I am proof that Covid is real

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Ronstar, Feb 16, 2023.

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  1. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    From the wiki grab.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  2. Green Man

    Green Man Banned

    Apr 10, 2023
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    Remember when kids used to copy term papers out of the Encylopedia Britanica? The kids got dumber. Then the inteweb arrived and then it became even easier for a kid to copy someone else's term paper because the teacher knows all about encyclopedia Britanica. And the kids got stupider yet...

    ..."Chat GPT, write me a term paper about what will happen to society when you start writing term papers for kids ".

    -And after a while the kids won't even bother to read the term paper Chat GPT wrote. Just pencil in your name and hand it to the teacher. Soon college graduates will not just know less than nothing, they will have been taught stupid beyond any kind of idiocy is recognizable today.
    557 and Navy Corpsman like this.
  3. Navy Corpsman

    Navy Corpsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I can actually foresee in this "clown" world we are currently living-in that in the future, the Chat---> (government propaganda tool) is going to completely replace the human teacher; and the physical classroom.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  4. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    You should probably stop posting verifiably false information about natural immunity vs. vaccine derived immunity if you are going to lecture on logic and credibility.

    As of now you have no credibility yourself.
  5. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    People who rely on these technologies to do their thinking for them will be the losers. Those that do their own thinking and use this technology to eliminate costs of doing business will be the winners. It’s probably one of the technologies with the greatest potential for wealth transfer that has yet existed. The individual can choose to be it’s bitch or choose to make this technology and those who are the technology’s bitch their bitch.

    A time is upon us where it will be nearly impossible to discern what is real and true. The only way to do so is to know the truth ahead of time.

    Those in the most danger from being misled and controlled by this technology are those most dependent on government and others for life sustaining essentials.
    Mrs. b. likes this.
  6. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Nice try, but the article is not about the heart containing cell similar to brain cells, it is about how the belief that thought originates in the heart. Oh, and also an attack on science in general.
  7. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Where do you think our emotions are generated?
    But that is not for you to know. Science these days is bullshit.
  8. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Woke generation, huh? I was alive before humans walked on the moon and I saw Star Wars when it was first released in the movie theater.

    So, the statements above are logical. If I was alive before humans walked on the moon, I would be old enough to see Star Wars when it was first released. Basic logic.

    Is it true? You have no way of knowing, however you may choose to believe me if I seem credible, or choose not to believe me if you think that I'm not credible.
  9. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Our emotions are generated in the brain.If our emotions were generated in the heart, then shouldn't people who have heart transplants have a change in their emotions? How is science "these days" bullshit? Just because it doesn't agree with your preconceived notions and beliefs? Science doesn't care about your beliefs.
  10. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I wonder why there are old sayings such as "follow your heart" and "no heart feelings"?


    This is why science is bullshit because you believe that the heart has nothing to do with our emotions.

    Those that have received a heart transplant still generate human emotions, derr. It's just that don't generate their own original ones, it is that of the donors.

    Does changing the heart mean changing personality? A retrospective inquiry on 47 heart transplant patients

    Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients That Parallel the Personalities of Their Donors

    https://newdualism.org/nde-papers/P...nal of Near-Death Studies_2002-20-191-206.pdf

    It's not about beliefs, it's about knowing the truth of things. Not hypothesis and conjecture, hiding the truth behind the bullshit.

    As an example, how does mainstream archeology discuss who built the Great Pyramid in Giza? Stating that bronze age man with primitive tools and methods created them with such precision and accuracy that rivals today's technologies. auiqs.jpg.gif

    And that covid injections are safe and effective, then why are there so many class actions for injuries and death caused by them? More bullshit from big pharma.

    How does science work out the age of our universe of 13.8 Billion years...?

    Try and get your head around this.

    How Old Is The Universe According To Hinduism?

    311.04 trillion years.

    Time to catch up.

