Could be either way. We simply are not certain and since Dark Matter and Dark Energy comprise over 96% of our Universe....Universal Bleedover is very probable. AboveAlpha
Well, I was thinking if it was a part of our universe we could stretch the energy out and pour it somewhere. I don't know, something like entangle it with three other electrons and have them run an obstacle course. Hold them there for weeks. And observe them over different times, but in a way that the observation gets canceled out. I don't know how to do that 'cancel observation' thing, I just was under the impression that it could be done. On the other hand, if it were part of the multiverse I thought we could somehow tap into energies that aren't there yet, but trapped in the cracks of the multiverse, if we somehow 'attune' the energy to a certain frequency and shared set of properties. And what's with that Dark stuff anyway? No apparent quantum particle/wave energy but it has mass/gravity anyway? Is that the closest thing we have to non-existence? Things that are in our Universe but can't be described with our natural laws and properties of matter?
Actually they have a lot of theories about Dark Matter. I just ran into one: Dark Pion Particles May Explain Universe's Invisible Matter
Oh...there are plenty of theories but ZERO EVIDENCE. That's the problem with such theories as if a theory at least has a bit of evidence we can at the very least experiment and work within that. But we have nothing to experiment or work with. AboveAlpha
LOL!!!! OK!!! YOU GOT ME!!! LOL!!! That is FUNNY AS HELL!!! I had no idea what the HELL you were talking about and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out if there was some connection until you just posted that!! FUNNY!!! AboveAlpha
Mars isn't the real problem. When our orbits come closest every two years it would take less than 6 months with current technology to get there. We can have certain resources already set up and running before we get there. Remember, getting back will take another six months, but it will take two years before the trip can be made. We should have ample stores of food and oxygen and water set up for a two year stay for about twice the anticipated occupancy of any mission. The entire first mission should be devoted to prospecting for resources to be used by future colonists.
We can certainly do this but we would have to have an area in the craft that was HEAVILY SHIELDED as if our sun started having heavy solar flare activity or even worse a Coronal Mass Ejection....which we could alert our Mars Crew before that Soral Radiation and Particles of Mass hit them so they could get into the heavily shielded area so they don't get irradiated. AboveAlpha
Truly, just like the ISS in low earth orbit. They have had people living there for 6 month periods for a decade or more now. So what are we waiting on?
MONEY!!! We understand that the only way the Human Race will survive is to SPREAD OUT TO OTHER PLANETS....and we will evetually spread out to other Planet's in other Star Systems that is as long as there is not some other folks already living there. Humanity has only exited in one form or another on Earth for about 5 Million Years....WHICH IS the Universe is over 13.4 Billion Years Old!!! It is just a matter of time before a Natural Disaster or ELE....Extiction Level Event....wipes out the Human Race just like it did the Dinosaurs except with proper planning we could change such an outcome. Take a large Asteroid or Comet that is heading right at long as the NASA PROGRAMS known as NEAT...NEAR EARTH ASTEROID TRACKING. LINK.... And....The NASA Program known as....NEO... NEAR EARTH OBJECT PROGRAM LINK.... As long as we continue to fund these programs and we really need more funding because we cannot see what could be coming in at us from around the SUN.....and as an Asteroid or Comet is something NASA is capable of diverting if they have the TIME by doing everything from landing a small lander on the surface of an Asteroid or Comet and such a lander could have a ROCKET ENGINE WITHIN IT and a simple rocket engine burn for 10 seconds is enough to move an entire Asteroid just a tiny amount and tiny fraction of a degree of travel that over a long distance this is enough to have the asteroid completely miss the Earth. A Comet...well a NASA Lander could just unferl a large Tarp that is Black or Highly Reflective as either or can change the trajectory of a Comet's Travel as the Black Tarp would allow more Heat Absorbtion in an area and a Reflective Tarp would allow less Heat Absorbtion in an area and as a Comet is basically a Large Dirty Ice or Snow Ball...and the Tail of a Comet is the Water Cystals that are being ejected from the Comet as it encounters the Sun's rays.....well those tarps could mean the difference between THE DEATH OR NOT OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH!! So....we really nead to expand the NEAT and NEO Budgets!!! AboveAlpha
They say that Earth is the cradle of humanity. I think it's time for us to quit cowering in the cradle and take our first steps.
