Yeah...Tesla was wrong about the No Energy in Matter thing. We know KNOW that all Matter is completely comprised of Quantum Particle/Wave Forms of Energy. AboveAlpha
No....that is incorrect. Gravity is not a form of Propulsion. Gravity is not even a FORCE although it is described as one as it would be difficult for school teachers to explain Gravity without the word FORCE being used. Gravity is NOT A is an EFFECT. Gravity is the WARPING OF SPACE-TIME DIMENSIONALITY. If Gravity was a FORCE.....then all objects of different mass would fall at different rates as a that way. This would mean a 10 lbs object would fall to the Earth 2 times as fast as a 20 lbs object if Gravity was a FORCE. But as long as the objects are Aerodynamically the same....or placed in tall vacuum tubes...they fall at the same rate whether they are of different weights or made of wood or steel. A FORCE cannot do this....ONLY space-time warpeture can do this THUS GRAVITY IS AN EFFECT. AboveAlpha
If something moves from Point A to Point B, and one believes gravity is the impetus for this happening, then gravity was the means of propulsion. What do you call the effect when we send a spacecraft close to an object in order to use it's gravitational effect to slingshot, or PROPEL, the spacecraft towards it's eventual target?
These words are used to allow people to understand something that should be relugated to mathematics. Propulasion and Force would means that 2 times the amount of force is necessary to move 2 times the amount of mass. With gravity....the amount of Mass is a non-issue. AboveAlpha
Well, it you're talking about gravity it would appear to be an aspect of geometry, but what about the Big G gravitational constant? it's an aspect of our Universe. Surely an aspect of our universe is more than just an effect?
The force of gravity is the force with which the earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts another object towards itself. By definition, this is the weight of the object. All objects upon earth experience a force of gravity that is directed "downward" towards the center of the earth. The force of gravity on earth is always equal to the weight of the object as found by the equation: Fgrav = m * g where g = 9.8 N/kg (on Earth) and m = mass (in kg) Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe. Sir Isaac Newton (1642 -- 1727) discovered that a force is required to change the speed or direction of movement of an object. He also realized that the force called "gravity" must make an apple fall from a tree, or humans and animals live on the surface of our spinning planet without being flung off. Furthermore, he deduced that gravity forces exist between all objects. Newton's "law" of gravity is a mathematical description of the way bodies are observed to attract one another, based on many scientific experiments and observations. The gravitational equation says that the force of gravity is proportional to the product of the two masses (m1 and m2), and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) between their centers of mass. Mathematically speaking, F=Gm1m2 / r2 Gravity is viewed as a force because it is a force. A force F is something that makes objects of mass m accelerate according to F=ma. The Moon or the ISS orbiting the Earth or a falling apple are accelerated by a particular force that is linked to the existence of the Earth and we have reserved the technical term "gravity" for it for 3+ centuries. Einstein explained this gravitational force, F=GMm/r2, as a consequence of the curved spacetime around the massive objects. You say gravity is not force yet lots of information saying that gravity is a force...??
The gravitational constant is arbitrary. It depends on the measurement system used. It could just as easily be equal to 1. Is that arbitrary number an aspect of our universe or an aspect of our measurement system? Perhaps a better question to ask is why is the strength of gravity just so, and if it was a little stronger or a little weaker what would the universe look like?
