Sally beat me to it. I didn't find yours a mystery in any way. I still love it, though! PS - mine is just 2 out of 4 of my bosses.
~ I rescue stray cats. Always have about a dozen around the house. At some point I will randomly post photos of them "just because " .
Bjørn is my name. Didn't want to use "ø" in my username because I wanted to be considerate of people not blessed with a 29-letter alphabet.
Sappho, it has been said, was the first known, female writer and poet. Wonder Woman, is known to exclaim in frustration... Suffering Sappho! As a woman, I'm a fan of them both!
I get numerous compliments and accolades for my many high achievements daily from so many people but I always give the same reply to them so they can see how humble I am. So I use that phrase as my on-line name.
One of my favorite slogans is I am just one of the 7.5 Billion passengers on the 5 Billion year old spaceship Is Just a Man hoping to get a place on Bezos's and Musk's Island in the sky??
Cirdellin Circum or circle Delta or triangle Linea or line Three of the most important shape constructs in geometry. I thought avoid throwing in the rectangle but that would make it too long
No way. I like to keep my feet connected to the gravity on earth's terra firma. But I do go bass fishing once in a while.
Weird. When I first saw you post, it crossed my mind that it was some sort of math function. Thanks for sharing. I was at least, in the neighborhood.
Well everything Ancient Greek is huge to me. And I’m not Greek at all. But they were so phenomenal that I wish they existed to this day. It is unimaginable what today would have looked like!
Because I like pork and "SaltPork" just didn't sound right. I'm actually not very fat, got a beer gut though.
My son told me today I needed a cool online username... he made one up for me sorry can't share security and all
It was a nickname I had as a kid. "Yardmeat" was what older guys in my family used to refer to, well, meat you could find in your yard -- possums (hence the avatar), raccoons, squirrels, snakes. They would tease me as a kid and talk about cooking me up too. So, it was that or "Gator bait."
I am a conservative because I am pessimistic about human nature and human potential, and think that there is often wisdom in tradition. I am a Democrat because I think the government has an important role to play in society. What this means in practice is that I am often conservative on social issues and usually liberal on economic and environmental issues. To the extent that I am a conservative, mine is a conservatism that is without concern for the economic well being of the rich. My avatar is a portrait of Edmund Burke. I think he had valid insights. I also think Karl Marx had valid insights. I disagree with each of them on specific issues.
Well it was my nickname in college and it's from a song by a band I really like. The thing is I have no recollection of how or who decided to call me the Booman. There was a lot of booze flowing in those days. Not by me of course. Everyone else.