HOW A COVER-UP WORKS There is a lot of deception, distraction, and diversion going on, both intentional and otherwise, leading people to climb on to popular "theories" or "band wagons". Truth is not established by popularity, although agenda-driven political campaigns are. So we need to establish a better way to sort through the information we find by improving our problem-solving skills. There are various groups on the internet lead by nefarious figures such as Richard Gage and Jim Fetzer, each with their own set of beliefs and objectives, promoting how it was done, or who did it or why they did it. But none of them have taken the first step of an investigation which is to determine what it is that was done, that is, to first determine WHAT happened. Until they have done that, they are merely speculating or theorizing or hypothesizing or guessing. This is essentially assuming what happened and then proving the assumptions through biased observations (i.e. "cherry-picking" data). Promoting beliefs distracts away from determining WHAT happened. This is why the order of problem solving is so important. Remember, you must first determine WHAT happened BEFORE you can determine HOW it happened and independent of knowing how it happened. Remember how a cover-up works. Get people to theorize and speculate about an imagined problem (i.e Mini-Neutron Bombs), then get them to argue opinions with others. Everyone will be arguing about opinions of speculations of theories of opinions of guesswork, and they'll just go round and round and round and get nowhere. It is amazingly easy to keep a cover up in place! The only way out of that vicious cycle is to deal with the facts and only the facts (empirical evidence). If you read WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?, you would know from the EVIDENCE that the Twin Towers turned to dust in mid-air never hitting the ground. Bombs do not do that. Mini-neutron bombs do not do that. Thermite does not do that. Thermate does not do that. Nano-enhanced thermite does not do that. Nano-thermite does not do that. New-and-improved super-duper mini-micro-nano thermite does not do that. Firecrackers do not do that. Fire does not do that. Nukes do not do that. Megga nukes do not do that. Milli-nukes do not do that. Mini-nukes do not do that. Nano-nukes cannot do that. A wrecking ball cannot do that. A slingshot cannot do that. Missiles cannot do that. We know this because we know those things above involve Kinetic Energy and we know that the "dustification" was done without Kinetic Energy. That is, dustification was not done with high heat nor with some other form of Kinetic Energy (wrecking ball, projectile, gravity collapse). The building was not cooked to death nor was it beaten to death. So Kinetic Energy Weapons (KEW) did not destroy the buildings. But we know that Energy was Directed somehow and controlled within fairly precise boundaries only destroying buildings with a WTC prefix to cause them to turn to dust in mid air. That is, some kind of (cold) Directed Energy Weapon (cDEW) had to have done this. (i.e. LENR) Energy was directed and manipulated within the material such that it came apart without involving high heat and without having something fly through the air and hit it (bullets, missile, bombs, wrecking ball, a giant hammer, many micro hammers...) If this technology can manipulate energy to do something like this, it can also be manipulated to provide us with "free energy" (i.e. "off the grid"). Simply by looking at the cover of Dr. Wood's book you can realize there must be a technology that can do this. This is evidence that such technology does exist. This is evidence that a technology capable of providing "free energy" ("off the grid") exists. The whole world witnessed this which means the whole world can know that "free-energy technology" exists. This realization will change the world. This is probably the biggest reason why there is so much effort spent misrepresenting, distorting, and suppressing Dr. Wood's research. Our educational systems typically "teach the test" and it is usually a multiple-choice test. We are not taught very good problem-solving skills. So it is very easy to manipulate a population with poor problem-solving skills. Get them to focus on the HOW or the WHO and they will never be able to solve the problem. That is the secret. Look at how the official story was designed. We were told "Bin Laden did it." But what is "it" that he did? And look at how the Truther Movement is managed. Well meaning people, looking for answers, are directed to focus on HOW or WHO (i.e. mini-neutron bombs did "it", thermite did "it", the Jooos did "it", "9/11 was an inside job" ). Truthers are also conditioned to attack anyone addressing Dr. Wood's research and are told "she has a bogus theory" when Dr. Wood has no theory, only EVIDENCE. It keeps the well-meaning Truthers from looking at the EVIDENCE like a rodeo clown distracts a bull. Why? Look at what the EVIDENCE tells us. It tells us the truth. "Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic." The empirical EVIDENCE tells us that the majority of the building turned into dust in mid air. Therefore, something that can do this (turn it into dust in mid air) must