What you have posted and know is LAYMANS TERMS. I don't think you are ignorant it is just you simply do not have the education and knowledge specific to this topic that I have and I will explain. A FORCE....such as Kinetic, Electromagnetic...etc....cannot brings objects of different mass into motion at the same rate of acceleration. If Air Resistance is taken out of the equation...and this can be done by have balls of the same diameter and smothness made out of different say you have a Ball of Alluminum that weighs 2 lbs....a ball of Iran weighing 10 lbs and a ball of Gold weighing 30 lbs and all are the same diameter....even if some might have a partially hollow center to make them the same diameter. Now....say you place all 3 Balls on a Flat smooth plain and use a GIANT FAN to exert a FORCE OF AIR upon them. This is KINETIC TRANSFER as the air impacts the 3 balls. At a specific fan speed the 2 lbs ball of Aluminum will accelerate to 10 mph per hour per second squared in this WIND TUNNEL. At the same fan speed the 10 lbs Ball of Iron will accelerate to 2 miles per hour second squared. The Ball of Gold...and remember all balls are the same diameter and the same smoothness...will accelerate to ......... .6666666666666etc....Miles per hour per second squared. As you can see even though the WIND TUNNEL in exerting WIND FORCE strong enough to accelerate the rolling of the balls each ball because it has the same aerodynamics and diameter and is moving upon the same smooth service and all balls are just as smooth.....accelerates at A DIFFERENT RATE!!! THIS IS KINETIC ENERGY TRANSFER as per WIND FORCE. If all 3 BALLS WERE TO BE DROPPED AT THE SAME TIME ALL 4 BALLS NO MATTER WHAT DISTANCE FROM THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH WITHIN THE ATMOSPHERE WOULD ALL HIT THE GROUND AT THE SAME TIME!!! This is because GRAVITY IS NOT A is an EFFECT cause by the warping of SPACE-TIME DIMENSIONALITY from the Earth's Center of it's GRAVITY WELL. Please read and LEARN.... In physics, an inverse-square law is any physical law stating that a specified physical quantity or intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity. The fundamental cause for this can be understood as geometric dilution corresponding to point-source radiation into three-dimensional space (see diagram). Mathematically formulated: It can also be mathematically expressed as: The divergence of a vector field which is the resultant of radial inverse-square law fields with respect to one or more sources is everywhere proportional to the strength of the local sources, and hence zero outside sources. Newton's law of universal gravitation follows an inverse-square law, as do the effects of electric, magnetic, light, sound, and radiation phenomena. Radar energy expands during both the signal transmission and also on the reflected return, so the inverse square for both paths means that the radar will receive energy according to 1/r4 power. In order to prevent dilution of energy while propagating a signal, certain methods can be used such as a waveguide, which acts like a canal does for water, or like how a gun barrel restricts hot gas expansion to one dimension in order to prevent loss of energy transfer to a bullet. LINK.... Please try to understand this part......"The fundamental cause for this can be understood as geometric dilution corresponding to point-source radiation into three-dimensional space." You see not only does Gravitational Effect or the WARPING OF SPACE-TIME caused by the HIGGS FIELD which exists due to the HIGGS-BOSON QUANTUM PARTICLE/WAVE FORM.....which allows Hadrons to OBTAIN MASS....and once Hadrons Obtain Mass....Mass AND ESPECIALLY IN A celestial body.....will have a center point of mass THUS the center point of a GRAVITY WELL!! The Inverse Square Law of Gravity explains why a 200-pound person on EARTH would weigh on the planet Mars 75.4 pounds.....EVEN THOUGH THE MASS OF MAR'S IS ONLY ABOUT 10% OF EARTH'S MASS!! Now most people would think that Mar's having only 10% of Earth Mass would mean a 200 lbs man on Earth would weigh only 10% of 200 lbs on Mars thus only 20 lbs....yet the Man weighs 75.4 lbs!!!! WHY??? READ AND LEARN AND UNDERSTAND THE INVERSE SQUARE LAW OF GRAVITY!!! The facts are GRAVITY IS NOT A FORCE...although every kid in school all the way up to High School and even COLLEGE PHYSICS taught Gravity to be a FORCE.....IT IS NOT!!! IT IS AN EFFECT. When I drop an APPLE from a distance of 32.2 feet and it is not windly outside it should hit the ground a little slower due to air resistence and in a tall vacuum tube droped inside it would hit the ground in 1 second and be traveling at 32.2 ft/s2....this means in the first second it travels 32.2 the second second it falls 64.4 feet so in 2 seconds the apple has fallen a total of 96.6 Feet. The thing is since Gravity is not a force but an EFFECT OF SPACE-TIME doesn't matter how heavy an object is and if wind resistence is taken out of the equasion size matters not either. THIS IS NOT HOW A FORCE WORKS!!! A FORCE.....say this time we use an ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE...and for this we would have to use balls of Elements that are effected by ELECTROMAGNETISM as a BALL OF WOOD WOULD NOT BE EFFECTED!!! So say we have a Ball of IRON that is 10 lbs....a ball of Iron that is 20 lbs and a ball of Iron that is 30 lbs. We make all balls the same diameter and this might require some Iron Balls to be partially hollow. In this case we use a Giant Bone Yard Car Carrying ELECTROMAGNET. The Electromagnet is set so that once placed over the 30 lbs ball at a height of 10 feet the Iron 30 lbs ball will accelerate to 10 feet per second squared. The 20 lbs ball once under the Giant Electromagnet would fly up 1/3rd Faster thus 10 feet per 40 seconds squared. The 10 lbs ball would fly up even faster at a velocity and acceleration of 10 feet per 20 seconds squared. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO GET ACROSS TO YOU? It's OK if you have questions as 99% of most people have no clue about this stuff and I would be happy to help you out understanding such things and things so complex they boggle the mind. I hold multiple degrees and one of them I earned from a World Renown Massachusetts Based Higher Learning Institute where I was for a time an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR and as well when I get the chance I go back there as I live in Western Mass. and help work on MULTIVERSAL THEORY and MULTIVERSAL MODELS as we have gone WAY BEYOND the MANY WORLDS CONCEPT as Many Worlds is much too limited for the realities within QUANTUM MECHANICS. Most of this stuff can be easily explained with Mathematics THAT IS IF A PERSON UNDERSTANDS SUCH HIGHER MATH!!! I know the Math but as I have tried and tried and TRIED to explain to my collegues without a PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING that the average person can understand it is difficult to come accross VIABLE FUNDING FOR SUCH R&D!!! Most of these guy's are very Intelligent in their LEFT BRAIN HEMISPHERE but are completely deficient when it comes to RIGHT BRAIN SOCIAL CONCEPTS!!! That's where I used to come I am Genetically Blessed in having a very dense network of Left to Right hemisphere Neural Interconnectivity. Whe I had to get a CT Scan when I came down with a Cat to Human Disease and Virus which is EXTREMELY RARE for cross species effects.....I got a nastly case of vertigo. This was shortly after the New England Patriot Teddy Bruschi issue when he has a small stroke so as I have been shot in the field I thought perhaps I was having a stroke as Vertigo makes you visually see the entire world SPINNING AROUND YOU!!! They took the first CT Scan and the pretty Female ER Doctor I had came back after about 30 minutes and said she had to take another CT scan. Now I also hold a degree specific to Medicine and I KNEW I HAD NOT MOVED thus I thought she found a tumor or something and I was freaking out!! She and two others took the 2nd CT scan and it took them like 40 minutes to get back to me. I was freaking out!!! She and now like 4 other Doctors came up to me and she asked me if I was left or right handed. I told her I use both depending upon what I am doing as I am ambidextrous. She then asked me if I was someone who was better at things like Math and Science or if I was Creative Minded. I told a few of my degrees are in Music and Art. She said...THAT FIGURES!! Then she told me they thought I has Brain Cancer but what it was is a very dense and interconnective NEURAL LINE that connects by Right Brain Hemisphere to by Left Brain Hemisphere all the way along the front of my forehead and all along the Hemispheres all the way to the back of my head. Because of this I am capable of having a very High Analytic Intelligence as well as a Social/Creative one as most people are one or the other. This is the reason why I was so highly recruited out of High School and why I was able to CUT A DEAL that allowed me to remain NON-MILITARY yet allow me to SERVE MY COUNTRY as well as obtain multiple degrees paid by the Feds. I guess my point is you can trust me to tell you REALITIES and if at any time you feel I might be wrong I WELCOME ANYONE WHO COULD PROVE ME I would rather be proven wrong than to continue posting incorrect data to people. AboveAlpha
The inverse square law of gravity: F = G*M*m/r^2. The FORCE is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
As I have explained....the word FORCE is used because it is difficult to explain that Gravity is actually a Warpeture of SPACE-TIME DIMENSIONALITY. A FORCE could not effect LIGHT as massive Celestial Bodies such as Our SUN actually warp the space-time surrounding our star so that we are capable of seeing stars that are actually NOT IN LINE OF SIGHT GEOMETRICALLY as our Sun warps the space-time surrounding it so that we can actually see with proper telescopic filters stars that have their light travel around the curvature created by our sun's gravity. WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THESE they are Geometrically behind the physical structure of our sun....but since our Sun is warping Space-Time....we can see them. Other examples of such diffent GRAVITATIONAL EFFECTS can be seen as GRAVITIC LENSING as if you Google Abell 2218 which is an example of Gravitic Lensing as Abell 2218 is 3 Billion light years away from us but Lenses a Galaxy for us to see that is 13 Billion Light Years Distant. Another example is Abell 1689 which is a Galacitic Cluster of many...many Galaxies causing the Space-Time surrounding Abell 1689 to create a VISABLE HALO of WARPED SPACE-TIME. Check them out and you will understand that a FORCE cannot do this. The word FORCE is used because people would not understand if it wasn't even if Force is incorrect. Gravity is an EFFECT. AboveAlpha
