other major problems with their theories. Hell, truthers can't even agree on what happened on 9/11. Know what kind of credibility that gives the TBM? Absolutely zero.

    First truthful thing you've said so far. A shame you don't believe it.

    Meaningless personal insult.

    Another lie from you. Where did I say I kept records? I said records would be kept. Don't you think the people who took down those records wouldn't remember people carting up tons and tons of thermite to go pack around the columns?

    Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). A controlled demolition comes down in its own footprint. The towers came down covering numerous square blocks. All one has to do is watch a video of the collapse to know you are full of (*)(*)(*)(*) when you try to pretend the collapse was "as pristine as any controlled demolition".

    BTW, when some jack ass makes up a bunch of (*)(*)(*)(*) against a race, that person is called a racist. When a jack ass makes up (*)(*)(*)(*) about Jews, that person is called an anti-semite. Get use to it.

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lies by you. I've called YOU an anti-semite. When others make anti-semitic statements, they are called anti-semitic. When someone legitimately criticizes Israel, they are not an anti-semite. You make anti-semitic claims like Atlanta is infested with Jews. You can't get any more anti-semitic than that.

    Most truthers blame the government, not the Jews. They aren't anti-semitic. Once again you are lying your ass off about the truth.

    Read the PNAC documents. Their agenda is as obvious as yours is.

    All unsubstantiated bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Do you have proof the Arabs were duped? Nope. Do you have proof Atta was a trained CIA operative? Of course you don't. CIA operatives don't commit suicide. Religious fanatics do. Do you have proof Mossad knew about the plot? Nope. You just ASSume everything evil about the Jews. Sucks to be you, but that is the truth.
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    oh lets not forget that the reason is because truthers sued the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of the criminal troughers hence they had no choice but to look as foolish as many of the troughers do here or simply bite the bullet EAT THE CROW and change their BS position.

    The gubs original pancaking theory was (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hilarious! But you supported it. All I have seen from troughers is bowing and paying homage to anyone with a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing title of authority. Yessa massa Sir! ANYthing you say massa.

    For the criminals its a matter of changing their face until they can make something "stick".

    The official story has no hard evidence to back it up, a core point and total failure of the criminals involved that no trougher is willing to admit.

    Troughers and debinkers simply summarily agree with anything put out by them because they have the misconception that it gives them a winning edge in a debate when nothing could be farther from the TRUTH!

    Pun intended


  4. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    More nonsense from Koko. Keep up the lies! They make truthers look like complete jackasses!
  5. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    And yours are meaningful?

    More "meaningful" statements from you.

    Expert pilots everyone I'm sure. Do you know how I know? It's because YOU say so. I can't understand why anyone would doubt your word on anything. After all, you are the one who brought them the meaningful analysis, "That's bull(*)(*)(*)(*)" and "You're an antisemite". Brilliant!

    However I don't understand why some of the folks that trained these so called pilots would say things like, "They weren't even interested in learning to land the planes" and also remark about what p1ss poor pilots they were.
    They must have been lying their a$$es off. What else can be believed now that you have confirmed what expert pilots these Arabs became.... and in record time too!

    Not only did they by-pass the military training most airline pilots undergo, they didn't even have to log in hundreds of hours like most of them do before they could do acrobatic maneuvers in passenger planes! How much more experter can you get?
    Like when that one Arab dude fly that jet at 400 mph down past all those telephone poles and wires and shrieked across the Pentagon lawn without even flattening the grass and smacked right into the side of the Pentagon a foot from the ground! Amazing. He sure was an expert pilot to have done that for sure. Yesserrie Bob.

    That's because according to those who want to place all the blame on "the government" not only were the FBI aware that they were receiving pilot training, but the CIA were giving it to them!

    I guess that rules out the Israelis and the Mossad doesn't it? And places ALL the CREDIT right where it is due, squarely on the shoulders of that evil genius W Bush! Only a man with an intellect of his caliber could have conceived of such a plan and then took all the necessary measures to orchestrate it and cover it up. Absolute genius that man Bush. Why if Yomamma was anywhere near the Muslim fanatic that W Bush is an evil genius , then Israel sure would be in trouble.

    No silly. SOME Jews in the government, SOME Jews in civilian places, and SOME Jews from Israel, including the Mossad, working in tandem with SOME Shabbos Goyim in the US, SOME of whom were in intel and SOME of whom were in other positions.

    Al Qaeda was the result of the CIA arming and training the Afghans to fight the Russians during the USSR occupation. Don't you remember? Probably not. That's forgivable since you probably weren't even an impulse in your Mamma's shorts at that time.

    There's no doubt that a lot of Muslims want to kill Jews. I don't have to prove THAT do I?

