I just cannot understand the conspiracy

Discussion in '9/11' started by My Fing ID, May 2, 2012.

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  1. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    :lol: The irony of you whining about someone else being ignorant when you can neither spell nor use grammar correctly is just hysterical!

    As opposed to truthers who are just clueless in general?

    Read it. That retard couldn't debunk (*)(*)(*)(*). :lol: Try again.

    Only to people too ignorant or too blinded by their own ideologies to understand what evidence is. Of course, I've asked you and every other truther for some of this supposed evidence. Know how many examples I've received of actual evidence? Zero. Most truthers don't even have the balls to post an example because they KNOW putting "evidence" out there exposes their ignorance and complete dishonesty.

    Really? BWAAAHAHAHAHA!!! Dream on!

    Sounds like you're describing truthers. Tell you what. Take your favorite piece of real evidence from the book and post it here if you have the balls.

    You? ADDING to someone's posts? Well, that would be a first!

    Ah. You're not adding to. You're parroting since your posts have yet to contain an original thought.

    So they picked thousands upon thousands of the most evil and corrupt people and put them at every level of the FBI, CIA, NTSB, NIST, NEADS, NORAD, Air National Guard, Air Force, United Airlines, American Airlines, and everyone else involved? Wow. That's an AWFUL lot of evil people. How did they manage that little bit of magic? Oh right. Your claim could only be true in la la land.

    So where are all the new millionairs and / or dead people? You would think at least ONE of these people would have seen any spy thriller where they arrange for evidence to come to light in the event of their untimely demise. I guess truthers think everyone else is as totally brain dead as they are.

    OK, let's pretend they used all these wireless detonators. They would still have to plant all the explosives. BTW, weren't you just pretending it was all thermite anyway? Thermite doesn't use detonators, but they would have to plant tons of thermite per column per floor to cut them and even then they couldn't get a controlled demolition like truthers like to pretend the towers were.

    In other words, you have no clue so you will run away like usual.

    So many lies in one simple sentence. You've posted in threads where the people you were worshiping were claiming there were no people killed. No hijackers ever turned up alive. Some people with similar names claimed they were the ones the FBI was talking about, but the pictures showed they weren't the same person. The passenger manifests were released and are easily found. Several of the hijackers were caught on video tape as they entered the airports. Man, for someone who likes to pretend they know what they are talking about, your posts prove the opposite!

    Run! Run away! AAAAH!!!! I love it when truthers know they can't even begin to respond to their bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims so pretend it has been answered elsewhere. :lol:

    What evidence would that be? The steel? It wasn't involved in the crime, nor is it unusual for debris that poses a public health hazard from being removed to a different site to be examined. Since neither I nor anyone else has ever "avoided that little fact", is that your acknowledgement there are no shills?

    I've posted this for other truthers and they ran, so I don't expect you to behave differently. Show us where someone did something wrong on purpose that prevented our response on 9/11 from being effective. Again, the irony of someone pretending to be competent misspelling incompetence (or as you put it, imcompetence) is just too funny! I am going to have to repost these little tidbits for my friends so they can see the cream of the truther crop in action!

    Why not? Everyone else has? The only people who can't get around WTC 7 are those who refuse to look at the evidence.

    Sure they have. Read above.

    Nobody has ever claimed WTC 7 was brought down by a plane hitting it. This absolutely retarded claim by truthers is mindbogglingly stupid. As for the other buildings, there was nothing to collapse. None of them were high, narrow buildings that would collapse. They were all squat buildings that covered a lot of area, but weren't that high. This gets into structural engineering and physics, so it is understandable that you wouldn't be able to grasp this simple concept.

    Yet more ignorant claims by truthers. Larry Silverstein held the lease for WTC 1, 2, 4, and 5 and owned 7. This leaves only 3 and 6 not under the lease, yet ALL of the buildings had to be completely destroyed.

    Larry didn't own the towers. They were leased. Your claims are so retarded even your fellow truthers won't defend them. :lol:
  2. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Scott posted a couple videos because he is incapable of actually defending his claims or the claims made in the videos. There was nothing to "read". Another failed post by you. You're building up quite the portfolio of failed posts! :lol:
  3. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Wrong dude.

    I read the post and it's the same 911 truth sanctioned garbage which has gotten you, as a group, 3mm behind where 911 truth started 10 years ago.

    If you or Scott wish to discuss the details of why Harrit, Jones et al are horribly wrong just bring something to the table.

    What's amazing is that the charlatans who guide 911 truth never suffer the consequences of their failures, their lies and their obvious dishonesty, this is mostly because 911 truthers are exactly what they claim not to be.

  4. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    I'm more than willing to explore this question with you.

    First you have to show how you determined removing materials from ground zero was illegal and at what point of any investigation it becomes legitimate to remove materials from a crime scene.

    Next you'll have to show what benefits would have existed to the investigators had all the steel been left as it was for years as the investigation by the relevant bodies was conducted.

    Do you think there may have been foot prints near a window in one of the towers that were destroyed causing irreparable harm to the investigation?

    Perhaps some fingerprints that were destroyed by the clean up crews?

    Or maybe a ciggy butt with DNA which would have led to the Bush administration?

    Can you cite any reason to have left the steel where it was for months or years?