The word force is used because gravity accelerates masses, at least in 3 dimensions. That is the definition of a force, anything that accelerates mass, or would if not for an equal and opposite force. Yes in General Relativity gravity is not a force, but at the quantum level it is. Those two theories have to be reconciled before we can definitely say what gravity is. Gravity is also considered a force in everyday measurements. It's like saying F=ma isn't really true because of Special Relativity, but within certain constraints, which is 99% of the time, F=ma is fine. I'm not going to break out tensor calculus and Riemannian manifolds to calculate how strong a bridge should be.
When a person walks off the edge of a cliff, the force of gravity is going to play havoc with that individual. When the jet engines fail on an aircraft the force of gravity is going to bring the craft down. In these examples, force and effect are interchangeable. Both the 'effect' of gravity, the 'force' of gravity has an outcome on mass. How do scientists know that gravity warps space-time? When we can see lighted objects which are geometrically behind opaque objects how do we know this is not some optical 'effect'? Perhaps the warping of space-time, and how gravity might behave, are the effects of electromagnetic fields? If all of this space-time warping is leading to believing we can travel back in time, use wormholes, etc. then why aren't 'others' traveling back in time to us? If we can actually measure gravity 'effecting or forcing' space-time warp, maybe gravity itself is just 'evidence' and not the cause? Maybe it's electromagnetic fields or something else?
There are many experiments that verify the nature of gravity, and seeing behind objects is not the only reason to know gravity warps space-time. Clocks run slower in a gravity well (verified by experiment). Gravity "bends" light, electromagnetic fields do not "bend" light. The orbit of Mercury cannot be explained precisely without space-time curvature, and was actually the original test that General Relativity was correct. Light coming out of a gravity well is red shifted per General Relativity, verified by the Pound-Rebka experiment, which is really just a different version of clocks running slower in a gravity well. As for gravity being an electromagnetic field, they are quite different. For one gravity is extremely weak, and if nothing else this sets it far apart from electromagnetics. You can take a simple fridge magnet and it will lift a paperclip off the surface of the Earth, defying the acceleration field produced by the huge mass that is the Earth. Electromagnetic fields can repulse as well as attract, so far we haven't found any gravity that repulses. We know electromagnetics is the result of charges, and are in fact what hold together molecules chemically. We know how to shield against electromagnetics. We can't shield gravity. We understand quantum electrodynamics fairly well, and quantum gravity we understand extremely poorly. Since we don't have a good handle on quantum gravity, it's hard to say anything more about the fundamental nature of gravity beyond General Relativity.
If you construct a theory of gravity around the concept of space-time, gravity warping space-time gives you all the right results when compared to all experiments within its scope. That's all we expect from a good theory and we're happy. However, this doesn't mean that this is the only way to get all the right results. For example, there are other formulations of classical mechanics that avoid the concept of force altogether, but can be shown to be equivalent to Newton's equations. The two notable ones are called Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. They often turn out to be more convenient than forces in practice when it comes to complex systems. Forces are replaced with more abstract concepts such as energy or the principle of least action. I don't want to go into detail in a forum post, but the gist of it is that multiple completely different ways to look at world yield the same result in physics if those theories are sound. You could say that neither forces nor energy are real (whatever that means exactly). They're abstract concepts that turned out to be extremely useful in describing the world. Feel free to define your own mathematical models in any way you want. The hard part is creating a theory that actually makes predictions for all the experiments it's supposed to and that those predictions are always correct. That's a perfectly fine hypothesis that turns out to be false. This has been tested thoroughly. We can examine electromagnetic and gravitational fields separately and study their effects. Gravity and electromagnetism are independent to a satisfying precision under conditions that are currently available in practical experiments. That doesn't mean this independence holds under all circumstances imaginable, but it's all we can say at the moment. There are many competing efforts to unify the gravitational, electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions into a single theory of everything though. So far, it turns out to be rather hard to calculate consequences of those theories that can actually be tested in experiments to show that they are an improvement compared to the standard model of particle physics.