exist. That is the proof that it exists. It happened. You don't need the serial numbers for the gizmo to know what happened. When "white man" first arrived on the American continent with firearms, indigenous people did not need to know the serial numbers of their weapons to know what they can do. They didn't need to have seen such weapons in order to know that there exists a weapon that can fire a piece of metal fast enough to kill their brother. Likewise, by the end of the day on August 6, 1945, the people living near Hiroshima, Japan, did not need to understand how a nuclear bomb works in order to know that there exists a technology that can produce enormous amounts of heat or to know that there exists a super-duper Kinetic Energy Weapon (KEW) that is capable of destroying an entire city. I'm Emmanuel Goldstein and I approve this message
NO evidence shows that a 'majority of the building turned into dust in midair' Some of you truthers have been claiming this for years,spurred on by the fantasies and lack of common sense of crazy judy wood.. To this date none of her so called 'theories' have been proven in ANY way You may approve of the message,manny,but you can't prove ANY of it At all
right NO THEORY has been proven. Least likely conspiracy theory to be true is the "Official STORY" sprays DUST! looks like dust to me. in fact it looks like the columns are peeing iron! LOLOLOL That doesnt look like dust to you?
The official story HAS been proven....many times,and not just by the government..... And I never said there was NO dust,the abundance of drywall in the towers along with other items ensured there was a lot of dust However a 'majority' of the towers it wasn't quit acting the dumbass.
RALLY NOW? drywall does not do this; or this: or this or this they never proved anything, just wrote their conspiracy theory in a book Obviously you have no idea what proof is! LOL
I would like him to provide some evidence for what he says other than .gif's. I've found that if nothing but gif's are used, it's because there is no scientific evidence to support the actual theory. Just confusion about what is actually happening.
You and the voices in your head have had the "dots" connected for you time and time again. If you haven't figured it out by now, there is little chance you ever will. Plague311's points are valid and on point. You try to pretend your animated GIFs actually make a point for you, yet you can't defend the point past posting the picture. Same with the rest of your claims.
To post, slightly redundantly, on Patriots point, can you tell us what is happening in the pictures? Can you explain why you feel the beams are evidence to insert_your_truther_theory_here. I'm sorry, with all of you posting around here I can't remember who's theory is what. I know we have a few Woods supporters, some demo supporters, and a few others. I just can't remember what you, specifically, are.
911 Dr Judy Wood University of Northampton Presentation 11/17/12 Part 5 @ 16 minutes 53 seconds [video=youtube;IAQ-XVetD3Q][/video] John Bockris talking about LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) showing the same signature of the WTC destruction which was Tritium without ionizing radiation. This is top-dead center of what is to be covered up! This subject is covered in Chapter 17, section J, pages 372 to 376 of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood I'm Emmanuel Goldstein and I approve this message
Response to Jesse Ventura's "Death Ray" Conspiracy @ 4:40Could the bizarre and incoherent ramblings of Jeremy Robert Koenig Rys (AlienScientist) be motivated by the 89,000 views Jesse Ventura's program has received on YouTube? I wonder if Jeremy Rys is an Independent Contractor for the same government agency that Richard Gage works for? [video=youtube;dxSjCanohp8][/video] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Tesla's Earthquake Machine by Jeremy Rys Alien Scientist Video Producer/Director/Writer/Narrator/Editor/Web Designer at Greater Boston Area Oil & Energy Jeremy Rys Independent Contractor Scientific Intelligence Analyst & Historian Bridgewater State University Class of 2012 · Physics/Math Jeremy Rys (left) - Richard Gage (middle) I'm Emmanuel Goldstein and I approve this message
Response to Jesse Ventura's "Death Ray" Conspiracy @ 4:40Could the bizarre and incoherent ramblings of Jeremy Robert Koenig Rys (AlienScientist) be motivated by the 89,000 views Jesse Ventura's program has received on YouTube? I wonder if Jeremy Rys is an Independent Contractor for the same government agency that Richard Gage works for? [video=youtube;dxSjCanohp8][/video] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Tesla's Earthquake Machine by Jeremy Rys Alien Scientist Video Producer/Director/Writer/Narrator/Editor/Web Designer at Greater Boston Area Oil & Energy Jeremy Rys Independent Contractor Scientific Intelligence Analyst & Historian Bridgewater State University Class of 2012 · Physics/Math Jeremy Rys (left) - Richard Gage (middle) I'm Emmanuel Goldstein and I approve this message
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Best appeal to authority ever. Think Jeremy could get that "AIA" bag to face forward anymore? Haha that is awesome, I actually guffawed. Too funny.