    It's the part about some Jews wanting to kill a bunch of Muslims that I have to prove. Right?

    But no one CAN prove such a thing can they? Because it is impossible for a Jew to hate anybody. It is a well established fact that Jews love EVERYBODY regardless of race color or religion. That's why they are so well loved and received all over the world. Everywhere they go they make personal sacrifices to contribute to the welfare of their neighbors and demonstrate their overflowing compassion for humanity.

    That's why for the life of me I can't figure out why you keep going on and on and on and on about "anti semitism". Just where is all this coming from? Little ol' me? Don't tell me that the ADL and the JDL and AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish alphabet soup was all created just because of me and a dozen or so "skinheads" who don't have sense enough to wipe their A$$es with both hands.

    I find that hard to believe.

    But NORADs ignorance does seem to have created some problems for the US hasn't it?
    Now what airspace was it that you said they were protecting?

    Oh. So they KNEW the US was under terrorist attack? Did they KNOW this the same way the dancing Mossad agents knew it?

    I thought that the millions of dollars that were spent (rather wasted) in furnishing Giuliani's bunker with bomb proof glass, it's own air supply and etc, was so that he could have a place to hide during just such an emergency. What do you suppose they went to all that trouble and expense for if they were just going to pack up and leave it at the very time it was designed to accommodate them?

    You don't suppose it's because that someone knew that one of the towers was going to collapse, and that when it did that some falling debris would crash down on the building and cause a fire that would soften a key column somewhere in the middle of the buildings which would in turn give way and cause the entire rest of the building to collapse like a domino do you?

    I didn't really think that anyone had a crystal ball. That's why I was so puzzled at the amazing insight that someone had to have to have predicted such a long and unlikely chain of events well before they happened.

    But had the North tower fallen at that time? Why abandon a million dollar fortress headquarters that was already preestablished just to occupy an adjacent building which for all they knew would be just as likely to be landed on by a building which no one had imagined would fall in the first place?

    It's obvious the fire fighters who charged up the stairs to put out the fires didn't think it would. Neither did a lot of other people. It just shows you how much THEY knew. They must have been new on the job. And all those FBI agents who thought there were bombs in the basement must have been just making wild guesses. And so were all the people running around yelling about it and the news men making comments about it.

    It seems like that none of these people knew what was going that day except for who ever had the foresight to avoid the WTC towers and to evacuate 7 well before it collapsed. OH and also De Bunkos in the vicinity. They certainly knew and understood all the fine details in a way which no one else was capable of, just as you have so aptly demonstrated for over 50 pages.

    "That's bull(*)(*)(*)(*)" "You're an antisemite".

    Positively brilliant. I luv it.

    So are you saying that all the people who reported these things, like the man in video I posted last page, didn't know what they were talking about either?

    There sure were a lot of "Truthtards" who worked around that building. What's stupifying is that so many of them were "Truthtards" before "Truthtard" was even cool. Otherwise why would they say such things? It might give someone the wrong idea.

    Which corporations? Do you have a list of which ones do and which ones don't?
    What about the makes and models of these cameras. Do you have the sales slips or any serial numbers to verify this?
    How do you expect us to accept this very important and highly relevant bit of information without proof?

    Do you mean that Osama didn't recruit all those ARABS after all, and they didn't sit around in a cave and mastermind a plan to thwart the combined efforts of US Intel and air defense and then manage to pull the whole thing off without a hitch?

    All this time you had us thinking that 19 **********s managed to pull off Mission IMPOSSIBLE.

    They need to make a MOVIE of THAT. And let Tom Cruise star as Muhammed Atta. You could play Osama Bin Laden.
  6. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Do you mean that Twoofers can't agree on how anybody could have had the security cameras cut off or schedule a power down or evacuation drills?

    I agree. These are feats which require a great deal of skill, knowledge, planning, and expertise.

    Maybe they hired Al Qaeda to do it. They seem to be the only ones who really knew how to get anything done.

    I mean let's face it. We have the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, NORAD, and the US government all running around like the keystone cops while these slick Arabs slithered right under their noses.

    I also agree that Twoofers can't agree. The Zionist Twoofers for example believe that W Bush and Poppa Chaney were entirely responsible. They will tell you that the Mossad tried to warn us about the attacks but we just wouldn't listen.

    I guess we'll know to listen to them the next time, won't we.

    On the other hand we have Twoofers that think things like Santa Claus went made and shot the buildings down with a laser from the North Pole, or that it was all a conspiracy among Big Foot, Elvis, and a bunch of aliens from outer space.

    De bunkos however have an explanation for everything. That's because everyone of them is a card carrying physicist, engineer, chemist, and political scientist all at once.