  11. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Science is bullshit? Says the person who is using a computer (or mobile phone) to transmit their thoughts over a vast distance to another computer/mobile phone. Tell you what, next time you get sick, don't go the the doctor, just pray, I'm sure that will fix your problems.

    I have noticed that there is a strong correlation between the distrust in science, belief in pseudoscience, and the lack of knowledge about science. There may even be a correlation with low IQ, but I'll save that argument for a different day.
  12. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I don't go to a doctor if I can treat it myself. As an example, I did this by not taking prescribed post-stroke medications, as I was worse off on them. As I did my research, it happens to be that those post-stroke meds do more harm than good. So I quit them and changed my diet. I trusted the "science" but I don't anymore. Doctors are just drug dealers for big pharma cartels to make billions annually. But you can continue to believe big pharma have your best interests in your health in mind, NOT!

    Now, it depends on what branch of science you're on about. Is it the climate crisis bullshit, or the magical mRNA injections for covid? Because that would be believing in and trusting "pseudoscience". This is where a low IQ would play a major part for those who fell into those traps of perception. But what would I know, I just question the crap out of everything, because those with higher IQs are curious and don't accept official narratives from paid-for puppets.
    Yes, you're right about low levels of IQ for those who believe and trust everything that is spewed out by mainstream science, that's just bittersweet, sad, and funny simultaneously.
    Kokomojojo likes this.
  13. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Daimon your last 3 responses appear unfocused.

    Most of us are aware that emotions are made up of three distinct components: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response. I am not sure who you address or whether anyone said the heart muscle produces thoughts.

    Yes the amygdala, a tiny, almond-shaped structure in the brain has been linked to motivational states such as hunger and thirst as well as memory and emotion.

    What I stated is that logical thought is governed by a methodology whereby evidence corroborates the conclusion whereas emotional impulses or reactions are not necessarily based on corroborated evidence as so can be inaccurate and unreliable.

    I stated Logic requires critical and objective analysis about a decision before its made. Emotion and instinct on the other hand may create impulsive or irrational feelings leading to decisions not based on evidence or objective thought but subjective perception that may be prone to distortion as it is not based on objectively ascertained corropborated evidence.

    The fact that the amygada is activated in part of the brain does not the feelings generated by the emotions logical or sensical.

    I have never stated emotions are created by the heart muscle or are not necessary. Logic by itself without also considering emotion can result in poor decisions no different than purely emotional decisions can. In fact a human with zero emotions, is often referred to as a sociopath and they can be highly dangerous.

    I also would argue if anything....anything humans create is probably flawed in some manner becayse. humans are inherently defective in some way.

    Next, anxiety, depression, anger (depression turned outwards is anger, turned inwards it is called depression), joy, love are most often irrational and not based on objective reasoning. They can be based on mental illness, lack of development of certain parts of the brain, congenital defects, diseases of all kids, prejudices, biases, ignorance, negative precepts.

    Emotion still plays a significant role in decision making, including logical decision making.

    That said the issue on this thread and others is that people do NOT understand or do not care to understand the scientific and pharmaceutical methodology that create and have created vaccines nor do they understand the properties of viruses, bacteria and fungii, how they impact on the human body, and then how the human body copes with them as they interact with our body chemistry.

    The comments about Covid 19 and vaccines have misrepresented immunology, immunity defences, and many other medical facts proven by objective evidence and call on readers to ignore scientific methodology and base their decisions on concepts associated with mistrust of authority, fear and distrust of things not understood, and creating unsubstantiated claims not based on cause and effect but assumed reality not requiring corroborated evidence.

    What your agenda is other than being rude I leave to others. As for your age, I really do not care. I just found your comments very childish. Its not relevant. That was my subjective reaction to your commencing a thread with an insult. I could have simply said I found your comments childish. Whether you are an angry pimple face or an ornery diaper wearing toothless ogre is irrelevant and simply subjective projections that you need not respond to.

    [​IMG] Works on the young and old equally

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