It's kind of sad how people define their own little realities and then defend them to the hilt. They won't let the facts speak for themselves and alter their views to fit them accordingly. Why? Why are people so often so unreasonable? That's what I want to know.
Some people may be guilty of this, but then others may simply have something to hide. There may be other reasons why someone would cling to falsehood, but the worst among them in my opinion are those who deliberately lie, knowing full well that they are lying, and yet see nothing wrong with what they are doing. These last type are those who believe along with Machiavelli that the ends justify the means. I cannot be certain who among all those who spread disinformation are sincere in their delusions vs those who are participating in a cover up. But I am certain that there are those who will intentionally lie with no compunction against doing so. Ultimately the only way to deal with these people is to convince yourself that they can not be trusted to tell the truth because they do not place any stock in it as a matter of religious conviction. Whatever their motives may be, I have to include stories of "no planes hitting the towers" and of directed particle beams from unrevealed exotic weapons as being among those "theories" which have been used to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement. There are many ways to deceive people. Doubtless the people who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks could conceive of as many of them as any one. During WWII bombers would release thousands of bits of aluminum in order to help reduce their chance of being hit by anti-craft fire. The presence of the bomber would still be picked up by radar, but the concomitant detection of so much aluminum would provide a smoke screen which would prevent pin pointing the location of the aircraft. All the disinformation agents have to do is generate a great amount of "aluminum", red herrings if you prefer, and then depend on the ignorance, slothfulness, disinterest, or inability for the average person to access essential facts to do the job of covering up for them. What makes their job especially easy is that they have the full compliance of the media at work for them. This is because the media is controlled by the same political faction which enabled 9/11 to occur in the first place. If I and others are able to see this for ourselves then all those who are in favor of the results of 9/11, namely the wars in the mideast, and who support the status quo or establishment , will defend the official version of 9/11 without having to be told to do so by some nefarious higher authority. The majority of De Bunkers probably belong to this group. But it is certain enough that they are being fed directions from intelligence disinformation sources as surely as ordinary folks who back the Truth movement must draw on the expertise and reputations of those scientists, engineers, politicians, military personnel and other professionals who recognize the flaws and inconsistencies inherent in the official version of 9/11. It is up to those of us who understand this situation to do our best to inform others who are not as aware of the many possible ways in which they may be deceived, including the creation of "straw men" like the preposterous theories of Dr Jody Woods in order that the 9/11 Truth Movement be discredited by association. Similarly the "no plane" theory is equally as ludicrous. Therefore it requires no great effort on the part of the least talented debunkers to conjure reasons to deride any legitimate inquiry into what really happened. Any person who is serious about wanting to discover the truth for themselves should make a note of those "debunkers" who rely primarily on the use of derision, mockery, and insult in order to silence anyone from speaking up about 9/11. They quickly make themselves obvious on this forum by the speed with which they make their attacks personal, and try to provoke their opponents by the use of deliberate lies and insults in order to steer the discussion away from the subject of 9/11 itself. They have the support of at least some of the moderators in their efforts. Those who do are invariably Israel firsters. [video=youtube;LofScCiJT4c][/video] [video=youtube;qAc0W57Tkvg][/video] Now watch them go to work.