    For example, they can tell you FOR SURE, that the orange colored molten metal seen pouring out the corner of one of the towers before it fell was a mixture of aluminum, some chairs, a battery supply, and someones lunch. They know this by the color and texture of the fire. They have done expert analysis on this and have reams of documentation that proves beyong the shadow of a doubt just what materials created this phenomena, in what proportions they were mixed, and what temperature they were before they hit the ground.

    They KNOW all theses things and more. They KNOW that ALL the insulation was scrapped off during the crash, exactly how many interior columns were severed and which ones they were. They can even tell you the flight path and trajectory of the passport that flew out of one of the hijackers pockets and how it managed to land ON TOP of the rubble pile a safe distance from everything.

    They can PROVE all these things by rigorous mathematical analysis since everyone of them is proficient in everything from Tensor Algebra to Multivariate Calculus to Statistics.

    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do just say BULL(*)(*)(*)(*). If that doesn't stop them, call them an antisemite.

    I was just trying to help you with your "mind boggling" problem. No reason to get sore.

    You must have kept records since you claim to know who all came and went in the buildings and when they came. I assumed you knew their names and could give a description of each of them as well. I figured you either had to have had a photographic memory or you kept records one. You WERE there weren't you?

    You sure talk like you were.

    I do remember a lot of talk, by other people mind you, the ignorant ones who don't know better like you, about a lot of renovation going on, about restricted areas, and people coming and going with loads of junk.

    Then there were those who said they heard a lot of racket going on in "empty" rooms after hours. I suppose they want us to think that Elvis was in there talking to Big Foot and the aliens. These Twoofers. There really stupid aren't they? Bwaa Ha Ha Ha Ha.

    Now that I stop to think of it, I don't know why you would want to say that TONS of thermite would have had to have been dragged into buildings right in front of God and everybody if you think that all it took to bring the buildings down was some broken columns and a few thousand gallons of kerosene.

    According to one of your helpers here, who needs thermite when a few candles would be sufficient?

    I was just going by visual impressions that one gets when looking at comparisons of films between the Towers collapsing and KNOWN controlled demolitions.

    If you compare them, all three towers came down straighter than most of the controlled ones did. I find that astonishing since all the people that get paid doing this assure us that a great deal of planning is required to accomplish such a feat.

    You have to admit, it even fooled Danny Jewenko who WAS one of the worlds foremost authorities on the subject.
    To his defense, one has to concede that he hadn't had time to consult the experts at JREF when he was first shown the film of the collapse of 7. Otherwise his opinion might have drastically been altered.

    Do you mean like when all the Jew professors in universities rattle off about what a bunch of racists all the "Founding Fathers" were and how gentile white men are the root of all evil and how the world's problems will never be solved until the white race is bred out of existence? That kind of racism?
    Or do you mean like when the Jews deny their part in the slave trade and prefer to make movie after movie, book after book, and TV show after TV show about how vile the Southern white men treated blacks and abused them night and day but that when the Jews came along to save them everything was OK?

    Just curious. What IS a "legitimate criticism" of Israel. Would it be like, for example, saying that they listen too much to the UN blather about not continuing to push all those Islamic squatters off their GD given land and that they ought to move faster?

    But Atlanta IS infested with Jews. Take a peek.

    An estimated 119,800 Jewish persons live in 61,300 Jewish households in 2006. A total of 156,900 people reside in Atlanta Jewish households, including 37,100 non-Jewish persons (24% of all people in these Jewish households in 2006).
    Key Findings

    That was back in 2005.

    That would be the Ed Asners of the pack. They're as stupid and uninformed as the rest of them I suppose.

    I just read the parts about proactive action like moving it overseas with preemptive strikes and about how the process was going to be slower than molasses in November unless they could whip up another Pearl Harbor.

    Have you read it? How many people do you suppose have?
    How many such documents would be required of all US citizens in order to keep abreast of what our illustrious leaders have in store for them?

    I mean if Bills get shoved through Congress before THEY even have time to read them, then how much more can you expect of the people who aren't being paid to man the ship?
  7. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    People that get on hijacked planes don't generally have foreknowledge of what will happen either.

    The men who landed in the Normandy invasion didn't know the time or place of action but many of them didn't survive the operation either.

    The CIA has a way of fooling people. They practice that sort of thing as much as the Mossad, a shyster, a used car salesman, or any ordinary con artist.

    They also have means to remotely control jet passenger planes. They can take over operations from one of those big odd looking reconnaissance planes like was seen flying around on 9/11.

    You might want to look up Dov Zakheim's connection to this little "inconsequential" "coincidental" tid bit.