I wasn't saying gravity is an electromagnet field. I was saying that perhaps we believe it is gravity that is warping space-time but instead it's magnetic fields that reside at the top of a hierarchy and gravity is merely reacting to other EM forces? You mention EM fields bind molecules so if this happens at the micro levels then why not the macro levels? Maybe it is EM fields which are repulsing or causing the expansion of the Universe?
Hmm, you know, Gravity might not be a force, but what about the Higgs field? That's just another field that has to be accounted for on the way to a unified field theory. Isn't that something?
I certainly appreciate and enjoy your feedback and that of others on this forum. Obviously this topic is light-years above my pay grade but from my perspective it's fun to think about the immensities of the Universe and unfortunately one outcome of this is my silly and sophomoric questions. If I possessed enough knowledge to understand all that you say I would never sleep trying to figure out what makes everything tick as it does...a scientist gone mad! I can understand a desire to unify the interactions into a single theory but why is this so important...does this help solve current unanswered questions? From an idiot's (me) perspective all that exists seems a little complex to be boiled down into one unified theory, or, maybe it's simple eloquence that will explain everything...
The Higgs Field is what allows Hardons to obtain MASS. Mass is what WARPS SPACE-TIME. This warping is called GRAVITY. Gravity is NOT a force but rather an effect. AboveAlpha
Forgive me, because what you say is essentially correct. I know you are educated about this on a level that I can't argue with. But, I was just wondering about the Higgs field itself. Is it really a field or is that just a name? Does it play any role in a Unified Field Theory or not?
Upon a Subatomic Quantum Level there are two aspects that a person needs to learn about to understand what you seek to know. In your posts the 1st is QED or QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS. It's faster if I just quote a link to explain. In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction. In technical terms, QED can be described as a perturbation theory of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Richard Feynman called it "the jewel of physics" for its extremely accurate predictions of quantities like the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift of the energy levels of hydrogen. LINK... Now there is also..... QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS or the COLOR EFFECT.....QCD. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interactions, a fundamental force describing the interactions between quarks and gluons which make up hadrons such as the proton, neutron and pion. QCD is a type of quantum field theory called a non-abelian gauge theory with symmetry group SU(3). The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. Gluons are the force carrier of the theory, like photons are for the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics. The theory is an important part of the Standard Model of particle physics. A huge body of experimental evidence for QCD has been gathered over the years. QCD enjoys two peculiar properties: Confinement, which means that the force between quarks does not diminish as they are separated. Because of this, when you do separate a quark from other quarks, the energy in the gluon field is enough to create another quark pair; they are thus forever bound into hadrons such as the proton and the neutron or the pion and kaon. Although analytically unproven, confinement is widely believed to be true because it explains the consistent failure of free quark searches, and it is easy to demonstrate in lattice QCD. Asymptotic freedom, which means that in very high-energy reactions, quarks and gluons interact very weakly creating a quark–gluon plasma. This prediction of QCD was first discovered in the early 1970s by David Politzer and by Frank Wilczek and David Gross. For this work they were awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics. LINK.... Now here is the order for QED and QCD to exist as well in order for Matter and Energy to exist and please understand that Matter is COMPLETELY COMPRISED OF QUANTUM PARTICLE/WAVE FORMS OF ENERGY....thus is reality Matter and Energy are INTERCHANGABLE....and this is why Einstein worked on the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY even on his death bed till the day he died....if we can both develop and UNDERSTAND a