    Because I can cite a litany why it was and should have been removed in order for any investigation to proceed.
  5. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    That's not the right answer, of course. Those "in the know" about this will have to dismiss it as disinformation and continue to cite other sources of purely fantastical and conjectural information instead.
  6. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    that would be the end of the world if he ever did that.same goes with the other official conspiracy theory apologists.
  7. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    man your hopeless.your just going to play the games of these shills and give them the attention they seek,they are just here to waste your time and sadly,you give it to them all the time.your hopeless.
  8. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    ah thats so obvious that thats what happened.They also obviously paid him off to say that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy as well.
  9. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    only if you are in denial and living in a fairy tale land was it paint and no nano thermite.lol.
  10. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    very good discription of yourself.congrats. and you did NOT read it either obviously.I should say WATCH it because its a two hour movie that cant be debunked.I can see there are people on here who are obviously close minded and do not want to learn and are afraid of the truth and in denial so until someone comes back that itsnt.might as well leave this thread.
  11. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    you guys have never read griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING because nobody has ever been able to debunk that book despite their pathetic attempts.congress wont even take Griffins challenge to debate him in public about it.
  12. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    they must pay you guys really well to come up with all this nonsense.destroying and removing evidence is illegal,your grapsing at straws desperately. oh please, your really grasping at straws even more in the second paragraph.

    Its just like the kennedy assassiantion where they destroyed the limo and where the photos taken show a bullet hole in the windshield,how convenient in both cases how they hauled off the evidence,destroyed the evidence and did not give an honest investigation.a crime you cant get around and can only ramble on senselessly.

    footprints and fingerprints is grapsing at straws,instead of doing the mature thing and admitting they illegally destroyed and removed evidence and committed a crime,you come on here rambling like a lunatic.great job. well since you are obviously afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see,no point in going any further with you.
  13. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Why am I not surprised that you completely missed the point? What evidence are you even talking about?

    19 hijackers slamming planes into buildings is just like the Kennedy assassination? How fascinating.

    I think we should have this mess bronzed, screwed to a plaque, and mounted to a wall in a museum of hypocrisy..
  14. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    According to the state of New York penal code:

    According to the Federal government 18 USC ยง 2232

    So, 9/11 fraud, the point you missed was that you have to have some sort of argument that the site was cleaned up for the purpose of preventing an investigation. The only argument that you have is that the evidence to support your claims doesn't exist, and therefor must have been tampered with. How sad for you.
  15. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Your post is thick with irony.

    If you wish to learn something you'd do a couple of things; you would state what you find so convincing in your 2 hour truth-a-thon-a-thermite and you would state what you find unconvincing about the link I provided.

    As I said, the irony is quite thick as you've described 911 perfectly in that all are unwilling to learn and put their ideology in jeopardy.

    We could start a real discussion if you'd like, perhaps about the fact that the Harritt Jones et al study debunked themselves in a number of ways not the least of which being that their material releasing energy not consistant with any flavour of thermite.
  16. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Ah yes, the good olt truther meme stating that everyone who hasn't fallen for the drivel their masters belch out, must be on a government payroll.

    Well first of all, I am not an American so using that logical fallacy fails the sniff test right off the bat.

    Secondly, if you wish to make such accusations you should first supply some evidence for them. You've heard of evidence haven't you?

    Thirdly, if this is such a commonality you should be able to point out where others have been exposed, using evidence, doing so.

    Regarding your response to my well thought out post, seriously?

    Is that all you have?

    I'm looking for you to use your brain and show how it was you determined the removal of materials was illegal, not reiterate your baseless assertion.
  17. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Interesting claims, considering there's no evidence for nano-thermite and all sorts of evidence for the "official story."
  18. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    What's in there that can't be answered or debunked?
  19. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    DRG is a charlatan.

    And a theologian.

    That's another issue 911 truthers have dealing with their obviously crippled episomologies, they go to theologians for answers regarding structural engineering rather than structural engineers.

    On Debunking 9/11 Debunking

    by Ryan Mackey

    "In this paper, we examine the claims of Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding the NIST investigation into the World Trade Center disasters, and find those claims to be unfounded. All 18 major claims are discussed and rigorously dismissed, and a further analysis of the text reveals an overwhelming density of factual and logical errors.

    This paper refutes Dr. Griffin’s major claims, supporting with evidence that the aircraft impacts are expected to significantly damage the structures, that the resulting fires were of both sufficient temperature and duration to cause structural collapse, that a progressive collapse resulting in total destruction of the Towers was the likely result, and that the “controlled demolition” hypothesis is speculative and unsupported by any evidence. We also discuss the anticipated NIST report on World Trade Center Seven. The author highlights the fundamental sources of errors present in Dr. Griffin’s research and provides a template to evaluate future claims using resources available in open literature."

  20. Riffer

    Riffer New Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    I'll answer as if I were a 911 truther.

    *The colour yellow*

    No, it doesn't make sense so it fits perfectly with 911 truth.
  21. SkyStryker

    SkyStryker Banned

    Sep 26, 2010
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    I stopped reading at point 1 because you give no explanation as to why it would require "thousands" of people.
  22. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Of course you did, even though it's been explained to you many times.

    Logic is 'truther' Kryptonite, Joe.
  23. SkyStryker

    SkyStryker Banned

    Sep 26, 2010
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    It is completely fallacious to claim it would take "thousands" of people.
  24. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Why am I not surprised you don't get it? :lol: You MIGHT be able to carry out the attack with few people (depending on the nutjob theory you claim is true), but covering up the crime from all the people investigating the crime would be impossible without at LEAST thousands. Can YOU explain how they are going to cover up the crime of the millenia with a handful of people? Of course you can't or you already would have. Try again SS.
  25. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    No, it is completely ignorant to try and pretend it wouldn't take thousands. But go ahead and entertain us with what you think happened.

    BTW, in order for you to do that you will have to let everyone know just which theory you believe in. Last time I checked, you were unwilling to expose yourself to that level. Lord only knows truthers don't want to let anyone in on what they "REALLY" think happened since then they can't start pretending OTHER theories are what they REALLY thought happened. :lol: Consistancy has never been high on the truther list of attributes.

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