    "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

  8. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Best post on this thread bar none.:w00t::clap:
  9. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    He REALLY lost his credibility big time there is a major way saying 9/11 wasnt a I said on that other thread not too long ago,even if you accept the official version of the governments,it was a conspiracy because there were two or more people involved,19 allegedly.

    Man he never gets tired of humilating and embarrassing himself here cosntantly.:D

    Boy the OCTA'S are this.:brainless: They prove that constantly here all the time.Most of them are like him,they dont even know what a conspiracy is.:D:mrgreen: "rolls on floor laughing." If he were talking about the JFK assassination and defending the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,THEN his posts wouldnt be so pathetic because at least in THAT case,his posts wouldnt be laughable saying there was no conspiracy since he would be talking about ONE man doing it all by himself.:grin:

    I am going to earmark this post for future reference as proof how NOBODY should ever listen to his rants and pathetic ramblings.hee hee. why do you even bother with him Holston?

    oh and you never did answer my question I asked you in a pm,so please check it again and let me know.
  10. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I insult your posts and theories. There is a difference.

    So why is it you can't respond to the lies you just acknowledged? You outright lied about the events of 9/11 and the planes involved. Instead of addressing the fact you lied, you run away. This is exactly what I've been claiming you do all along.

    Another bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lie by you. I never claimed they were expert pilots. Why is it you constantly lie? Seriously. It is pathetic!

    Well, as everyone can plainly see, you lie your ass off about what was said in order to dismiss it out of hand. You claimed they weren't pilots. I showed they were. Instead of addressing your lie, you pretend I claimed they were expert pilots and ran away.

    A (*)(*)(*)(*) poor pilot is STILL a pilot, which means you lied your ass off about them not being able to fly a plane.

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lies and exaggerations from you. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you can't even debate the topic in any kind of honest fashion?

    Another bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lie by your. Many airline pilots have a military background. Airline pilots do not have manditory military training. Hanjour had all the required hours one needs to get a license. As for the "acrobatic maneuver", that was a simple turn while dropping some altitude. It wasn't even a full circle and it took him almost four minutes to do it. I am not sure what world you live in where that is an incredibly hard maneuver, but here in the real world that is not a hard maneuver.

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lies and exaggerations from you. You're only destroying your own credibility if you have any left.

    Why do you think people call them truthtards? They make bull(*)(*)(*)(*) retarded claims they can't back up. We know where they received their training and it wasn't a front for the CIA.

    It certainly doesn't implicate them no matter how much you want to pretend.

    Only if one believes the retarded theories of some truthers. Since very few people believe any truthers no matter who they blame, you're talking about a very small subset of the population.

    Wrong yet again. You can't do it with "some" because the rest aren't that stupid no matter how much you want to pretend.

    More bull(*)(*)(*)(*) lies from you. Al Qaeda is the result of Islamic fundamentalists. What you are talking about is the Mujihideen which the CIA did have some involvement with. Some Mujihideen did move on to become members of Al Qaeda, but nowhere near all the Mujihideed became members of Al Qaeda nor were all members of Al Qaeda Mujihideen. For someone who mocks others, it is amazing how you still get almost every fact wrong.

    No, but it does make your claim that Al Qaeda was working for / with the Mossad all that much harder to swallow.

    Wrong yet again. You have to prove that Jews were behind 9/11. You are trying to put the cart before the horse and pretend that the ends prove the means.

    More silliness from you. It is amazing how you mock others for supposedly being unable to debate when you pull this (*)(*)(*)(*).

    Jewish groups weren't created because of skinhead haters. It is interesting that your ego would like everyone to believe that. It is refreshing, however, that you admit you don't have enough sense to wipe your own ass with both hands.

    You should try reading some of the crap you write if you want some real unbelievable (*)(*)(*)(*).
  11. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    This is very simple and has been explained to you before. Look it up if you don't believe me. NORAD was responsible for monitoring and controlling inbound flights into the US. Airspace over the continental United States was controlled and monitored by the FAA, not NORAD. If the FAA had need of assistance, they were to contact NORAD and give them the information. This is what happened on 9/11. You may not like the truth, but that doesn't change the truth.

    Everyone knew it was a terrorist attack when the second plane hit the South tower. Playing ignorant only hurts your own credibility.

    WTC 7 wasn't suppose to be right in the middle of the terrorist attack.

    Nope. Neither does any other reasonable, sane person. You're describing paranoid delusions where you attribute bull(*)(*)(*)(*) motives to people given your knowledge of how the events unfold.

    WTC 7 wasn't the only building evacuated. ALL the buildings surrounding the towers were evacuated. Why? It makes sense to everyone but truthtards pretending there MUST be some evil reason for abandoning WTC 7.

