Sounds like you're talking about truthers. The "official version" has most certainly been proven. Look at the evidence. What is even more stunning is that truthers, in their ultimate ignorance, have absolutely zero evidence to either refute the official version or back up the myriad, conflicting theories they all believe are true DESPITE the fact they can't all be true. How is THAT for retarded! BTW, the Iraqi banks and oil fields are owned by the Iraqi government and are not privatized. You would think you would at least get SOME facts straight, but I guess not.
The official version has not been proven....You just believe whatever they say on TV... Are you REALLY claiming I only believe what the TV says, that I haven't READ articles and books on 9/11? read papers put out by scientists and engineers....are you? Because you're VERY mistaken,truther
When one has nothing to back up their claims and they know it, they must go on the offensive and be offensive by attacking everyone else as though they are below truthers. Of course, we all know nothing is actually below truthers when it comes to credibility, intelligence, or common sense. It isn't all bad though. Truthers rank right up there for gullibiliy and idiocy, so they CAN claim they are tops at something.
exactly,the official story has only been proven to be B.S.may I remind you you are wasting your time here in this section arguing with the OCTA'S.they have been sent here by their handlers to try and derail these discussions and just waste your time,the more and more you reply to them,the more and more their hanlders are happy that you have taken the bait.Really the ONLY thread that needs to be in this section is this THREAD.I mean someone would REALLY have to be on crack to STILL believe the official story after listening to this. read through the replys there by them in that thread,they ALL dodged the fairy tales that video exposed.they always do.
they of course will NEVER read any of those links you posted.If they did,they would see how you handed them their ssa "spelled" backwards,how you handed it to them on a platter and that they are just left to sling crap in defeat like monkeys.thats all the can do with THAT post.One of the best posts ever in this section. gives standing ovation.
matter of fact I just looked at one of those videos in there and as objective,open minded person with logic and common sense would know,not only do we have experts in demolitions along with architects,engineers and scientists saying so,but like that video shown in one of those links,you see the demolition charges going off as well before and during the collapse just like you saw in those other towers that were controlled demolitions.Plus there have been a couple videos that have been made that show black smoke rising from underneath it way before the towers fell with sounds of explosives going off.the MSM of course suppressed this video from the public. so when I saw these other videos you posted of planned demolitions and I saw black smoke rising from the base below on the streets below,I was freaked out cause I had never noticed that before.Great stuff there.thanks fot those links.just know your efforts were not wasted,that I at least looked at them.
It was inevitable that you would eventually just respond to your own posts. Let's hope this is a growing trend.
Not only does that prove explosives were planted but still even MORE evidence you can use if you want to continue your fruitless battle wasting it on the paid shills here Jack.
And what does that have to do with this quote: Are they "bought off and corrupt"? And who have "they" gotten rid of?
Well, being Pro-Israel is the default position for most politicians. It simply is in their best interest to be that way, especially Presidential candidates. It is an issue that predominantly has only one lean. It's politics, so money changing hands is always likely. So naturally, when opposing voices or forces appear to counter the preferred direction of not just the US, there are consequences. Me talking like this would be considered anti Semitic. Mudslinging happens in the papers and on TV. Next election, the "anti Semitic" bastard gets sent packing.
My first singular link was me being sarcastic, even though the authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy were charged with being anti Semitic, among other things. My second singular link speaks for itself. Do you disagree that there is a Israeli lobby in the US, and, that US politicians are forced in one way or another to be Pro-Israel?
Do you deny the existence of AIPAC, and similar organizations? Do you deny the level of support the US has given Israel?
You are offering a false choice: a politician can decline to support the Israel lobby and still not be 'anti-Israel'.
Obama is anti-Israel. You also have to remember politicians are by nature politicians and must pander to their constituants, many of whom are Jewish or pro-Israeli or at least not anti-Israeli.
I've heard that before, the Obama allegation of being Anti-Israel. What makes you think he is? And your second part reaffirms knowledge I already posses, but thank you for agreeing with me.
How would you define Anti-Israel, or the other go-to word, anti Semitic? And my question was pretty simple.