Wow. You just perfectly described truthers. Congratulations! Truthers like trying to hide the fact they are lying their asses off in order to push their agendas of hate. Your particular one is an agenda of hate against the Jew Yeah, I've never agreed with the ends justify the means. So why don't you explain it to us? I know truthers can't be trusted. All one has to do is read the sanctimonious bull(*)(*)(*)(*) they write. I've always found it interesting how truthers turn on each other when their agendas and theories conflict. It is yet another reason not to trust the TBM. How can you trust a group that can't even come to any kind of agreement as to what happened? Hell, truthers will come up with multiple theories they claim are all true, yet the theories conflict with one another. That's a whole different level of crazy! Naw. Look at truthers. They come up with very creative and certifiably insane ways of deceiving people. The one issue though is evidence. Evidence is what can show the truth vs. the lies. Truthers don't have any evidence, so they lie about a very small fraction of the evidence they can twist to show something different and ignore the rest. It is still funny watching you disrespect your fellow truthers. Truthers don't have the media working for them. Oh right. We're back to hating Jews again by pretending every last piece of media is controlled by the Jews so there is zero chance at all of any real information being exposed to the public. Another prime example of paranoid delusions with persecution complexes added for flavor. Or people will stand up for the truth against those who would lie to push their agendas of hate and intolerance. No matter how you disguise it, that is what is happening here. Another awesome example of paranoid delusions and persecution complex! Truthers can't defend their theories or refute the truth so they pretend that the reason MUST be because everyone else is getting help from the government! in the same vein, truthers pretend a bare handful of supposed experts that can only express their opinions that something is funky. They're suppose to be experts! Why can't they say definitively what was wrong? Oh right. Because as soon as they do that, they expose their bull(*)(*)(*)(*) for what it is. That is the beauty of the truth. You don't have to hide it behind opinion and bull(*)(*)(*)(*). It stands on its own. Sounds like holston is describing the Truther Strormtroopers. So, just to be clear, debunkers are now anyone and everyone that believes anything different from holston. The vast majority of truthers who don't believe the Jews were behind 9/11 are now considered debunkers by him. You can't make up (*)(*)(*)(*) this funny! So wait. You write a post that is nothing but an attack piece on debunkers and truthers alike and then you try and pretend that anyone who response is more proof they are debunkers? OMG this just keeps getting funnier! Do you HONESTLY think that you pretending anyone who responds and doesn't agree with you is proof they are paid disinformation agents?!? TFF! Keep it up holston! Wow. And now you're going to accuse moderators of being dishonest. Incredible. Insulting other people is one thing, but mods generally frown on people accusing some or all of them of being dishonest This isn't work. This is play.
See what I mean? This is one's shtick is always the same. I call him Prince Lutz Alot for obvious reasons. You will have to paste the links to the videos I provide since for some unknown reason only videos which portray "Twoofers" as all being deranged in some way do not disappear into a black hole. It's anybodies guess as to why this happens. Maybe it's just another "coincidence" in a long list of those which surround 9/11. Jewish disinformation agents on the net: Jews in the US government:
Obvious reasons?......acting childish is not an 'obvious reason',you're just moving offof the topic constantly to call others names and post our anti,semiti,bigoted crap.. Moreover, Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, is concerned about the spread of such inconvenient facts to the wider public. "Our worry," he says, "is when things become infectious…. [then] this stuff can be deeply corrosive to public understanding. You can get where the bacteria can sicken the larger body." But was Zelikow speaking here as an American government official or as a pro-Israeli insider? In the same month that he authored the so-called "Bush Doctrine" of preemptive war, which provided the justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Zelikow made this candid admission: "Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I'll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990—it's the threat against Israel." Yet, instead of investigating the Israeli connection, Zelikow used the 9/11 Commission to sell the Israeli-inspired Iraq war to the American people. Zelikow's "bacteria" quote is cited in a 2008 paper entitled "Conspiracy Theories." Co-authored by Cass Sunstein, who currently heads President Obama's White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the main focus of the paper "involves conspiracy theories relating to terrorism, especially theories that arise from and post-date the 9/11 attacks." Rather than attempting to debunk such theories, Sunstein and Vermeule claim that those who suspect Israeli involvement in 9/11 suffer from a "crippled epistemology." This, the authors argue, is due to "a sharply limited number of (relevant) informational sources." In other words, "they know very few things, and what they know is wrong." To counter these suspicions, Sunstein recommends "cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents, or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity." "The lady (Prince Lutz Alot) doth protest too much, methinks." -Queen Gertrude, Hamlet.