    Already answered that. You should really try to keep up. Who wants to be 23 stories up if the (*)(*)(*)(*) hits the fan? Nobody.

    You playing a (*)(*)(*)(*) poor monday morning quarterback isn't impressing anyone. The helicopters outside the towers saw the signs of collapse several minutes before the collapse itself occured. The rest of your blathering is meaningless.

    See above.

    The fact much of what you write is bull(*)(*)(*)(*) and you make numerous claims that can only be taken as anti-semitic are your problems, not anyone elses. Or does claiming Atlanta is "infested" with Jews and thus research out of Atlanta cannot be trusted mean something else that isn't anti-semitic? There is only one way claims like that can be taken.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    He is one of the two. Do you have ANYTHING else that backs up his claim? Before you scamper off to the truthtard sites to look, let me save you some time. Nobody has ever come up with anything other than the anectdotal evidence of two liars.

    Good. I take it you have more than two witnesses that say the entire system failed. Present them or admit you're lying once again.

    :lol: A truther who can't back up any of his claims now demands serial numbers. How utterly ironic!

    Play games all you want. You know I am talking about the government being behind 9/11 or the Jews being behind 9/11 as the conspiracy. Just proves you have nothing so have to play games.
  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    now now now, its just so much easier to understand the world if people open their eyes before they attempt to read.

    "Israel does not spy on the United States of America."
    -- Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli embassy in Washington

    Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel.

    This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon. What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system for all the "Instant Message" services. Two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World Trade Towers.

    Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.

    The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent to Israel (while women and children sleep in America's alleys and eat out of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and phone tapping system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by listening in on the other end outside the White House itself.

    This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky that their phone sex conversations had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the hunt for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself!

    So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, using taps that cannot be found because they are built into the phone system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls to blackmail Americans into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the Jewish people control America.

    That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce the behavior of key individuals in the US Government and media is illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have handled this scandal of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and of phone taps on all of our phones.

    They are downplaying it. Actually, burying it is a better word. Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again. CNN followed by "Orwellizing" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees. But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED.

    [TABLE="width: 630"]
    [TD]Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in The Spies Who Came In From The Art Sale

    Since then, any and all mention of the Israeli spy ring and phone tapping scandal has resulted in a barrage of shrill screams of "hate" and "anti-Semite", two well worn and frankly over used devices to try to silence discussion on any topic unfavorable to the nation which owns the spy ring in question.

    Hmm sounds familiar doesnt it. "Patriot911?"

    The story of the uncovering of the largest spy ring ever discovered inside the United States should be the story of the century, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That this spy ring helped drug smugglers evade investigators should be a major scandal, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That the spy ring includes companies able to track and tap into any phone in America, including the White House, should be a cause celebre', if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people.
  13. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I love it when truthtards lie their asses off despite the fact it is glaringly obvious they are doing so. Where have I ever said Israel doesn't have spies? In fact, I have acknowledged that fact.

    More lies told by Koko:

    Koko claims Israel receives 10% of their budget from the US at 3 billion dollars, yet Israel's budget for 2011 was 74.8 billion dollars. Either koko can't do simple math or he is lying in order to try and exaggerate to make his bull(*)(*)(*)(*) seem more credible.

    Koko dishonestly pretends Odigo employees received warning about the attack. This is not true. Odigo employees in ISRAEL received a vague message about an attack. It did not mention NYC, the time, or the method of attack. In other words, there is no connection, yet Koko pretends there is. Why?

    Koko claims Comverse Infosys is some uber telecom spy company, yet they specialize in voice mail, not wire tapping. Of course the outrageous claims of Koko should be taken with a huge grain of salt when he pretends Comverse has code in every single phone system. Koko also claims the government has the ability to alter video on every camer taping an event which is how the government faked hitting the towers with a plane. Of course, holston has made the claim Koko is a shill for pretending no planes hit the towers. I will let the truthers battle it out as to who is and who is not the shill. :lol:

    Bottom line is koko is pretending the odigo story is news when it isn't. No big surprise truthers lie about this kind of stuff. In other words, garbage in, garbage out should be Koko and holston's motto since that seems to be all their posts consist of.
  14. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    koko didnt "claim" anything! LOL

    But koko certainly feels all dat pain! Really!

    Jump up and down, scream hollar and bark at the moon for all I give a (*)(*)(*)(*), does not change the facts.

    everything referred to runs over the wires, they control the wires, call it what you want.

    and should the math be wrong? Who gives a (*)(*)(*)(*), that changes nothing and still shoots all your red herrings right square in the ass!

    I think you just may be anti-Christian? Is that it?

