There is scientific evidence supporting atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, of glacial retreat, of shrinking ice sheets, of decreased snow pack, of warming oceans, of global temperature rise, of sea level rise, more extreme weather events, and ocean acidification with direct links to humans and industrialization. If there is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE available to debunk all the categories above, then please explain why your OPPOSITION EVIDENCE has not knocked the above science from their commonly held and peer-tested positions?
USCRN Is a scientific surface temperature measuring network built specifically for measuring climate in the US as opposed to the haphazard and often voluntary measurements taken with USHCN. No statistically significant change in the US.
The USCRM is the only scientifically designed temperature system. The regular global record changes the past every itteration because they constantly change the model they run it through. The long term average temperature of the US is increasing...
So? Since the past continually changes, how much is it changing really? Of course climate is never constant so how much is man made when they do not know how much is natural? Has it warmed since the end of the Little Ice Age? Yep. Has it been warmer before and the seas higher then now? Yep.
It's a little like COVID-19 in which we were clearly warned not only what was happening but there were credentialed theories about it's potential 'depending' on how we respond. In that week we were warned, we knew COVID cases and deaths were increasing. Instead of quickly responding 'based' on fearing the 'potential', we basically did nothing for a couple of months. The results are the US with only 5% of the world's population has the greatest number of cases and deaths...and it ain't over! IMO our refusal and/or procrastination and inaction about the 'potential' of climate change, FULL KNOWING that humans are major contributors, although not knowing if humans are 20% or 50% or 90% of the cause, will present us with the same dismal and failing results we are seeing on how we responded to COVID-19. One HUGE difference is we can have a vaccine for COVID in less than two years and only see 30% unemployment with a 30% reduction in GDP and perhaps add $3-4 trillion in debt. With climate change 'potential', depending on where one lives in the US or the world, the problems might last for decades, with 30-50% unemployment, pushed into an economic depression, and endless increases in national debt. Sure this won't happen in my lifetime so why should I give a ****? So it all boils down to this; Should we give a ****? And, it's up to each of us to care enough to understand how humans DO play a role and set about to do better than we are doing. Anyone who has been watching the national news lately has seen pictures of SF or LA with almost no traffic and it's amazing how clear the air is today in these areas! Similar sights in China and other cities. This is PROOF to me that humans not only are part of the problem but that there's time to also be part of the solution...