It's a fact that we are obtaining energy with geothermal. No one ever said geothermal exists everywhere. No one ever said geothermal can provide 100% of our energy needs. But in all of those areas in which geothermal energy can be tapped to generate consumer power this is a WIN...
Cycles are noted in the measurements taken by scientists. The problem is that over time, the highs are gettng higer and the lows are getting higher, too.
Seems like what we have here is a lack of communication. I never said any such thing.... No how.... No way.
The debate is to what degree. Is our influence inconsequential or are we the driving factor or somewhere in between. The hard core AGW crowd says we are the primary cause of climate change and it's imperative we stop production of C02 or calamity awaits. More rational people are skeptical of this dooms day train of thought.
Actually you have indicated that in your every post but if you now say man is not controlling climate I agree
SCIENCE, like I pointed out in the post to which you responded, says we are the cause of the warming today. I wasn't paying games, like you are suggesting here. And, it is YOU who is trying to make points by positing "doomsday". Science isn't doing that. Science is pointing to what is and will be happening. I know that the list of what's going on looks to some like a claim of doomsday. But, that doesn't make the list false.
Sea rise is hugely expensive, as a disproportionate percent of humans live adjacent to our oceans. Look at NOLA, Florida (like the city of Miami Beach), etc. The expense is already rising even here - where we can pay for it. The last time NOLA flooded it cost ~$250 Billion in total economic impact. Other countries are more vulnderable than we are, as we've done a lot of work to protect ourselves. See the Chesapeake Bay plan for rising seas as one example. And, most other countries do not have our resources for mitigation or recovery. Seawater is encroaching on Manhattan Island. Also, climate change is impacting agriculture, leavng many countries in decreasing stability. Inability to grow the food to feed ones population is a key factor in becoming a failed state. This is a direct problem for our national security interests as can be seen in Syria and Somalia - and the growing problems in Yeman. One of the results of these problems is that people will move. India has built a wall against Bangladeshis trying to escape. Extended drought was a reason for the upheaval in Syria where many tried to leave the country. When people move it is a serious national security issue for all states involved - including the US. In the US, there are areas such as in the southwest where water scarcity is a growing problem. I'm a little surprised you would have to ask. There is so much written on this topic.
Sea has been rising since the ice age ended with the brief exception of the LIA. I'm a little surprised you don't know that.
Tell you what How about you take the oh! 10 minutes of reading time to find out for yourself The AR5 IPCC report has a SUMMARY
Are you actually denying sea levels have continuously risen since ice has receded from the last ice age? You really require a link and research for this? What do you think became of all that ice which once covered half the planet? Ice is continuing to melt and sea levels are continuing to rise but you somehow think that's something new and unusual?
You wrote "since the LIA" so where is your link to your statement that the global sea level decreased during the LIA? Now, while you're doing this, perhaps provide a link showing that the rate of global sea level rises has not been increasing over the last century?
"During the “Little Ice Age” (not a true Ice Age) between about 1300-1850, the coldest period of the past 10,000 years, sea levels fell again as ice accumulated in Greenland, Antarctica, Europe and worldwide glaciers." So of course sea level has risen since the end of the LIA.
So what in your opinion became of all the ice that formed during the LIA when it melted? Just vanished like a magic act?
Absolutely NOT. The fact that there isn't a monolith is a fundamental reason that a world wide conspiracy of science is just plain ridiculous. Scientists whose names you know got there by producing ideas that were NOT part of any centralized decision making body. Einstein overthrew a significant portion of the world of physics of his day. And, he is well known as being an outsider at the time. Darwin flew in the face of both the science and the religion of his day - including his OWN religion. There isn't any real way to control science. Dr. Edith Curry notes that there are barriers to some rogue ideas and that there could be ways of allowing these ideas to make more progress, which could lead to faster progress in science. But, the thing is, science is world wide. And, science is specifically designed to find and correct mistakes.
You got the question wrong. The question here is not why I don't know that - it's why you think that SCIENCE doesn't know that. After all, it was science that brought you the LIA. Do you think the world of science forgot about the LIA? Do you think scientists haven't been measuring sea rise using numerous methods?