Unified Field Theory....there is nothing and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT HUMANITY COULD NOT DO! It is the MASTER KEY OF KEYS!! We KNOW now with 100% CERTAINTY that our Universal Space-Time Geometry exists at a VERY MINIMUM OF 10-D or 10 Geometric States of Space-Time Dimensionality and it most likely is even higher as perhaps 11-D or.....26-D. It is NOT POSSIBLE for Matter and Energy to exist in any less than 10-D and that is just what we know now as it most likely is a higher state than just 10-D and there is most likely at minimum 2 Gemotric Universal Dimensional States reserved for TIME. How do we know this with 100% Certainty? One prime example and there are many others is the ability of Light or Photons and Electrons or Electricity to be able to obtain FREQUENCY!!! At one time we though the Universe existed in 4-D....thus Length, Width, Height....or whatever other terms apply as the first 3-D and a 4th-D as being TIME. This was quickly disproven as 4-D would not account for FREQUENCY OF QUANTUM PARTICLE/WAVE FORMS EXISTING UPON THE EM-SCALE. And here is where it get's really amazing. Light or Photons exist in all states of Frequency and Photons or Light exist in both Visable to various Species of Life as well as Non-Visable and we have specific Frequencies of Light that will actually cause CHEMICAL REACTIONS as UV-LIGHT....Ultra-Violet Light is capable of disrupting the Electron Chemical Bonds of Water or....H2O and when water is exposed to UV-Light a Chemical Reation takes place and water or H2O is seperated into Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. The same thing in reverse as if we have a clear sealed Tube containing Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases when it is exposed to UV-Light a Chemical Reaction also occurs and we get LIQUID WATER!! But here is the thing....Photons at specific Frequency travel at the velocity of light which is 186,282 Miles per Second in what are known as WAVE PACKETS. Again it is faster for me to use a LINK. LINK.... A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at the microscopic and at the macroscopic level, because the photon has zero rest mass; this allows long distance interactions. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of waves and of particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measured. The modern photon concept was developed gradually by Albert Einstein in the first years of the 20th century to explain experimental observations that did not fit the classical wave model of light. In particular, the photon model accounted for the frequency dependence of light's energy, and explained the ability of matter and radiation to be in thermal equilibrium. It also accounted for anomalous observations, including the properties of black-body radiation, that other physicists, most notably Max Planck, had sought to explain using semiclassical models, in which light is still described by Maxwell's equations, but the material objects that emit and absorb light do so in amounts of energy that are quantized (i.e., they change energy only by certain particular discrete amounts and cannot change energy in any arbitrary way). Although these semiclassical models contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, many further experiments[2][3] starting with Compton scattering of single photons by electrons, first observed in 1923, validated Einstein's hypothesis that light itself is quantized. In 1926 the optical physicist Frithiof Wolfers and the chemist Gilbert N. Lewis coined the name photon for these particles, and after 1927, when Arthur H. Compton won the Nobel Prize for his scattering studies, most scientists accepted the validity that quanta of light have an independent existence, and the term photon for light quanta was accepted. In the Standard Model of particle physics, photons and other elementary particles are described as a necessary consequence of physical laws having a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of particles, such as charge, mass and spin, are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry. The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics, such as lasers, Bose–Einstein condensation, quantum field theory, and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. It has been applied to photochemistry, high-resolution microscopy, and measurements of molecular distances. Recently, photons have been studied as elements of quantum computers and for applications in optical imaging and optical communication such as quantum cryptography. The IMPORTANT PART