Anti-Israel isn't quite the same as anti semitic in the way I was using it. Anti-semites are most assuradly anti-Israel, but the reverse isn't necessarily true. A person can be anti-Israel as in against the country of Israel without being anti-semitic i.e. against the Jews. Some pretend they are only anti-Israel and then start ranting about the Jews. Dead giveaway! There are a number of things that lead me to believe Obama is anti-Israel. First is his declared affiliation with Muslims. The second is his nominations for numerous posts have very well known anti-Israeli stances like Samantha Power. Obama cannot come out and say he is anti Israeli without sabotaging his entire political career, but that doesn't mean he can't do things behind the scenes that are, if not anti-Israeli, not in Israel's best interests or detrimental to Israel. We also know he has issues with Netenyahu from his discussion with French leader Sarkozy which was done with the microphones still on.
In the back of my mind, as much as I want America to be more moral in its relationship with Israel, I cannot help myself but feel that one day, the US will turn its back on Israel. Walk away from obligations. Defensive and resource wise. Things are looking Biblical. Obama could sellout the Jews. Downhill for America from there...
those posts of his get more and more absurd and ludicrous in every post month after month. Yeah he is anti Israel thats why he is bowing down to the Israel prime minister here at the white house and letting him rule the roost with his legs here on the table and he is so anti Israel that he is praising them like they are his children in this video as well. comedy gold posts from him as always. amazing how some people hide their embarrasement so well constantly getting their rear end handed to them on a platter. week after week,month after month .mrgreen:
9/11 Truth by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Former Reagan Cabinet Member) (born April 3, 1939, in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. Roberts has been a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations. [video=youtube;UANTJt8EjSw][/video] People still believe in America. And America no longer exists. It died on September 11, 2001
Only according to fat ********s like John Hagee and his band of mentally challenged followers...Getting rid of all the traitorous Israeli agents that have infested our government for decades and stopping fighting wars for and financially and militarily supporting the scum that run Israel would be a start in the right direction for the US....Are you aware that Israel has elected several terrorist murderers to high positions in their government? These are not the kind of people we want to be affiliated with at all. Cheers
The point I've been making, which Patriot agrees to, is that politicians can be Anti-Israel, but it is usually in private because being so in public is career suicide, as anything truthfully said about Israel's faults is construed as anti Semitic or Anti-Israel.
Nope. That was a kiddy-diddler with a Messiahnic delusions. Nope. White nationalist scum posing as a religious sect in Elohim City and a militia organizer did that. In a pig's eye. You have not presented a bit of evidence that an old hose dragger would consider in a minute. That's because you do not understand some basic laws of physics and chemistry or how the towers were built or what a fire and a massive colission does to steel columns. Why should we read a book written by some dweeb with no relevant skill set and no access to information that we who have those skill sets already know? Bull (*)(*)(*)(*). Leaving it in situ for examination was not an option. You may not be able to get your head around that, having, apparently, no knowledge of fire science or the law, but it had to be removed to another area and all forensic work done there. There was a fire to be fought. THAT takes precedence over the investigation. There were cops, fire fighters and FBI agents all over the steel that was removed to Fresh Kills. The only illegally-removed steel was a few tons stolen by a mobbed-up truck driver for sale to an unauthorized scrap hauler. That lunatic Griffen is crapping on them by selling an idiotic fairy tale about what happened. There is no science in his work. He is not a scientist or a trained criminal investigator. I have more credentials than that pile of crap theologian in regard to fire investigations.
amen to that.The america we grew up to believe in defintely doesnt exist anymore but its been that way for decades now.we just never knew that because of our corrupt school system.But yeah sept 11th 2001 for sure took away our america and accelerated their new world order agenda and our governments war against the american people stirrping away our freedoms and civil liberties like never before. and the agents that have come on here and sold their souls down the drain for money like they have,they are going to find out of they succeed and getting rid of us they will come after them as well and they will regret selling their souls down the drain for money like they have. There are many people credible people like Roberts out there that the shills ignore.Roberts tells it like it is how both parties are corrupt. Only according to fat ********s like John Hagee and his band of mentally challenged followers...Getting rid of all the traitorous Israeli agents that have infested our government for decades and stopping fighting wars for and financially and militarily supporting the scum that run Israel would be a start in the right direction for the US....Are you aware that Israel has elected several terrorist murderers to high positions in their government? These are not the kind of people we want to be affiliated with at all. AMEN TO THAT AS WELL.
the majority of congress is corrupt,bought off and paid for by Israel as you can see from that loud standing ovation for the Israeli prime minister in that video.Did you watch it? The mossad is why thats country is in a disasterous mess just like our country is because of the CIA and other corrupt evil government institutions such as NIST that went along with the 9/11 coverup.Just like americans,there are good and bad jews.matter of fact there are many good jews in israel who are trying to reform their government and would like to see the mossad abolished just like many good people here in america would like to CIA and many other corrupt evil government institutions as well abolished.
Blah blah blah whine whine whine. It is all your posts contain anymore. Got any actual evidence the Mossad are behind this country's "disasterous mess"? Your unending hatred of Israel is legendary, but without proof, logical, sane people aren't going to jump on the looney bin bandwagon. One day, truthers are going to wake up and realize they are living a pipe dream of paranoid delusions and that they have absolutely zero evidence to back up their own beliefs. It must truly suck to be fueled solely by hate like that.
To be fair, he did say the Mossad is screwing up Israel like the CIA is/was America. I think you need better prescriptions.
And this is supposed to be a mark of credibility? For those who missed the '80's: Reaganomics (play /reɪɡəˈnɒmɪks/; a portmanteau of Reagan and economics attributed to Paul Harvey[1]) refers to the economic policies promoted by the U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s. These policies are commonly associated with supply-side economics, or pejoratively as trickle-down economics or voodoo economics. So Roberts moved from pushing economic snake oil to pushing conspiracy snake oil? Did I miss anything? BTW: your screen name is an oxymoron.
What? Voodoo Economics? Yes it was; it claimed the rising tide would lift all boats, but actually only lifted yachts....