Dr Judy Woods "theory" serves only to discredit the movement for 9/11 Truth by creating a "straw man" which can easily be discredited. The same is true for the "no planes" theory. 9/11 served as a pretext for the unlawful invasion of the middle east. The nations you see embroiled in civil war there currently were all on a list of nations targeted by the Zionists for regime change. Richard Pearl, one of them, is on film openly admitting this and names each of them. This is what some call "hiding the truth in plain sight". The aim of the Zionist Cabal in the US and abroad is determined to attain global hegemony via control of the world's economy. The Jewish religion requires that they set up headquarters for the coming "Messiah" in Jerusalem. To atheist and Secular Humanist Jews the term "Messiah" is loosely used to describe the governing body to be installed which will roughly approximate the ruling Sanhedrin of Christ's time.
Haha yeah, Dr. Judy Woods woo is too woo for you? That makes sense, she's the one discrediting the truth movement. It's not the fact that every single conspiracy theory has been shot down en mass by debunkers, the world over. Nevermind that everything you have said here has been shot down with fact and evidence, just for you to hand wave it away and come back with the same crap. Why don't you guys seem to get it? The truth movement isn't making any progress. AE911 is the most well organized truth movement as far as "making an impact" and next to no one knows, or cares who they are. All these truth movement boards are after 1 thing, money. Half of them don't even believe the crap they are saying. Richard Gage pays himself 70k+ a year, and he doesn't have a real job. As an architect he hasn't worked on a project in the last 5 years. He's lived entirely off of traveling around the world and peddling his woo. What has he done to benefit the truth movement? NOTHING. No legislature, no government consideration, no investigation, nothing. He has done nothing, at least some of us debunkers and a few truthers got together to get the independent dust study done. Gage has pocket hundreds of thousands and it has gotten the truth movement no where. Anyway, keep peddling your anti-semite crap. I see nothing ever changes with you, same old crap. You're making a difference....seriously.
If that's so, it's only because the Jews own the media. You must mean the Jews who have commandeered it like Ed Asner. I knew the moment that he showed his face that they had taken over. Whether Gage sold out I can't say. You need to show some evidence he did. It's very possible that he was seduced by the lure of money. The Jews who stepped in most certainly would know how to derail the 9/11 truth movement just as they did the Tea Party. They could easily divert the project into a cash cow venture and thereby seduced Gage and others away from their original mission. It's also possible they could have been presented with the alternative between selling out or getting destroyed. A normal person in that situation might easily be persuaded that making a martyr of ones self for a cause would not be worth it for the sake of the principle alone given the apparent ignorance and apathy of the US which would make the prospect of success dismal. That's not surprising, given the number of Congressmen and Representatives that are on the Jewish payroll. Since the government is pretty much under the direction of a handful of wealthy Zionists and JUDEOxtian profiteers and sycophants, what else can be expected at this point? The US must at least reach the level of distress that was felt in prewar Germany before the people will rise to the occasion. As long as the bread and circuses hold out for a minimal amount of people, the Zionists and their lackies will remain safe. In case you haven't noticed, they are still working on pulling the teeth of the American people, namely disarming them. This can only mean that they are not totally secure. We all do what we can. Presently you don't have to do anything but enjoy the ride. So why are you sweating it wasting your time with me? I could ask Prince Lutz Alot the same thing. All he does is say the same things over and over which is basically "You are a liar". "You are an antisemite". "That's bull(*)(*)(*)(*)." "I've already thoroughly disproved everything you've said." "That's been debunked." etc and then lutz a lot. (That's why he's called Prince Lutz Alot ) And that's supposed to prove to everyone that he's right. I don't know why, but that quivering lip on that little smiley thingy reminds me of a sociopath I knew one time, or Beavis of Beavis and Butthead. I'll tell you what I told him before he had the last 9/11 thread shut down with his incessant insults. I can understand why you Jews would be offended at people saying that Zionist criminals were responsible for 9/11. For one thing, most Jews couldn't have possibly have participated in the actual event. But they do share the same ideology of the perps