I agree, its past time for mankind to seize our cosmic birthright, the stars. If we remain on earth its a death sentence for our species. Of course I don't beleive all life will be wiped out by anything except for the sun bloating to its red Giant destiny, swallowing the inner planets including earth (maybe) as it expands before shrinking to a white dwarf. So other than the sun dying there will be microbes living somewhere on or in earth. Maybe if evolution of the species is true, something like man may evolve again? reva
From an evolutionary standpoint the human body is designed for 1G and over a sustained period of time it can be assumed that accelleration needs to be based upon our body that's designed for a 1G environment and that is a limiting factor. We can handle relatively short periods of time (months) in a zero-G environment but our body begins to breakdown. We can handle slightly higher than 1-G environments but the stress on the heart and other body organs would be severe and probably fatal over an extended time period. High G-forces can only be sustained for extremely limited amounts of time (as in seconds or fractions of seconds). Of course that's not really the limiting factor so much as the fuel required to sustain the accelleration even at very low G-forces. The accelleration of mass at 1-G requires a lot of fuel and for human spaceflight we're addressing an object weighing many tons. In studying high-speed space flight it's normally based upon a very low G accelleration of only a very small fraction of 1G that is constant over time. We also need to remember that we have to slow down at the end of the journey as well.
True Shiva. Also I am sure you know that with a constant acceleration of one G how much time would be required to attain the speed of light in a vac denoted as 'c'.? The answer is; at 1g acceleration (if we can ignore mass and size of the spacecraft to make the math for our velocity calculation far easier) it would take about three quarters of a year to achieve about three quarters light speed (about means .77%>.77.1% of light speed), or about 143,220,000 mps (MILES PER SECOND). Wanna' go faster, hoping to see some relativistic effects? If our hot rod shuttle had enough fuel to accelerate for 2 years at one G, our veloicty would be 97%c! Big increase! There is a measly one more percent velocity left in our engines! What about running at one G for 12 YEARS?. The reward for that 12 full years at one g would be only 99.99999999996.% of light speed !!!! That last small push would require an unbelievable addition of energy. Our beautiful star craft would never achieve 100% the speed of light because would need more energy than there is in the universe! IT’S TRUE! Truly, true, the rev sez. Trust me ,my brothers and sisters I would not lead my flock astray for anything. Well, the future beckons, and the truth is stranger than fiction, indeed I hope you all will join me in the future just about now……. reva
It is not a question of how fast, but how much relative time can be manipulated. - - - Updated - - - The idea is to use a large solar sail, not a rocket engine.
Mars used to have life and massive ocean's....but it losts it's protective EM Field. No stoping Cosmic Rays and UV-Light from breaking down H2O into Hydrogean and Oxygen Gasses which eventually get lost into space. AboveAlpha - - - Updated - - - They have many ideas...Solar Sails, Rocket Engines....or simply rolling our a large Black Tarp on the surface of a Comet or Asteroid can change vectors. AboveAlpha
The Human Body cannot withstand greater than 1-G acceleration for more than a few weeks and that is like 2 weeks at most for 1.5 G acceleration. The Human Body get's all sorts of circulatory problems after that. AboveAlpha
I agree that 1.5g's is what the human body can handle as of now. However, that's was before NASA confirmed a new impossible space drive. So I could see the people getting dampeners to help with the exaltation now that we might have a way to travel farther than ever before if the test prove conclusive....
Of course it also depends upon which direction the G-forces are imposed. If it's a "vertical" G-force of 1.5G's then the heart has to create 1.5-times the blood pressure to get blood to the brain. The human heart is not designed to do that which is why people pass out relatively quickly when exposed to this type of G-force.
A nice "drive" but remember that thrust is based upon the velocity times the mass and while microwave energy moves at the speed of light the mass is almost non-existant. You're multiplying the speed of light by a number very close to zero (i.e. an electron has almost zero mass). This is very close to the ion propulsion systems that also use a high velocity with virtually no mass to develop thrust. The advantage is the spacecraft requires very little fuel for it's propulsion system and fuel weight is a huge factor in space flight. These are very low-thrust designs that cannot generate any noticable G-force but they are very efficient in using very little mass (fuel) to propel a spacecraft for a very long period of time. With constant low thrust propulsion over an extended period of time they can achieve very high velocities with very little fuel but they create virtually no G-force in accomplishing that. A person is a spacecraft with this type of propulsion system would be experiencing the same "weightless" (micro-gravity) environment that astronauts experience in space today. The force is so very small that it wouldn't be noticed in space at all.