    60 Minutes Confronts Israeli Ambassador After He Pressured CBS To Drop Story On Palestinian Christians

    Since you do not like hearing it from me, maybe you prefer to hear it from ABC, Fox etc.etc.etc.


    In fact if I were you I would call them up and tell them they are completely full of (*)(*)(*)(*) and demand an apology from them for reporting false news about jews!

    Let me know how that works out for ya :)

    btw is there anyone in the isreali government who is not a jew?
  15. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Odigo accusations are crap, there's nothing to them. It's just something truthers hold on too in order to try and make a point. Most of your links were broken or led no where, probably a pain to navigate the hyperlink. I know it's a tough process. The best is that you link to an article on an obvious woo website, like what really happened, and he tries to source his information. However, none of the sources work! So now, all you really have, is some guy making accusations using faulty information. I noticed that, the two articles, he used followed the normal woo protocol. Using reports that came out sometimes days after the attacks, instead of refined information.

    Moving on, issues with the "Odigo" crap.

    1) Odigo wasn't 2 blocks from there. They were 4 blocks, accuracy of information is important when you're accusing people of mass murder.
    2) They had no employees in the WTC.
    3) The WTC wasn't named in the "warning". Nothing specifically mentioned the world trade centers at all.
    4) The employees that received the "warning" weren't even in the United States. They were sitting in Israel.

    What's the point of rehashing this garbage again? Oh, there isn't one? kthx
  16. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    and (*)(*)(*)(*) it if I didnt just happen to post the news reports on it that disagree with you.

    Nice of you though to demonstrate guilt and laughable that you do damage control om the same sentence.

    as if that RALLY changes anything LOL


    so do you think its funny that debunksters and troughers still want the world to believe that planes and fire brought the towers down?

    Even though its been proven beyond a shadow of unreasonable doubt that it was not possible. I think that is funny!
  17. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I'm somewhat saddened that you think the things you posted were news articles. I post actual articles every single time I refute your jazz, but you come back and say that it's MSM so they don't count!

    Let's count all the things that you didn't address, since you stated that you provided "news reports".

    1) The website whatreallyhappened, isn't a news source. No matter how much you want it to be.

    2) The "source" you used to provide your information had no evidence to back it up. The "sources" he used were nothing more than broken links. They led no where, to nothing. The ones that actually did work, I think I tried 3 and got 1 to work, led to a news article released less than a month after 9/11. That's it, your sources consist of 1 article from the washington post that was 2 sentences long, and was from less than a month after the event.

    3) The fact that I proved your jargon about Odiga was absolute fictitious garbage. There is nothing to it.

    Thanks koko, superior work from a superior "lawyer" as usual.
  18. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    the only thing you proved is that I was correct!

    Surprised you do not see that.

    I will give you a hint; ( you cannot say they did it then say but it was excusable )

    they are


    guilty nonetheless
  19. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    You're such a one trick pony koko. You only post non sense words that don't even combine to make sentences, and then a bunch of random pictures. wtf is that? You feel an old man dressed as a judge staring at a camera will help prove your point? Then, in true truther fashion, in the first sentence you declare victory! Why wouldn't you? You completely ignored all of my questions to you, and the direct evidence I provided to refute your claims. I state that you ignore my claims, in which you reply with ignoring the previous claims. Top notch!
  20. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I am still waiting for Koko to explain how the goverment modified everyone's video to show Flight 175 hit the tower. I also want to hear holston and koko go at it as holston has clearly stated koko is a shill and an Israeli disinfo agent for posting no planes hit the towers.
  21. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Let's take a look at WTC security.

    If the links to sources or videos are broken, it is not my doing. Initially when I posted them, they worked. When I return all I see is a black screen. Whether someone is doing this deliberately I can't say. However, I can say, that not only do De Zionist Bunkos lie about 9/11, they fight dirty. Deceit, treachery, and backstabbing are all characteristics of De Bunko Zionists.

    By the way, there were witnesses who saw the planes hit the towers who can be heard saying on film as it happened that the planes that hit the towers looked more like military style planes than regular passenger jets. The pod which some say can be discerned on the belly of the plane, according to others fits the description of electronic devices which are fitted to remote planes.

    I have not looked into the matter so I can't say whether either is true. All things considered I wouldn't rule it out until I examined the evidence very carefully.

    One technique which has been used be De Bunko Zionists is to create stories which they know are false, make them as believable as possible in hopes that "Twoofers" will latch onto them. If they do, then it is easy for the people who planted the false or misleading info to show why it's false, thus discrediting all "Twoofers" in the process.