and therefore agree with the direction it took us. It's natural for the Jew to want things to continue on their present course since the Jewish sector of society stands to gain the most from it. So it's natural that they should want to shelter those who help secure their favored position in society even if those who are at the helm happen to be mobsters. Aside from that, they do not like the guilt by association. In other words a Jew would resent anyone saying that some Jews are mobsters for the same reason that you expect me to be cast in a bad light by the association with the crack pots and disinformation agents who have been planted in the 9/11 truth crowd. A Jew for example might not want to be associated with a Meyer Lansky type character, (although many are actually proud of it!) because the shadow of criminality might be cast over all Judaism. And that would not jibe with the public relations image they like to create for themselves as being honest people of good intent and philanthropic concern. Since all Jews are raised under the tutelage of the Holocaust stories, some of them may actually be afraid of the repercussions if it became widely known that Israel, and thus American Jewdom stabbed the country in the back. Then the notion that US goyim have been used as a sort of Golem and a big fat milk cow would not be such a hard sell. Under those circumstances all those people who do not consider themselves Jewish or know anything of it would be more inclined to sit up and pay attention. If all these dummies were to learn how to spot the "Chosen Ones" out of a crowd containing a number of crypto Jews, then the discrimination that Jews practice would not be so easy to get away with. I understand that all those who identify themselves as Jews have a great deal of ethnic and religious pride about themselves. They desire to have things their way just as Mexicans and blacks want to have things their way. And they resent anything that makes them appear diminished in any way by comparison with others. It is human nature to be this way. It is just not as politically correct to admit that Jews, just like blacks or Mexicans have the same kind of pride or will to dominate as does anyone else. To say that Jews can be as selfish or conniving as any other human on earth is considered "anti-semitic" even though common sense tells you it has to be true. That's why the testimony of people like Dr Sabrosky is very important. It is very difficult for people like you to accuse a self professed Jew of being anti-semitic when he says something that doesn't have the Kosher seal of approval. I'd stack his credentials, experience, and knowledge of the subject of 9/11 against you or Prince Lutz ALot any day. I certainly find him more credible. Practically all you guys do is sling mud. You'd garner more respect if you would stick to the particular facts at issue rather than constantly attack the messenger. I didn't make any of this stuff up. The man speaks for himself as do others I have referenced. How that can be contorted into me telling a lie, only a Prince Lutz Alot could imagine. It may not have occurred to you that some people are really more interested in preserving the country and retaining what prosperity and liberty that is left more than trying to be the **** of the walk. [video=youtube;1X2Ad8pX12Q][/video]
I love how the Jews are the object of holston's hatred and his biggest excuse for all his failures. If all we do is sling mud, holston, why is it you can't respond? Like your claim the hijackers are still alive. I proved you were wrong about that and you ran away. Like your claim there was thermite found in the WTC dust. I proved it wrong with an actual scientific study which found no thermite or thermitic material. Did you even respond to the study in any meaningful way? Nope. I say meaningful because the sum total of your response was that the study was done in Atlanta and Atlanta is "infested with Jews". An extremely anti-semitic claim which shows both your abject fear of Jews and your utter hatred of them. Like your claim that the paint had thermite in it even though it has been explained to you that not only does a thermite reaction require the particles to be as close to each other as possible AND there can be no foreign material between the particles, but that thermite in a thin layer woud do nothing but heat up the steel slightly. It would not cut the steel nor weaken it. You ran away from that discussion. Like your claim there is an actual legal protocol that demands the NIST look for explosives. You were shown to be lying your ass off about that "fact" and ran away from the discussion. The list goes on and on and on and on. It isn't hard to see your claims are bull(*)(*)(*)(*), holston. Nor is it hard to see you have a decidedly anti-semitic agenda. Normal, sane people don't use terms like "infested with Jews". Skinheads and Nazis, however, use those terms all the time to demonize and dehumanize people they don't like.