Check this out..... Now NASA HAS ACTUALLY STARTED WORKING ON A WARP DRIVE!!! NO S#!#!!! "Perhaps a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility." These are the words of Dr. Harold "Sonny" White, the Advanced Propulsion Theme Lead for the NASA Engineering Directorate. Dr. White and his colleagues don't just believe a real life warp drive is theoretically possible; they've already started the work to create one. Yes. A real warp drive, Scotty. When it comes to space exploration, we are still cavemen. We got to the Moon and sent some badass robot to Mars. We also have those automatic doors that swoosh wide open when you get near them, but that's about it. It's cool, but we are far from being the space civilization we'll need to become to survive for millennia. The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog Apollo 11 Mission Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin are now on course to… Read more Read more With our current propulsion technologies, interstellar flight is impossible. Even with experimental technology, like ion thrusters or a spaceship's aft pooping freaking nuclear explosions, it would require staggering amounts of fuel and mass to get to any nearby star. And worse: it will require decades—centuries, even—to get there. The trip will be meaningless for those left behind. Only the ones going forward in search for a new star system would enjoy the result of the colossal effort. It's just not practical. So we need an alternative. One that would allow us to travel extremely fast without breaking the laws of physics. Or as Dr. White puts it: "we want to go, really fast, while observing the 11th commandment: Thou shall not exceed the speed of light." Searching for warp bubbles The answer lies precisely in those laws of physics. Dr. White and other physicists have found loopholes in some mathematical equations—loopholes that indicate that warping the space-time fabric is indeed possible. Working at NASA Eagleworks—a skunkworks operation deep at NASA's Johnson Space Center—Dr. White's team is trying to find proof of those loopholes. They have "initiated an interferometer test bed that will try to generate and detect a microscopic instance of a little warp bubble" using an instrument called the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer. It may sound like a small thing now, but the implications of the research huge. In his own words: Although this is just a tiny instance of the phenomena, it will be existence proof for the idea of perturbing space time-a "Chicago pile" moment, as it were. Recall that December of 1942 saw the first demonstration of a controlled nuclear reaction that generated a whopping half watt. This existence proof was followed by the activation of a ~ four megawatt reactor in November of 1943. Existence proof for the practical application of a scientific idea can be a tipping point for technology development. By creating one of these warp bubbles, the spaceship's engine will compress the space ahead and expand the space behind, moving it to another place without actually moving, and carrying none of the adverse effects of other travel methods. According to Dr. White, "by harnessing the physics of cosmic inflation, future spaceships crafted to satisfy the laws of these mathematical equations may actually be able to get somewhere unthinkably fast—and without adverse effects." He says that, if everything is confirmed in these practical experiments, we would be able to create an engine that will get us to Alpha Centauri "in two weeks as measured by clocks here on Earth." The time will be the same in the spaceship and on Earth, he claims, and there will not be "tidal forces inside the bubble, no undue issues, and the proper acceleration is zero. When you turn the field on, everybody doesn't go slamming against the bulkhead, which would be a very short and sad trip." The energy problem, solved There was only one problem with all this: where does the energy come from? While we knew that warp drives were theoretically possible, physicists have always argued that they would require a ball of exotic matter the size of Jupiter to power it. Clearly, that was not practical. But thankfully, Dr. White has found a solution that changes the game completely. The Eagleworks team has discovered that the energy requirements are much lower than previously thought. If they optimize the warp bubble thickness and "oscillate its intensity to reduce the stiffness of space time," they would be able to reduce the amount of fuel to manageable amount: instead of a Jupiter-sized ball of exotic matter, you will only need 500 kilograms to "send a 10-meter bubble (32.8 feet) at an effective velocity of 10c." Ten c! That's ten times the speed of light, people (remember, the ship itself would not go faster than the speed of light. But effectively it will seem like it does). That means that we would be able to visit Gliese 581g—a planet similar to Earth 20 light years away from our planet—in two years. Two years is nothing. It took Magellan three years to circumnavigate around our home planet—from August 1519 to September 1522. A four year roundtrip to see a planet like Earth is completely doable. And there are even closer destinations where we can send robots or astronauts. This May Very Well Be the First New Earth This May Very Well Be the First New Earth This May Very Well Be the First New Earth You are looking at what could be the fourth planet on the Gliese 581 star system, 20.3 light years… Read more Read more The important thing is that there is now a door open to a different kind of exploration. That, like Dr. White says, "perhaps a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility." We may be witnessing the very beginning of a new age of space exploration, one that would finally take us from our pale blue dot back to where we belong. LINK.... Look to bottom of the page for this article on NASA's development of an ACTUAL WAR DRIVE!!! AboveAlpha I just started a seperate Topic in the Science Section of the Forum LINK... AboveAlpha
Actually even in the very best possible position a Human Body can be and Standing is one of them....the Human Body can only handle about 2 weeks of 1.5 G acceleration before serious and even deadly effects occur within the Human Body. AboveAlpha