    Any time a crime is committed, it isn't always possible to learn the entire truth or every detail in order to obtain a conviction. Even in ordinary recorded history much is debatable because there will always be some gaps or areas of unknowns in practically any type of records. The fact that we are not able to describe every detail with pin point accuracy in no way nullifies those facts which ARE known. In the case of 9/11 enough IS known that points to a collaboration of Zionists to capitalize on the hostile intentions of Muslims and Arabs to render it a virtual certainty.

    The reason why nothing has came of this knowledge is that it has not reached enough people. Those who are aware of it to the degree of certainty which I am are unable to overcome the power of the Zionist media to squelch it. Those people have a lot of money and influence over public opinion. With these things they can manipulate the minds of simpletons and the uninformed and manage the rest through bribes and threats.

    I like this link because it is simple and to the point.

    QUESTION: Who had the contract to run security at the WTC?

    ANSWER: Kroll Associates, which is owned by…
    Jules Kroll, Jewish

    Kroll was run by…
    Jerome Hauer, Jewish
    I suppose De Bunkos could lie about this as easily as they deny that NORAD was responsible for US air defense. The statement made that it is the FAA which is in charge of US air defense is about as moronic as anything that's been said on this thread.

    This is from their web site.

    Prince Lutz ALot said, and I quote:
    The FAA does not scramble fighter jets when a hijacking occurs, the military does.

    This is only one example of the type of disruption that this Bunktard has been engaging in. This is the one who calls everyone else stupid liars, the biggest liar of them all. Calling his hand in every instance is a total waste of time. I only mention this here to save the reader the time of verifying what I am saying about him.

    The object of De Zionist Bunkos is to quash rational discussion of 9/11 and to smear anyone who does not accept the Kosher approved version of 9/11 or one of their approved variants, which may include references to Elvis, Big Foot, Marvin the Martian, the Easter Bunny or anything else so long as it exonerates Israel and Zionist Jews of all responsibility.

  22. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    From another site, lets take a further look at Kroll Associates:,Inc.shtml

    De Bunkos will tell you that the only "credible" sources of information may be taken from the Jewish media, the one which would have the biggest reason of all to destroy or derail the 9/11 Truth movement.

    Just how much of the information contained in the links which I have provided are De Bunkos claiming to be false or fabricated? Certainly not all of it!

    One can be reasonably certain for example that the companies mentioned here and the people associated with them exist!

    I don't know what one could be expected to do short of producing a body every time they demand some sort of conformation. And what it would take to confirm the Jewish identities of these people or the motives of the leagues of Jews is also a problem. In short, they will demand "proof" of every detail, the numbers of which could be quibbled about 'til doomsday and in the end they will deny them all. In the meantime they are going merrily along their way to consolidating a global consortium of Jewish operated financial and governmental enterprises with which to establish total hegemony if possible.

    What do they expect, a public confession?

    The fact is, that they really don't care what you or I believe as long as they call the shots. That's the bottom line.

    And how much detail should we be required to know and prove that would satisfy these nay sayers in order to demonstrate their culpability or at least present a plausible case for probable suspicion?

    It eventually becomes clear that NO AMOUNT of evidence is sufficient because all they will do when it is presented is simply deny it, lie about or demand a form of "proof" which is seldom found outside the rigors of higher mathematics.

    "Proof" they demand, which incidentally the government has never supplied sufficient to convict Osama Bin Laden or any of the accused of the crime itself, or even to establish beyond reasonable doubt the case as presented by the FEMA report or the 9/11 commission.

    One could surmise that the people who have large sums of money, who control the media, and who give orders to people who enforce the law DON't NEED PROOF, just POWER.

    One can deduce from this, that to them, MIGHT means RIGHT. THAT is their philosophical approach to business, and domestic and foreign policy. As of right now, they are campaigning to have guns taken from the hands of private citizens and governmental authority to arrest and have "committed" to an institution anyone they deem to be a "threat to society".

    This is exactly the same kind of technique that the Soviets under Stalin used to get rid of political opposition. They will have you declared "nuts"........"conspiracy nuts". This is the exact means by which Susan Lindauer was detained for over a year!

    Very well. As they would have it. We may all see in the end in whose hands rest the ultimate might and the power to establish the truth in a way which no one will be able to deny it, their guns and money notwithstanding.

    Is any of this information pertaining to Kroll Associates true?

    Did Kroll have the contract to run security for the WTC towers?

    If so, then exactly what would constitute proof of this and how would one obtain it?

    Once such information was verified, to whom could one present it who could make a meaningful response?

    And if it is possible for the source of this information to "lie" about it, or if it is possible for me to "lie" about it,
    then isn't it equally possible for those parties which are guilty of conspiracy and all those who would defend them to lie as well?

    It is up to the reader to determine for himself which things are true and which are not.