OF ALL THAT QUOTED IS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH AS IT PERTAINS TO SPACE-TIME GEOMETRY EXISTING AT OR ORE THAN 10-D.......and I will post it again. In the Standard Model of particle physics, photons and other elementary particles are described as a necessary consequence of physical laws having a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. Look at the last 5 words above!!! AT EVERY POINT IN SPACE-TIME!!!! How is this possible?? Two Theories describe it best but they are not the same theories but they are the very best possible explainations as they are in line with QUANTUM MECHANICS. Theory #1. The reason that even a small number of Photons or even a single Photon exists at every point along the measurable WAVE LENGTH OR WAVE PACKET is because as a Photon is a Quantum Patricle/Wave Form which means a Photon is ENERGY existing as BOTH PARTICLE AND WAVE....our at MINIMUM 10-D and in this case MINIMUM 11-D to account for well as the likelyhood that there exists more than 1 or 2 Universal Space-Time Geometric Dimensionality for TIME....allows a Photon to exist in an NT REALITY...NT means NO TIME....and thus the Photon within a Wave Packet exists at every infinite possible position within the Packets Wave Length. Theory #2. Quantum Particle/Wave Forms such as Photons are capable of existing WITHIN ALL INFINITE IN NUMBER DIVERGENT UNIVERSAL STATES OF EXISTANCE thus Photons existing within other Infinite Divergent Universal States of Reality which many do not exist in Synch with our own Space-Time but are only Nano-Seconds or less forward or behind our Universal Realities Time allow a Photon Wave Packet the ability to utilize there Alternate Photons UNTIL OBSERVED as at the moment of Observation WAVE FUNCTION COLLAPSES LOCKING IN FUNCTION AND VALUE reverting a Photon to exist in Particle Behavior. Both Theories have merit and perhaps BOTH are viable and there are REAL WORLD TANGIBLE EXPERIMENTS AND PRACTICLE APPLICATIONS THAT BACK UP BOTH. Examples? PHOTON DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT LINK.... There are Youtube Video's you can watch if you use the keywords Photon Double Slit Experiment in a search. Examples of Photon existing and sharing purpose in Infinite Divergent Universal States of Reality? Quantum Teleportation LINK.... Quantum Computers ability to work with Alternate Divergent Universes Versions of itself. LINK... LINK.... LINK.... AboveAlpha
Basically a Quantum Processor is working in all Infinite in Number Divergent Universal States of Reality with it's Alterate Doubles. The ability of Quantum Superposition thus instead of BITS a Quantum Computer uses QUIBITS as using Binary Code a Quantum System has a QUIBIT that cab be BOTH A 0 AND A 1 AT THE SAME TIME!!! As well because a Quantum Processor is working with it's Alternate Doubles existing in other Universal States within the Multiverse it allows QUANTUM TELEPORTATION thus depending upon the system either a Photon or Electron does not have to travel through all sorts of either silicon chip circuitry or Light Directing Methods to get to where it needs to go within the gut's of a Quantum Computer. A Photon or Electron can simply be QUANTUM TELEPORTED AT FASTER THAN LIGHT SPEED....thus this makes a Quantum System exponentially faster than a Standard Binary Coded Bit System. What this means for our understanding of our Reality is this..... WE KNOW A MULTIVERSAL SYSTEM EXISTS NOW BECAUSE WE HAVE DEVELOPED WORKING QUANTUM COMPUTERS AND GOOGLE PURCHASED ONE FROM A COMPANY CALLED D-WAVE....and because it PROVES a Multiverse exists as if a Multiverse did not exist IT COULD NOT WORK!! This means there are INFINITE NUMBERS OF YOU AND ME AND EVERYONE ELSE AND AS WELL THERE ARE DIVERGENT UNIVERSAL STATES WHERE YOU AND I DO NOT EXIST AS WELL AS ALL POSSIBLE CAUSE AND EFFECT AND CHOICES MUST GENERATE OFFSHOOTS AND CREATE ANOTHER DIVERGENT UNIVERSAL STATE OF REALITY. AboveAlpha
The Higgs-Boson is what is responsible for generating the HIGGS FIELD....and it is the HIGGS FIELD which is responsible for allowing Hadrons to obtain Mass....thus MASS warps SPACE-TIME....and this we call GRAVITY. And would play a part in a Unifield Field Theory as the behavior of Quantum Particle/Wave Forms such as Electrons that exist as both Particle and Wave and exist in a number equal to the number of Protons within every Atomic Nucleus are Electrons in an ORBITAL FIELD....but this Orbital Field or the Electrons Orbiting the Atomic Nucleus DO NOT BEHAVE AT ALL LIKE A MOON ORBITING A PLANET OR A PLANET ORBITING A STAR AS anything existing upon the QUANTUM LEVEL does not behave anything like anything existing upon the MACRO LEVEL. Thus Quantum Level Behavior has nothing in common with Gravity specific Celestial Mechanics. If we could understand this and develop the UFT....UNIFIED FIELD THEORY.....thus be able to have ONE UNIFYING EQUATION TO DEFINE THE ACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QUANTUM LEVEL AND MACRO LEVEL THE HUMAN RACE COULD DO ANYTHING!!! And I mean.....ANYTHING!!! AboveAlpha