    Only take care to remember that those who would commit any crime are not only capable of lying to cover it up, but they are more likely to do so than those who would not commit the crime in the first place.
  23. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Another lie by holston the 93rd to 99th floor where the jet hit was ocupied by Marsh and McLennan
  24. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Man, I have NEVER seen another poster so butthurt and so unbelievably paranoid that he believes other people are somehow messing with his posts. Get over yourself. You're not worth it.

    Never said there wasn't. Doesn't mean they were right. Numerous other witnesses saw a passenger jet. Parts photographed before the collapse confirm windows which are only on passenger aircraft. It always strikes me as amazingly idiotic that truthers believe with all their heart a small subset of all witnesses and ignore the rest.

    The "pod" they say they can see was only visible in videos, and are consistant with a 767. Remote planes wouldn't need extrernal pods. Still making (*)(*)(*)(*) up I see.

    You've never stopped a lack of research from stopping you from lying your ass off. Why would you stop now?

    So please show us where ANYONE convinced Koko that no planes hit the buildings. PLEASE. Show us where someone told Koko about the government being able to modify all the video in all the cameras at once. PLEASE! :lol: Good luck with that one. Truthers, yourself included, make (*)(*)(*)(*) up all the time based on whatever paranoid delusion they are currently in the grips of. You making excuses for everyone only highlights the absolutely pathetic state of the truther movement in general.

    Yet you don't even have a single shred of evidence things are as you claim. If you did, maybe you could see about a new investigation or an indictment. The very fact truthtards don't have squat is a main cause in their downfall.

    Or a bunch of retards with mental illnesses sitting around trying to make (*)(*)(*)(*) up to blame it on the bad guys du jour.

    No, those are paranoid delusions by you. If a Jew is involved, you claim it is all part of some zionist conspiracy. If a Jew ISN'T involved, you make (*)(*)(*)(*) up and call him a Jew regardless of his history. When called on it, you give us (*)(*)(*)(*) like "he is a closet Jew". :lol: It is PATHETIC!!!

    The reason nothing has come of this is because you don't have (*)(*)(*)(*). If you had evidence, you might be able to convince someone. As it is, you've convinced nobody.

    Yes, it is just you against the big bad Jews. Your persecution complex would be comical if there was anything at all humorous in your stance.

    So please show us where they are silencing you. Because they won't air your anti-semitic bull(*)(*)(*)(*)? :lol: It doesn't take a lot of brains to see you're only peddling hate speech. While I am sure there are media outlets that cater to the skinhead crowd, the majority have more class. Has nothing to do with Jews.

    :lol: Yes, because everyone knows the Jews have their own private army running around everywhere threatening those who don't bow to the Jews. Come on. Do you seriously even believe your own (*)(*)(*)(*)?

    The New Jersey Port Authority.

    OK, so you claim your evidence is the involvement of Kroll in WTC security, and that they are obviously guilty because two people are Jewish. News flash. Being Jewish is not a crime outside the skinhead community! No matter how much you hate the Jews, just being Jewish is not evidence.

    Another blatant misrepresentation by you. I said NORAD was not responsible for monitoring the airspace above the continental US. You couldn't refute the facts so you lie about what was said. Lots of class there, holston.

    Especially since the only one stupid enough to stay that is you. The FAA was in charge of monitoring US airspace over the US and informing NORAD in the event defense was needed. Still can't quite swallow the simple facts, can you.

    Funny how you missed this part: "through mutual support arrangements with other commands". Oh my! They're talking about working with the FAA! Want more proof you're talking out your ass? The role of the FAA and NORAD on 9/11. Sorry it isn't from a skinhead or truther site. I'm sure you'll just claim that site is infested with Jews like you did when you didn't like a report written in Atlanta and used the excuse Atlanta is infested with Jews.

    Apparently you didn't even read what I wrote. Maybe you missed this sentence. "If the FAA had need of assistance, they were to contact NORAD and give them the information." OMG! That means the FAA calls NORAD and has them launch fighters! Just like what happened on 9/11! How's that crow ta

    What I wrote is the truth. You whining about getting your ass handed to you by the truth doesn't change the fact it is the truth.

    I point out where you lie. You can't defend the lies so you whine about being called a liar.

    Yes, everyone can see quite clearly that you were wrong and I was spot on in what I said. Hmmm... what does that make you again when you lie? Right.

    How can one have a rational discussion with someone who constantly lies about not only what happened, but what has been said? What I posted was the truth. Your only rebuttal was covered in what I wrote and backed up by historical evidence. So what are you left with? Absolutely nothing.
  25. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    He will run from responding to this lie like he does with all his other lies like hijackers still being alive, Flight 77 flying around for hours, Flight 93 being shot down, etc. etc.

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