You at least are interested in such things as there are many people who simply have no desire to improve their knowledge as I have always wanted to learn everything I could about everything and anything. I will give you a PRIME EXAMPLE of some people that read a few words and stopped reading as they thought now that they had read those words they knew it all.....and BOY!!! DID THEY EVER MAKE A$$E$ OUT OF THEMSELVES!!! LOL!!! A short while back and you can check this story out because it is a of the Particle Physicists that was attempting to find the time because we found it.....ALL ELLUSIVE HIGGS-BOSON....which is the Quantum Particle/Wave Form that generates what is called the HIGGS FIELD which is responsible for giving Hadrons MASS which in turn since Mass warps Space-Time this Quantum Particle/Wave Form is what really is responsible for the existance of GRAVITY because without Gravity there would be no Stars and No Planets and NO LIFE!!! This Physicist wrote a BOOK and the name of the book was/is....THE GOD PARTICLE. Well....the naming of the Book THE GOD PARTICLE was all that was needed for Creationists and people who are of Faith TO BUY MANY COPIES OF THIS they claimed...."LOOK!! SEE!!! SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT GOD EXISTS!!" And I personally have a family member who is distant who I went to visit when I was out West a few years ago and on his Coffee Table was several being the book THE GOD PARTICLE....the others being a KING JAMES BIBLE and some other books that were Creationist Books as he turned BORN AGAIN as he was was addicted to drugs and alcohol and he was at rock bottom and that's when he decided to become BORN AGAIN. Now I have no problem with that but I asked him....."Why do you have a copy of THE GOD PARTICLE on your coffee table? I never knew you were interested in Particle Physics or Quantum Mechanics?" That's when he went on and on about how the book....THE GOD PARTICLE....was scientific proof that a GOD existed and he kept going on and on and I finally interupted him and said...."YOU HAVEN'T EVEN OPENED UP THIS BOOK AND READ A SINGLE CHAPTER HAVE YOU?" He lied and said he read the whole book and I called him on it as I KNEW HE WAS LYING!!! How did I know he was lying? I told him why. You see the Particle Physicist who wrote the book originally had a DIFFERENT NAME FOR THE BOOK as the original name expressed the frustration of physicists attempting to discover the HIGGS-BOSON for years and years and they used to call it.....THE *******NED PARTICLE! This Physicist went to a publisher who agreed to publish the book under one condition. The condition was to CHANGE THE NAME OF THE BOOK TO THE GOD PARTICLE!!! The Physicists asked why they wanted it changed as he thought perhaps the title would be offensive and the Publisher said..."NO!!! THAT'S NOT WHY WE WANT TO CHANGE IT FROM THE *******NED PARTICLE TO THE GOD PARTICLE!!". The Physicist asked why then. The Publisher said..."Because not only will people who are into learning everything and anything about the Higgs-Boson and the search for it buy the book....BUT EVEN MORE HIGHLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE WHO ARE CREATIONISTS ALSO BUY THE BOOK AS THEY WILL THINK IN THEIR IGNORANCE OF THIS SUBJECT THAT IT IS A SCIENTIFIC BOOK THAT PROVES THE EXISTANCE OF A GOD!" And the Publisher was right!!! MILLIONS OF HIGHLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BOUGHT THE BOOK AND AS MY RELATIVE DID PLACED IT ON THEIR COFFEE TABLE NEVER BOTHERING TO READ IT!! KA-CHING!!!$$$!!!!$$$!!! LOL!!! AboveAlpha
Well I heard that Electrons exist like a band of energy around the atom. And that was just an aside that someone intelligent who brought in up in my chemistry class in college. We weren't being taught that way. Well there's a problem with the quantum level and that's that it's like a leaky faucet. There are divergent states bleeding into our own and that's a noisy mess. It makes it hard for me to consider whether things like Electrons occupying the all points on the orbital simultaneously to be a feature of our Universe alone or whether it's the multiverse at work.